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  FBIS: ROK Websites on US-ROK Relations



Korean Federation of University Student Councils
(Hanguk Taehak Ch'onghaksaenghoe Yonhap; also Hanch'ongnyon) --
Explicitly anti-US; hosts a very active discussion board and community calendar where users can freely post messages and events; claims to have "a little over one million members"; banners prominently displayed on main page link to various labor, civic, and youth "progressive" groups. http://hanchongryun.jinbo.net

National Alliance for Democracy and Reunification of Korea, NADRK (Minjujuui Minjokt'ongil Chonguk Yonhap; also Chonguk Yonhap) -- Explicitly anti-US and pro-North Korea; hosts a very active open discussion board and community calendar where users can freely post messages and events; postings on this site have on occasion been extremely hostile toward USFK. Link to English-language site is not currently operational. http://www.nadrk.org

Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (Choguk T'ongil Pomminjok Yonhap; also Pommillyon) -- Not explicitly anti-US but is pro-North Korea and a self-proclaimed "leftist" organization; hosts a very active open discussion board, photo galleries, and a section called "Anti-US Documents," where users are able to post anti-US literature. Site focuses primarily on the North-South reunification issue. http://tongil.jinbo.net

Progressive Network (Chinbo Net'uwok'u) -- Not explicitly anti-US but is a self-proclaimed "leftist" organization; provides server space to several "progressive, social activist" groups such as Hanch'ongnyon and Pommillyon. Has English-language version. http://www.jinbo.net

National Campaign Headquarters for USFK Withdrawal (Chuhanmigunch'olsu Kungminundong Ponbu) --
Explicitly anti-US, particularly toward the US military, and pro-North Korea and reunification; hosts a relatively active open discussion board and calendar that contain postings critical of the US military in general and its actions during the Korean war and on the peninsula in particular. http://www.onekorea.net

National Campaign for Eradication of Crimes by US Troops in Korea (Chuhanmigun Pomjoe Kunjol Ponbu) -- Explicitly anti-US military site critical of crimes that US soldiers have committed against the Korean populace; hosts an open discussion board, a mechanism to report crimes by US soldiers, and background materials on SOFA. Has English-language version. http://usacrime.or.kr

National Association for the Abolition of the NSL (Kukkaboanbop P'yeji Pomgungmin Yondae) -- Pro-North Korea site that is critical of South Korea's National Security Law. Hosts open discussion board and a data center. http://freedom.jinbo.net

Association of Korean Youth Organizations (Hanguk Ch'ongnyon Tanch'e Hyobuihoe; also Hanch'ong) --Explicitly anti-US and pro-labor site; banners prominently displayed on main page link to various other labor, civic, and youth "progressive" groups; hosts active discussion boards and multimedia data section. http://youthkorea.org

National Council for Action on the US Military Vehicle's Murder of Middle School Girls Sin Hyo-sun and Sim Mi-son (Migunjanggapch'a Yochungsaeng Kosin Sin Hyo-sun, Song Mi-son Sarinsagon Pomgungmin Taech'aegwi; also Yojunsaeng Pomdaewi) -- Explicitly anti-US site that was recently launched in the wake of the USFK vehicle incident in Uijongbu on 13 June; provides emotionally charged pictures from the accident site, including photos of the girls' bodies at the scene of the incident. http://www.antimigun.org

Anti-US.com (Panmi Tatk'om) -- Explicitly anti-US site that encourages anti-US actions, such as the boycotting of US merchandise and participation in rallies; hosts open discussion boards and a reference materials section. http://www.banmi.com

People's Anti-Choson Ilbo Association (Choson Ilbo Pandae Simin Yondae; also Simin Yondae) -- Not explicitly anti-US; critical of the ROK daily Choson Ilbo and "conservatives" in South Korean society. http://www.antichosun.or.kr

Korean Farmers League (Chonguk Nongminhoe Ch'ongyonmaeng; also Chonnong) -- Pro-labor, pro-North Korea, and anti-US; hosts open discussion boards and news and data sections. http://junnong.org

Korean Women Farmers Association (Chonguk Yosong Nongminhoe Ch'ongyonhap; also Chonyonong) -- Pro-labor, not explicitly anti-US, but links to this site are found on several of the more critical anti-US dissident websites. http://www.kwfa.net

Korea Association of Bereaved Families for Democracy (Minjuhwa Undong Yugajok Hyobuihoe; also Yugahyop) -- Not explicitly anti-US, but a great deal of anti-US discussion takes place on the site's open discussion boards. http://ugh.or.kr

