Telling Cross Culture stories. - 이야기 바구니

Cross-cultural & English understanding web information



Mistakes but Cute
( 귀여운 실수 )

Cultural Adventures with  Americans
(다른 문화 배우기)

Renting an Apartment (한글편으로)

Journey into English
( 영어 익히기)

Wrestling with Diverse Jobs
(직장 도전기)
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Dating with ENG 나는 영어와 연애를 한다. Surprise photo!

The Growth Potential of E-learning in Korea (성장 잠재력이  가득한 E-learning)

Click the envelope to contact me!

For the Korean wife, from a Korean wife, a story about the wedding process in Korean language

Information about the wedding process with US Embassy

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A collection of Cross Culture Stories


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