SecurityMgr.Info website to help Security Managers and Intell Professionals
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Export Control at Universities Dec 2006

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Department of Homeland Security Threat Advisory System
DHS Threat & Protection Advisory Level - Yellow: Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks


MI Corps Asso Mentor Page


How to get Published

OPSEC Professionals Society
FCIC logoFederal Citizen Information Center, Pueblo, CO


American Legion, China Post #1,  Expat Post-Great for those frequent overseas travelers.



Retired Activities Office, Korea (Excellent widow info)

Additional info page

on Rick Eaton, RIP

12 Aug 03 in IZ.

See jobs info site


The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo

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Webmaster is Sr.Vice Cmdr of this Am Legion Post


The Seoul Computer Club

US Military Retirees
Association Korea

US Military Retirees Association Korea

AKO Sign In 


Great Crisis Map

HSPD-12 site for GSA and the Managed Service Office

    Supported by:       Lint Center
for National Security Studies, Inc


 S M. I


Linguist and Language Support Page

Send your links to the webmaster or JRL

The LingNet web site is a service provided by the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center.

Link to Countries in Perspective
The Area Studies (Countries in Perspective) series is a big hit! Over 10,000 copies of "Iraq in Perspective" were printed and given to deploying troops to supplement familiarization training. The newest addition to the series, "Area Studies: Serbia", is now complete.
Link to Global Language Online Support System
GLOSS offers over 1100 reading and listening lessons in 11 languages! The first 10 Dari lessons will soon be available. More lessons are added every month... make sure you check them out.
Link to GLOSS Unplugged
There are six GLOSS Unplugged CD's currently available: Arabic (AD0504X), Balkans (BK0504X), Chinese (CM0504X), Korean (KP0504X), Russian (RU0504X) & Spanish (QB0504X). Use the CD Number when ordering. Request your copy of the GLOSS CDs by clicking the link above.

Splash Image

Arabic Language Resources

Learn Arabic
. Learn The Alphabet . Learn Reading and Conversation
. Download Books . Order Software Online
. Glossaries . Meaning of Arabic Words/Expressions
. Related Page . Educational Resources - Online - Abroad

Computer Tools . Fonts - Write/Read Arabic - Keyboard Layout
. Translators for Words or Complete Webpages

From the History to useful phrases (excellent phrase page)

ome material can be requested direct from a ME FAO at He has graciously offered assistance via the Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group.

This area is the index to the various IZ or Iraqi files on this site:

 NEW Link-> LTC (Ret) Steve Franke's recent input for personnel deploying.

Also his recent input is below...

We have a couple of tidbits:

1. English <-> Arabic basic phrases for social, courtesy and cooperation situations

Examples (with translations) of typical Arabic-language public signage and warning notices.


Welcome to the Korean Resource Page

Korean Links in Korean
Korean American Web Sites in North America
The Dartmouth Korean Links Page
Asian American Resources
Asian Canadian Resources
University of Hawaii Korean Links
Korea Online
Duke University Virtual Library
HandiLinks to Korea
Korea Network Information Center
Gateway to Korea
Korea Society
Korea WebWeekly
Korean Studies by Frank Hoffman A Korean & English site full of stories about cross culture success and funny stories. 

Below are webpages on this website:

KS Gov & Mil | nK Gov & Mil | US Military in KS | Culture & Travel

News | Korea/Asian Studies | Miscellaneous| Foreign Wife Info

The Seoul Computer Club

Active Map for WWW Servers in Korea
WWW Servers in Korea
Internet Korea

Russian/English Translations
Translation services in all major areas between Russian and English.

The WorldRelations.Org site has info on culture, Azeri and excellent info on Germany from an American who lived in Germany


About  SecurityMgr.Info & S2Online

     The mission of this site is to share SOPs and questions, especially for the non-Security Manager or Intelligence personnel who get thrown into an S2 (Military Security Manager) slot with no training.  This will give you a system to ask questions, with out appearing the fool in front of your commander. We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.   Information may be found at: this LINK 

I have retired from the military and a tour as civil service with the military, then looked at Homeland Security support from the intelligence community. And currently embarking on a tour with another Department. Any links or assistance you can provide would be appreciated, and may appear in the links at the bottom of this page.

All FREE Made Out of Individual's
Dedication and Off Duty Time


Army CI Discussion Group

Email list server Info


Career & Job Info Index

GS Civil Service Job Info

Intelligence Jobs

Retirement Info


OPM Retirement Info

OPM Status

Also see the Department of Energy Jobs  DOE Jobs

USAJOBS Working for America


Frequently Used Links

Time and  

DSS EPSQ Info For Clearances and Defense Security Service


Army Administrative Publications (NEW 380-5 Located Here!)

Small Arms Storage Racks

State Dept Travel Advisories
This State Dept link is great for all offices that have to prepare travel briefing

MI Corps Asso Mentor Page


Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group Info Page


Table of Contents

Export Control at Universities Dec 2006

Intell Links    Security Links2

Great Crisis Map

Costa Rica Trip Report


Tales of life between two cultures.



All links tested and working on 19 Nov 2007 in Washington DC. Please report bad links found on these pages.
If you have comments, improvements, or additional links to add, please email me! I look forward to hearing from you! Many new links are constantly added from readers sending them to me! We want this site as interactive and user-friendly as possible.

To navigate this site use the drop-down menu at top. Also look for sub sections listed on the left.


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Bomb Threat Stand-Off Distances Chart from NCTC  Link


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This website was started in 1991 to assisting security managers and making soldiers target smart on foreign countries.


       ©1993-2006 Omni Sys Enterprises, Inc ::: webmaster -- Date of last edit: 19 November 2007 21:06 time is Washington DC. 

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