The April Revolution Association (Sawol Hyongmyonghoe) -- Anti-US, pro-North Korea, pro-independent reunification, and "progressive"; hosts discussion board and data sections. http://rev419.jinbo.net

Anti-US Women's Association (Panmi Yosonghoe) -- Explicitly anti-US, pro-labor, pro-independent reunification site that encourages anti-US actions; hosts open discussion boards and a reference materials section. http://www.banmiwoman.org

Reunification Association (T'ongil Yondae) -- Anti-US, pro-North Korea, pro-independent reunification; hosts open discussion boards, a community calendar, a reference materials section, and an extensive list of links to related organizations. http://www.615tongilyoundai.org

National Youth and Student Association for the Reunification of the Fatherland (Choguk T'ongil Pomminjok Ch'ongnyon Haksaeng Yonhap; also Pomch'onghangnyon) -- Anti-US, pro-North Korea, pro-independent reunification; hosts open discussion boards, a community calendar, and reference materials section. http://bchy.jinbo.net

Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, KCTU (Chonguk Nodong Chohap Hyobuihoe; also Chonnohyop) -- Not explicitly anti-US; pro-labor, pro-independent reunification, self-proclaimed "leftist" organization; hosts open discussion boards, a community calendar, and reference materials section. Has English-language version. http://www.nodong.org

Democratic Labor Party, DLP (Minju Nodongdang) -- Not explicitly anti-US; pro-labor and pro-independent reunification; hosts open discussion boards and a reference materials section. Has English-language version. http://www.kdlp.org

21st Century Progressive Student Union (21 Segi Chinbohaksaeng Yonhap) -- Explicitly anti-US, self-proclaimed "leftist" and "progressive"; hosts open discussion boards and a reference materials section. http://www.jinbo21c.org

South Kyonsang Province Countermeasures Committee for the Slaughter of Innocent Civilians By US Troops During the Korean War (Hanguk Chonchaengjung Miguneuihan Yangminhaksal Kyongsangnamdo Taech'aek Wiwonhoe; also Taech'aegwi) -- Explicitly anti-US, particularly toward the US military; hosts an open discussion board and is critical of the US military's actions during the Korean war and on the peninsula.

Voice of People (Minjungui Sori) -- Explicitly anti-US Internet news site; provides unique coverage of demonstrations and other activities; host an open discussion board and multimedia data sections. http://voiceofpeople.org

People's Campaign for Reform of Unjust ROK-US SOFA Agreement (Pulp'yongdunghan SOFA Kaejong Kungmin Haengdong) -- Explicitly anti-US, particularly critical of the perceived "unequal" relationship between the ROK and US; hosts an open discussion board and background materials on SOFA. http://sofa.jinbo.net

Homepage of Friar Mun Chong-hyon -- Explicitly anti-US homepage of ROK activist Mun Chong-hyon; hosts active discussion boards and multimedia data section. http://munjh.inp.or.kr

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North Korea:



Choson Sinbo -- Internet-based version of Choson Sinbo, the official organ of the pro-DPRK General Association of Korean Residents in Japan. URL: http://www.korea-np.co.jp

Democratic People's Republic of Korea -- Internet-based version of Democratic People's Republic of Korea, an English-language monthly pictorial magazine. URL:http://www.english.dprkorea.com/magazine/index.html

DPRKorea Infobank - Internet home page operated by North Korea's Pan-Pacific Economic Development Association of Korean Nationals, promoting economic, political, and cultural information on North Korea. URL: http://www.dprkorea.com

KCNA -- WWW home page of official DPRK news agency, provided by Tokyo-based Korea News Service. Root URL on filing date: http://www.kcna.co.jp

Korea Today -- Internet-based version of Korea Today, a monthly political and economic propaganda magazine in English, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Arabic. URL: www.english.dprkorea.com/magazine/index.html

Kumsu Kangsan -- Internet-based version of Kumsu Kangsan, a monthly general interest magazine. URL: www.english.dprkorea.com/magazine/index.html

The P'yongyang Times -- Internet-based version of The P'yongyang Times, a weekly English-language tabloid covering both domestic and international events but largely devoted to promoting Kim Il-song, Kim Chong-il, and chuch'e. URL: http://www.times.dprkorea.com/

The People's Korea -- Internet-based version of The People's Korea, a Tokyo-based semimonthly on Korean affairs that claims to serve as an unofficial mouthpiece for the DPRK Government. URL: http://www.korea-np.co.jp/pk

