SecurityMgr.Info website to help Security Managers and Intell Professionals
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ID Theft Info

Id Theft Prevention
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Travel Security

Foreign Wife Info

Current Events
Country Studies

Export Control at Universities Dec 2006


MI Corps Asso Mentor Page

Webmaster is one of 19 mentors


How to get Published

AKO Sign In

American Legion, China Post #1,  Expat Post-Great for those frequent overseas travelers.


Retired Activities Office, Korea (Excellent widow info)

Additional info page

on Rick Eaton, RIP

12 Aug 03 in IZ.

See jobs info site



The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo

Welcome to Washington District of Columbia



Webmaster is Sr Vice Cmdr of this Am Legion Post

Intell Links   

Security Links2

Links for Security Managers

     The Director of National Intelligence has some new links that are CRITICAL for the security manager.

This webpage will assist the security managers and is NOT only for DOD security managers. The old days of using DCID 6/4 need to be reviewed because of the new DNI method of organizing information.  I do have many of the links from the DNI Electronic Reading Room to keep our Security Managers informed.


I need security managers to forward me good links!


I am looking at SOPs to use and share with other security managers who need then ASAP, as usual.


DNI is soon publishing Intelligence Community Directive, Number 501, Policy on the Use of Dissemination Controls for Intelligence Information



Export Control at Universities Dec 2006

All FREE Made Out of Individual's
Dedication and Off Duty Time




DHS Job Seekers Square Button

 Also see the

Frequently Used Links

Time and  

DSS EPSQ Info For Clearances and Defense Security Service


Small Arms Storage Racks

Army Administrative Publications (NEW 380-5 Located Here!)

State Dept Travel Advisories
This State Dept link is great for all offices that have to prepare travel briefing

MI Corps Asso Mentor Page


Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group Info Page

Security Links2 for busy Security Managers


Tales of life between two cultures.



All links tested and working on 15 Oct 2007 in Washington DC. Please report bad links found on these pages.
If you have comments, improvements, or additional links to add, please email me! I look forward to hearing from you! Many new links are constantly added from readers sending them to me! We want this site as interactive and user-friendly as possible.

To navigate this site use the drop-down menu at top. Also look for sub sections listed on the left.


Looking to start new pages on new countries. Send me links, stories, and pictures to use, I do credit donors!

Mexico Philippines,  Thailand , Iran, Iraq, Korea


S2's are the Intelligence and Security Officer for Military Units. This is often a thankless job, where they receive little training.


New OIF or IZ or Iraq webpage started to enable TARGET SMART deployers!

((Also new IRAN Study Word Doc)

We have a couple of tidbits from the Iraq page:

English <-> Arabic basic phrases for social, courtesy and cooperation situations

Examples (with translations) of typical Arabic-language public signage and warning notices. Square Button

Upcoming Dates

Terrorism Events Calendar

Computer Security - Virus Calendar (Scroll down!!)

See new north Korea info below! (Intentional nK!!)

USPACOM/J34 Antiterrorism & Critical Infrastructure Protection Info

  U.S. Department of Homeland Security

click to enlarge

CIA's World Fact Book


CIA Maps & Publications Universal Currency Converter™

Convert this amount  ...

...of this currency...

...into this type of currency.

Universal Currency Converter service and trade mark under license from Terms of Use A Korean & English site full of stories about cross culture success and funny stories. 


Great Crisis Map

I am looking for links for Security Managers!

Send to webmaster JRL at this domain.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Electronic Reading Room

    • Intelligence Community Directives

    • 2006 Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums

      • 2006-100-1: The Intelligence Community Policy Process
      • 2006-200-2: Role of The Office of the Director of National Intelligence Analytic Ombudsman
      • 2006-600-1: National Intelligence Reserve Corps (5mb)
      • 2006-700-3: Intelligence Community Modifications To
        Annex C (25mb)
      • 2006-700-4: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/4. "Personnel Security Standards and Procedures for Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), Annex A Standard C . Single-Scope Background Investigation- Periodic Reinvestigation (SSBI-PR)" (3mb)
      • 2006-700-5: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/4 "Personnel Security Standards and Procedures for Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)," Annex F "Reciprocity of SCI Eligibility Determinations" (6mb)
      • 2006-700-6: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/4: "Personnel Security Standards and Procedures for Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)" Pertaining to Expeditious Handling of Issue-Free Personnel Security Cases and Out-Of-Date Single Scope Background Investigations for Continued and Renewed SCI Access (2mb)
      • 2006-700-7: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/9. "Physical Security Standards for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs)" (3.5 mb)
      • 2006-700-8: Intelligence Community Modifications to DCID 6/1 Supplement. "Security Policy Manual For SCI Control Systems"

    • 2005 Intelligence Community Policy Memorandums

      • 2005-100-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Management
      • 2005-100-2: Director of National Intelligence Mission Managers
      • 2005-100-3: Reporting of Intelligence Activities to Congress
      • 2005-200-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis
      • 2005-300-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Collection
      • 2005-400-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Customer Outcomes
      • 2005-700-1: Intelligence Community Update to Director of Central Intelligence DCID 6/9. "Physical Security Standards for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs)"
      • 2005-800-1: Authorities, Roles, and Responsibilities of the Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Science and Technology

    • Part I -Portable Electronic Devices in Sensitive 3 Compartmented Information Facilities
    • Portable Electronic Device (PED) Mitigation
    • DNI Special Security Center (SSC)

Click to return to Home Page of DNI SSC

CIA logo

DCI Directive 6/4
Personnel Security Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) 

This is one of the best tools, government paid for and operated. What Is the ADR?

The Adjudicative Desk Reference (ADR) provides convenient access to the following information:

  • Adjudicative Guidelines: This is the official U.S. Government policy that guides decisions on an individual’s eligibility for access to classified information, that is, eligibility for a security clearance.
  • Supplemental Information to the Adjudicative Guidelines: This is a large compendium of background information and reference materials on the diverse human behaviors covered by the 13 issue areas of adjudicative concern. As noted below, Supplemental Information is not U.S. Government policy. It is a job aid to assist security personnel in making informed judgments to implement policy.
  • Policy Documents: Executive Orders 12968 and 10450 and Director of Central Intelligence Directive 1/14 are the principal national-level policy documents that guide the U.S. Government personnel security program.

    The Personnel Security Committee of the U.S. Government Security Policy Board considers this program ARD a valuable tool and encourages its use by all U.S. Government agencies that make personnel security decisions. The program was developed by the Security Research Center of the Defense Security Service. It has been reviewed by DoD Public Affairs and approved for public release. This is version 99.1-html dated January 1999.

Adjudicative Guidelines
Approved by the President March 24, 1997


The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo

This is for all those people who get the hoaxes.  Great links to check hoax virus and good deals.   For proper reporting.   CERT 
Coordination Center

Some good portals.IFyou are authorized.

DHS Threat Advisories, Bulletins, Memoranda (cleared for public release)

April 19, 2005 – Information Bulletin – Unauthorized Peer to Peer (P2P) Programs on Government Computers (PDF, 4 pages - 50 KB) ..

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© 1993-2007 Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc

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   Date of last edit: 15 October 2007 22:03 time is Washington DC. 
 New redesign and counter started 5 Dec 02.

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