Uriminzokkiri - Internet home page for the "By the United Efforts of Our People" movement. URL: http://www.uriminzokkiri.com

Kuguk Chonson -- Internet home page of the South Korean National Democratic Front, an organization that North Korea purports is a pro-North civic group operating in South Korea. URL: http://www.ndfsk.dyn.to

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South Korea:


Korea Integrated News Database (KINDS) -- Extensive on-line database of South Korean news periodicals, Internet news outlets, and television news transcripts; also provides basic information on media outlets and journalists. URL: http://www.kinds.or.kr

Korea Press Foundation -- Internet home page of the Korea Press Foundation, which hosts several databases with in-depth information on the South Korean media sector. URL: http://www.kpf.or.kr/

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News Agency, Print Media:


Yonhap -- Internet-based version of Yonhap, the semiofficial news agency of the ROK. URL: http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr

Choson Ilbo -- Internet-based version of the largest and oldest daily Choson Ilbo, which is strongly nationalistic and anti-North Korean, with an estimated circulation of 2.8 million copies.
URL: http://www.chosun.com

Chugan Choson - Internet-based version of Chugan Choson, a weekly newsmagazine published by and similar in editorial orientation to Choson Ilbo. URL: http://weekly.chosun.com/

Chonja Sinmun -- Internet-based version of Chonja Sinmun, a daily servicing the electronics industry and the science and technology community in general. URL: http://www.etimesi.com

Chugan Tong-a -- Internet-based version of Chugan Tong-a, weekly newsmagazine published by and similar in editorial orientation to Tong-a Ilbo. URL: http://weekly.donga.com/

Chungang Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Chungang Ilbo, an independent, moderate daily with an estimated circulation of 2.5 million copies. URL: http://www.joins.com

Hanguk Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Hanguk Ilbo, a moderate independent daily with an estimated circulation of 1 million copies. URL: http://www.hankooki.com/

Hangyore 21 -- Internet-based version of Hangyore 21, a weekly newsmagazine published by and similar in editorial orientation to Hangyore. URL: http://www.hani.co.kr/h21

Hangyore -- Internet-based version of Hangyore, a center-left daily, which is generally anti-US and usually sympathetic toward North Korea, with an estimated circulation of 600,000 copies. URL: http://www.hani.co.kr

The Korea Herald -- Internet-based version of the generally pro-government English-language daily The Korea Herald. URL: http://www.koreaherald.co.kr

The Korea Times -- Internet-based version of The Korea Times, a moderate English-language daily published by Hanguk Ilbo. URL: http://times.hankooki.com/

Kukpang Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Kukpang Ilbo, a daily bulletin on ROK military news published by the Armed Forces Information Office of the ROK Ministry of National Defense. URL: http://kookbang.dema.go.kr/

Kungmin Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Kungmin Ilbo, a pro-Christian daily owned and operated by the Youido Full Gospel Church, with an estimated circulation of 400,000 copies. URL: http://www.kmib.co.kr/

Kyonghyang Sinmun -- Internet-based version of Kyonghyang Sinmun, an independent pro-labor daily with an estimated circulation of 250,000 copies. URL: http://www.khan.co.kr/

Maeil Kyongje -- Internet-based version of the moderate, leading economic daily Maeil Kyongje. URL: http://www.mk.co.kr/

Media Onul -- Internet-based version of Media Onul, an organ of the National Union of Media Workers. URL: http://www.mediaonul.com

Munhwa Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Munhwa Ilbo, an independent evening daily, which is pro-business in its editorial orientation. URL: http://www.munhwa.co.kr

Segye Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Segye Ilbo, a strongly anti-communist daily owned and operated by the Unification Church (Reverend Mun Son-myong), with an estimated circulation of 500,000 copies. URL: http://www.segye.com

Shindong-a -- Internet-based version of Sindong-a, a monthly political and economic newsmagazine published by and similar in editor. URL: http://shindonga.donga.com

Sisa Journal -- Internet-based version of Sisa Journal, a widely read independent weekly newsmagazine, which tends to be critical of US foreign policy. URL: http://www.e-sisa.co.kr

Taehan Maeil -- Internet-based version of Taehan Maeil, a pro-government daily, which was previously government-run but is currently controlled by its labor union. URL: http://www.kdaily.com/news/

Tong-a Ilbo -- Internet-based version of Tong-a Ilbo, the independent, moderate second-oldest daily with an estimated circulation of 1.8 million copies. URL: http://www.donga.com

Wolgan Choson -- Internet-based version of Wolgan Choson, a monthly political and economic newsmagazine published by and similar in editorial orientation to Choson Ilbo. URL: http://monthly.choson.com/

Wolgan Chungang -- Internet-based version of Wolgan Chungang, a monthly political and economic newsmagazine published by and similar in editorial orientation to Chungang Ilbo. URL: http://www.monthlyjoongang.com

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Internet-Exclusive Media:


News and News -- Anti-DPRK, pro-US Internet-exclusive newspaper espousing "sound conservatism." Editorial writers include former Seoul Choson Ilbo and Seoul Tong-a Ilbo editorial writers. Root URL on filing date: http://www.newsandnews.com

OhmyNews -- Slightly anti-US, pro-North Korean online news site, which provides reporting and analyses on ROK politics, economics, social and cultural affairs, and ROK-US relations. URL: http://www.ohmynews.com

PRESSian -- Slightly anti-US, pro-North Korean Internet-exclusive newspaper run by former political dissidents and journalists barred from writing under past authoritarian regimes. URL: http://www.pressian.com

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Broadcast Media:


KBS 1 TV -- Internet home page of KBS 1 TV, the state-run television of the ROK. URL: http://www.kbs.co.kr/tv/

KBS 1 Radio -- Internet home page of KBS 1 Radio, the state-run radio of the ROK. URL: http://www.kbs.co.kr/radio/

MBC TV -- Internet home page of MBC TV, semiofficial television station of the ROK, which tends to be critical of US foreign policy. URL: http://www.imbc.com/

SBS TV -- Internet home page of SBS TV, commercial television station of the ROK. URL: http://www.sbs.co.kr/

YTN Cable TV -- Internet home page of YTN Cable TV, a 24-hour independent cable television news network, which is majority owned by three companies in which the South Korean Government is the largest shareholder. URL: http://www.ytn.co.kr/

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Government Sites:



Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification -- Internet home page of the South Korean Government's Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification, which advises the ROK president on unification policy. URL: http://www.acdpu.go.kr

Bank of Korea -- Internet home page of the Bank of Korea, South Korea's central bank.
URL: http://www.bok.or.kr

Ch'ongwadae -- Internet home page of the ROK presidential offices. URL: http://www.president.go.kr

Financial Supervisory Commission -- Internet home page of the Financial Supervisory Commission, the ROK Government's integrated "single financial regulator". URL: http://www.fsc.go.kr

Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade's think tank. URL: http://www.ifans.go.kr

Korea Institute for National Unification -- Internet home page of the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU), a state-run research institute that specializes in North Korea and North-South reunification issues. URL: http://www.kinu.or.kr

Korea.net -- Official ROK Government Internet home page operated by the Korea Information Service.
URL: http://www.korea.net

Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency -- Internet home page of the government-run Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA). URL: http://www.kotra.or.kr

Ministry of Finance and Economy -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of Finance and Economy. URL: http://www.mofe.go.kr

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. URL: http://www.mofat.go.kr

Ministry of Information and Communication -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of Information and Communication; produced by the Korea Network Information Center. URL: http://www.mic.go.kr

Ministry of Justice -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of Justice. URL: http://www.moj.go.kr

Ministry of Science and Technology -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of Science and Technology. URL: http://www.most.go.kr

Ministry of Unification -- Internet home page for the ROK Ministry of Unification. URL: http://www.unikorea.go.kr

National Assembly -- Internet home page of the ROK National Asembly. URL: http://www.assembly.go.kr

National Election Commission WWW in Korean -- Internet home page of the ROK National Election Commission. URL: http://www.nec.go.kr

National Intelligence Service -- Internet home page of the South Korean National Intelligence Service. URL: http://www.nis.go.kr

Seoul Metropolitan Government -- Internet home page of the metropolitan government of South Korea's capital of Seoul. URL: http://www.metro.seoul.kr

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Defense Sites:


Agency for Defense Development (ADD) -- Internet home page of the ROK Agency for Defense Development. URL: http://www.add.re.kr/

Air Force -- Internet home page of the ROK Air Force. URL: http://www.airforce.mil.kr/

Army -- Internet home page of the ROK Army. URL: http://www.army.mil.kr/

Joint Chiefs of Staff -- Internet home page of the ROK JCS

Ministry of National Defense -- Internet home page of the ROK Ministry of National Defense. URL: http://www.mnd.go.kr

Navy -- Internet home page of the ROK Navy. URL: http://www.navy.go.kr/

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North Korea -- http://www.calle.com/world/northkorea/index.html

South Korea -- http://www.calle.com/world/southkorea/index.html

Korea Maps -- http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/korea.html

On-Line Dictionaries, Glossaries



North Korean Dictionary -- URLs:
1) NIS DPRK Dictionary -- http://www.nis.go.kr/kr/include/branch.jsp?menu_id=M03210000
[in Korean]
2) Choson Ilbo DPRK Dictionary -- http://nk.chosun.com/unification/northword/northword.html [in Korean]
3) NK Tech DPRK Dictionary -- http://www.nktech.net/tec_radar/term/term_l.php

OneDic.com -- http://www.onedic.com

Yahoo! Dictionary -- http://kr.engdic.yahoo.com

Nate Dictionary -- http://dic.nate.com

Empas Dictionary -- http://engdic.empas.com

Impact Dictionary -- http://dic.impact.pe.kr

Bablefish/AltaVista Machine Translation -- http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn

Ch'ollian Dictionary -- http://dic.search.chol.com/english/

Korean Search Portals



Yahoo! Korea -- http://kr.yahoo.com/

Google Korea -- http://www.google.co.kr/

Daum -- http://www.daum.net/

Empas -- http://www.empass.co.kr/

Naver -- http://www.naver.com/

Multiro -- http://www.multiro.co.kr/

GoTo -- http://goto.cyfam.com/

Real.co.kr -- http://real.co.kr

Ready.co.kr -- http://ready.co.kr

Vivisimo -- http://www.vivisimo.co.kr

Media-Related Organizations






KOREA AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS -- Objectives: To research circulations of newspapers and magazines; Chairman: Ch'oe Chong-yul (Choe Jong-ryul). URL: http://http://www.kabc.or.kr

KOREA COPY EDITORS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To elevate the quality of members and promote their friendship; Chairman: Pak Chong-ch'ol (Park Jeong-cheol). URL: http://www.edit.or.kr

KOREA PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER'S ASSOCIATION (KPPA) -- Objectives: To promote friendship among press photographers; Chairman: Sok Tong-yul (Seok Dong-ryul). URL: http://www.newsphotokorea.com

KOREA PRESS PROOFREADERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To conduct research on proofreading for newspapers and news agencies; Chairman: Yim Sung-su (Im Seung-su). URL: http://www.malgeul.net

KOREAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF WAN -- Chairman: Ch'oe Hak-nae (Choe Hak-rae). URL: http://www.wan-press.org

KOREAN NEWSPAPERS ORGANIZATION -- Objectives: To promote the development of newspaper management and other common interests; Chairman: Ch'oe Hak-nae (Choe Hak-rae). URL: http://www.presskorea.or.kr

HANKOOK NEWS INK COMPANY Ltd. -- Objectives: To contribute to the joint interests of members by manufacturing good printing ink; President: Yi Ung (Lee Ung). URL: http://www.rainbowink.co.kr

KOREAN PRESS ETHICS COMMISSION -- Objectives: To elevate the ethics of news reports and reporters; Chairman of Board of Directors --- Kim Tae-song (Kim Dae-seong). URL: http://www.ikpec.or.kr

PRESS FOUNDATION OF ASIA (PFA) KOREAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE -- Objectives: To contribute the improvement of quality of newspapers and broadcasting in Asia; Chairman: Chang Tae-hwan (Jang Dae-hwan)

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BROADCASTING PRODUCER ASSOCIATION OF KOREA -- Objectives: To conduct fairly the role of broadcasters and promote the broadcasting culture; Chairman: Chang Ki-rang (Jang Gi-rang). URL: http://www.pdnet.or.kr

FOUNDATION FOR BROADCAST CULTURE -- Objectives: To contribute to developing broadcasting culture; Chairman of Broad of Directors: Kim Yong-un. URL: http://www.fbc.or.kr

KOREA BROADCAST ACTORS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To develop television art and to speak for members' rights and interests; Chairman of Broad of Directors-- Kim Hae-kwang (Kim Hae-gwonk)

KOREA BROADCASTING CAMERAMAN ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To study and research of broadcasting fields; Chairman: Kim Ung-ki (Kim Eung-gi). URL: http://www.utc.or.kr

KOREA BROADCASTING JOURNALISTS CLUB (B.J CLUB) -- Objectives: To promote friendship among members and enhance the broadcasting culture; Chairman: Kim Ki-to (Kim Gi-do)

KOREA CRITICISM OF BROADCASTING -- Objectives: To found sound culture of broadcasting criticism; Chairman: Ch'oe Chang-sop (Choe Chang-seop)

KOREA INDEPENDENT PRODUCTIONS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To raise competitive power of broadcasting program and to contribute development of broadcasting culture; Chairman: Kim Tae-ki (Kim Tae-gi). URL: http://www.kipa21.com

KOREA RETIRED BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To contribute development of broadcasting culture throughout preserving historical materials and technique of broadcast; Chairman: Han Yong-sop (Han Yeong-seop)

KOREA TELEVISION CAMERA JOURNALIST ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: Aimed at promoting the development of free press and broadcasting culture; Chairman: Ch'oe Ki-hong (Choe Gi-hong). URL: http://www.news-cam.or.kr

KOREAN ANNOUNCER ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To contribute to developing broadcasting culture; Chairman: Song In-tok (Song In-deuk)

KOREAN BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: Consultation and research for better management of broadcasting companies; consultation and research on production of broadcasting programs; Chairman: Pak Kwon-sang (Park Gwon-sang). URL: http://www.radiotv.or.kr

KOREAN BROADCASTING ACADEMIC SOCIETY -- Objectives: To study and research of broadcasting fields; Chairman: Chong Tae-ch'ol (Jeong Dae-cheol). URL: http://www.kabs.or.kr

KOREAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION -- Objectives: To maintain the public responsibility, fairness, and public interests of broadcasting; Chairman: Kang Tae-in (Gang Dae-in). URL: http://www.kbc.go.kr

KOREAN BROADCASTING ENGINEERS & TECHNICIANS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To promote friendship among members and contribute to developing broadcasting culture; Chairman: Kim Su-t'ae (Kim Su-tae). URL: http://www.kobeta.org

KOREAN BROADCASTING INSTITUTE -- Objectives: To contribute to enhancing broadcasting quality through the research and publication on broadcast; President: Ko Chin (Go Jin). URL: http://www.kbi.re.kr

KOREAN CABLE TELEVISION ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To protect the rights of members and promote their welfare; Chairman: Ch'oe Chong-su (Choe Jong-su). URL: http://www.kcta.or.kr

KOREAN TV AND RADIO WRITERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To promote friendship among members and contribute to enhancing national culture; Chairman: Yi Hui-u (Lee Hui-u). URL: http://www.ktrwa.or.kr

KOREAN SOCIETY OF BROADCAST ENGINEERS -- Chairman: Yi Chong-ung (Lee Chung-ung); URL: http://www.kosbe.or.kr

KOREAN TELEVISION DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To promote friendship among members; Chairman: Yi Kyong-chik (Lee Gyeong-jik). URL: http://www.tvcam.or.kr

YEOUIDO BROADCASTERS CLUB -- Objectives: Researching for development of broadcasting culture and devising friendship of broadcasters; Chairman: Yu Su-yol (Yu Su-yeol). URL: http://www.ybc.or.kr

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KOREA ADVERTISERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To promote advertising; Chairman: Min Pyong-chun (Min Byeong-jun). URL: http://www.kaa.or.kr

KOREA ADVERTISING REVIEW BOARD -- Objectives: To promote advertising; Chairman: Nam Chong-hyu (Nam Jeong-hyu). URL: http://www.karb.or.kr

KOREA BROADCASTING ADVERTISING CORPORATION -- Objectives: To sell terrestrial TV radio advertising time on behalf of broadcast stations; President: Kang Tong-yon (Gang Dong-yeon). URL: http://www.kobaco.co.kr

KOREA FEDERATION OF ADVERTISING ASSOCIATIONS -- Objectives: To promote advertising; Chairman: Chon Ung-tok (Jeon Eung-deok). URL: http://www.adic.co.kr

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Research Institutes:


BANG IL-YONG FOUNDATION -- Objectives: To contribute to the elevation of the journalists & quality; Chairman of Board of Directors --- Yun Chu-yong (Yun Ju-yeong). URL: http://www.bangfound.org

IL-KYEONG PRESS FOUNDATION -- Objectives: To contribute to the development of the press; Chairman of Board of Directors --- Yun Im-sul

JUNG JIN-GHI PRESS FOUNDATION -- Objectives: Aimed at supporting and managing cultural business including press-related publications; Chairman of Board of Directors --- Yi Se-rye (Lee Seo-rye)

LG SANGNAM PRESS FOUNDATION -- Objectives: To contribute to the elevation of the journalists & quality; Chairman of Board of Directors --- An Pyong-hun (An Byeong-hun). URL: http://www.lgpress.org

SAMSUNG PRESS FOUNDATION -- Objectives: To contribute to the elevation of the journalists & quality; Chairman of Board of Directors --- Hong Sung-o (Hong Seung-o). URL: http://www.ssmedianet.org

SHINYOUNG JOURNALISM FUND OF KWANHUN CLUB -- Chairman of Board of Directors --- Yi Kwang-hun (Lee Gwan-hun). URL: http://www.kwanhun.com

SUNGKOK JOURNALISM FOUNDATION -- Chairman of Board of Directors --- Han Chong-u (Han Jong-u)

KOREA PRESS FOUNDATION -- Objectives: To contribute to the sound development of the press & promote the welfare of journalists; Chairman: Pak Ki-chung (Park Kee-jung); URLs: http://www.kpf.or.kr and http://www.kinds.or.kr

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Civic Groups, Other:


CITIZENS' COALITION FOR DEMOCRATIC MEDIA -- Activities: Monitoring press and TV: media education; Chairman: Song Yu-po (Seong Yu-bo). URL: http://www.ccdm.or.kr

CITIZENS' COALITION FOR MEDIA WATCH -- Activities: Research on Media Policy; Investigation on Violation of Human Rights by Media; Legal Aid for the Victims of Media; Representative: Pak Sang-chung (Park Sang-jeung). URL: http://www.mediawatch.or.kr

IPI KOREAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE -- Objectives: To promote the friendship and protect the freedom of press, under the baton of IPI; Chairman: Pang Sang-hun (Bang Sang-hun)

JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION OF KOREA -- Objectives: Promotion of fraternity among members; upgrading the quality; protection of the rights; Chairman: Yi Sang-ki (Lee Sang-gi). URL: http://www.journalist.or.kr

KOREA ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITION & INFORMATION STUDIES -- Chairman: Yi Pom-su (Lee Beom-su). URL: http://www.kacis.org

KOREA BUSINESS COMMUNICATORS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To promote friend and protect the rights of members; Chairman: Kim Hung-ki (Kim Heung-gi). URL: http://www.sabo.or.kr

KOREA DAILY LIVING INFORMATION NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To promote friend and protect the rights of members; Chairman: Yim Song-yul (Im Seong-ryul). URL: http://www.konia.or.kr

KOREA JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To contriving friendship of former and the present journalists; Chairman: Song Tae-sok (Seong Dae-seok). URL: http://www.kjournalists.org

KOREA JOURNALISTS CLUB -- Objectives: To promote mutual assistance and friendship; Chairman: Yi Chong-sok (Lee Jeong-seok). URL: http://www.kjclub.or.kr

KOREA MAGAZINE ASSOCIATION --Objectives: Founded for improving ethics of magazine and protecting the rights of members; Chairman: Yi Sim (Lee Sim). URL: http://www.kmpa.co.kr

KOREA MASS MEDIA CLUB -- Objectives: upgrading the quality of journalism; Chairman: Yi Hyong-kyun (Lee Hyeong-gyun). URL: http://www.talknnews.com

KOREA MEDIA RATING BOARD -- Chairman: Kim Su-yong; URL: http://www.kmrb.or.kr

KOREA NEWS EDITORS' ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To secure the freedom of press and promote the friendship among members; Chairman: Ko Hak-yong (Go Hak-yong). URL: http://edit.or.kr

KOREA ONLINE NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION -- Chairman: O Kwi-hwan (O Gwi-hwan). URL: http://www.kona.or.kr

KOREA PRESS RESEARCHER'S ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: Upgrading the quality of journalism; Chairman: Pak Sang-kyu (Park Sang-gyu). URL: http://www.josa.or.kr

KOREA RADIO PERFORMERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To protect actor's copyright and to contribute speech living of people and development of sound broadcast culture; Chairman: Kim Chong-song (Kim Jong-seong)

KOREA SCIENCE REPORTERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To contribute to the development of science journalism; Chairman: Yi Chan-hui (Lee Chan-hwi). URL: http://www.scinews.co.kr

KOREA SPECIALIZED NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: Founded for pursuing common benefits of members; Chairman: Chang Ok-hwan (Jang Ok-hwan)

KOREAN FEDERATION OF PRESS UNIONS -- Objectives: To promote the friendship and protect the rights of members; Chairman: Kim Yong-paek (Kim Yong-baek). URL: http://media.nodong.org

KOREAN PUBLICATION ETHICS COMMISSION -- Objectives: Inspection of general ethical principles in publications; Chairman: Yun Yang-chung (Yun Yang-Jung). URL: http://www.kpec.or.kr

KOREAN PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION -- Objectives: To secure the freedom of publication and contribute toward enhancing national culture; Chairman: Yi Chong-il (Lee Jeong-il). URL: http://www.kpa21.co.kr

KOREAN SOCIETY FOR JOURNALISM & COMMUNICATION STUDIES -- Objectives: To promote friendship among members and contribute to the journalism and communication studies; Chairman: Kim Hak-su; URL: http://www.ksjcs.or.kr

KOREAN SPORTS PRESS UNION -- Objectives: To manage the relations with the AIPS and the ASPU and elevate the ability of Korean sports journalists and protect their rights; Chairman: So Chong-hun (Seo Jeong-hun). URL: http://www.photoro.com/kspu

KOREAN WOMAN JOURNALISTS CLUB -- Objectives: To hold various meetings and seminars and protect the rights and interests of women journalists; Chairman: Yun Hye-won

KWANHUN CLUB -- Objectives: Enhancement of the freedom of the press, contributions to the development of the press; Rep.: Mun Chang-kuk (Mun Chang-geuk). URL: http://kwanhun.com

PEOPLE'S COALITION FOR MEDIA REFORM -- Objectives: Citizen's organization for reformation of media law consumer's media education; Representatives: Song Yu-po (Seong Yu-bo), Song Tu-hwan (Song Du-hwan), Yi Kwong-sok (Lee Gyeong-suk), Yi Pom-su (Lee Beom-su). URL: http://www.pcmr.or.kr

PRESS ARBITRATION COMMISSION -- Objectives: To arbitrate the disputes over complaints for correction of news reports; Chairman: Pak Yong-sik (Park Yeong-sik). URL: http://www.pac.or.kr

SEOUL FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS' CLUB (FCC) -- Objectives: This club is a nonprofit organization for foreign journalists accredited in Korea; Chairman: Pak Han-chun (Park Han-chun). URL: http://www.sfcc.or.kr

SEOUL JOURNALISTS CLUB -- Objectives: To contribute to the society and promotion of journalism; Chairman: O So-paek (O So-baek)

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This page is a joint collaboration with S2Online.org. It will be updated as I get time, and with YOUR input. Email us here. I have gone through the process. Send any questions you have, submit other helpful resources or tell us your experience. You may write in English or Korean.

The mission of this site is to make life easier for those marrying foreign nationals to do it correct, and make life easier for the S2s to tell the correct way for the administrative actions.

Also see: A story about the wedding process for the Korean wife, by a Korean wife (in Korean).

Frequently used links

English language homepage of the US Embassy, Seoul.

Korean language homepage of the US Embassy, Seoul.


Immigrant visas (sometimes known as "green cards") are for persons who are immigrating to the U.S.; that is, persons who plan to live, work or study and remain permanently in America. Immigrant visas (IV) are a responsibility of the U.S. Department of State, Consular Affairs Bureau (CONS/IV). Most IVs require an underlying petition approved by the U.S. Justice Department, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) before any IV processing starts. If you have questions, please contact the responsible agency: CONS/IV or INS.

CONS/IV Seoul, Korea is open to the general public from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. IV applicants are seen by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 12:00. IV is closed to the public Wednesday afternoons and on both U.S. and Korean holidays.

If you have a question concerning IVs, please contact US Embassy at:

82 Sejong-ro, Chongro-Ku, Seoul 110-710 KOREA or
Unit 15550, APO AP 96205-0001

INTL Fax: 822-397-4501,
DOMESTIC FAX: 02-397-4501, DSN FAX: 721-4501

IV information is also available by automated FAX from within Korea by calling 02-700-2510.

The American Embassy is closed on both U.S. and Korean holidays.

Get I-130 Immigration paperwork:


This is the first part of the trek to being able to have your new wife travel with you, when you go to USA. Then you have to do a BIO form G-325A on yourself and your spouse. Below site you will find G-325A:


Info on INS Photograph Requirements which are required for BOTH sponsor and spouse:



Chest xray Required
Interview on post Mr. Ku, JAG, Seoul, Korea

Ration Card, and ID card for Post.

Change insurance GS or SGLI

Open a bank account on post:

USAA Car Insurance and Banking for Military

New Will

Drivers License Pam 385-2 Guide to safe driving in Korea.
M-TH 08-1030 walk in.
Driver Lic
Gas Mask Issue
CPO, insurance

An individual applying at a foreign service post for an immigrant visa and alien registration, i.e., completes the Form DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, should answer "yes" to the questions 33a and 33b on the form if he or she wants an SSN assigned.

A Guide to Immigration for Spouses of U.S. citizens in Korea

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