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I want to make a webpage listing of the many different security manager
classes.  We all need to give classes, and make "new" classes.
Lets quit reinventing the wheel. Lets quit parking the classes where they get dusty and help all in the security business.
IF everyone can send info to me at:  jrl    -        SecurityMgr.info

Send the title, the area of concern, number of Power Point Slides, or Word pages,  #MSWORD  or #PPT, then a good descriptive paragraph.  Also the date or apx date of last update and a name and email address for the POC who can send the briefing. Phone numbers are optional. Cut & paste what is below into your email and fill in the proper info.

DocumentTitle - Date

Subject/Area of Concern

# of slides/pages & format, *.ppt/*.doc/other - (size in KB or MB)

   Paragraph description

POC name & email address (& phone #)

**IF everyone uses this is the same format...then this could be easy for me... otherwise I will ask for a raise from S2online.....double nothing...still have nothing. So, lets try to make this simple and easy. --- Do not send any briefings covering AR 380-5 unless it was after the SEP 2000 release of the new Reg.
This should be a help to all of us. 

DSS new book on "How To Receive And Maintain Your Security Clearance.pdf"



  Links for Security Managers - HERE


 Past Calendars are located at below link.

Upcoming Terrorism Events Calendar in the past, go to www.SecurityMgr.info/history.htm   

New International Terrorism Open Database Project. Something to help Analysts in S2 Offices and Security Managers everywhere!


BELOW was contributed by CT74@msn.com

"Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Unit Advisors Course" CD from USAMPS, which is dated early 1999 and has the following classes.  I've pasted the TLO from the lesson plan after each class to give you an idea what the class covers.  As of February 1999, the POC was Kenton N. Mallett (Course Manager for FPUAC) at the Directorate of Training, USAMPS.

  • Detect Terrorist Surveillance, PPT, 73 slides, 25.8 MB
  • Detect Terrorist Surveillance lesson plan, MS Word, 30 pages, 118 KB


Unaided, describe the objectives, characteristics, and techniques of terrorist surveillance and explain the techniques for detecting and reporting terrorist surveillance IAW FM 19-20; the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Surveillance Manual; SUPR 39091, Pamphlet 1972, USAICS; Tony Scotti's Surveillance Course, and the Bill Scott Raceway Surveillance Course.


Given a classroom with references, training materials, and an SME.


The student must demonstrate by presenting the lesson in a classroom environment IAW the lesson plan and instructor evaluation.

  • Introduction to Terrorism, PPT, 60 slides, 17.4 MB
  • Intro to Terrorism lesson plan, MS Word, 30 pages, 101 KB


Unaided, define the word terrorism and describe what a terrorist group is; briefly relate the history of terrorism; explain the perspectives of terrorism; categorize the long-range objectives of terrorism; discuss the individual ideologies that motivate people to bind together into terrorist groups; discuss the mechanisms used to label terrorist groups; list the immediate goals and common characteristics of terrorist groups; describe the typical internal organization of terrorist groups; and finally, outline the typical training program used by terrorist groups at the organizational and individual levels IAW AR 525-13; JP 3-07.2; and the Force Protection Unit Advisors Instructor Guide


Given the USAMPS, FPUAC slide presentation, a lesson plan, classroom, and students


The student must demonstrate by presenting the lesson in a classroom environment IAW  the Lesson Plan and Instructor evaluation.

  • Hostage Survival, PPT, 57 slides, 7.39 MB
  • Hostage Survival lesson plan, MS Word, 35 pages, 163 KB


Unaided, explain the psychology of hostage taking, personal contingency planning, the actions to be taken by a hostage at the moment of capture, and the effects of the Stockholm syndrome and describe DOD peacetime guidance, the techniques for adjusting to captivity, and the actions to be taken by a hostage during rescue or release IAW DOD Dir. 1300.7, AR 350-30, JP 3-07.2, TC 19-16, DA Pam 350-21, and Understanding and Managing Stress.


Given the USAMPS, FPUAC slide presentation, a lesson plan classroom and students.


The student must demonstrate , by presenting the lesson in a classroom environment IAW the lesson plan and Instructor evaluation.

  • Individual Protective Measures (IPM), PPT, 74 slides, 22.3 MB
  • IPM lesson plan, MS Word, 43 pages, 203 KB


Given the requirement, describe individual protective measures used in preventing or deterring terrorist attacks IAW JP 3-07.2, JS GUIDE 5260 , and TC 19-16.


Given the USAMPS, FPUAC slide presentation , lesson plan, classroom, and students    


The student must demonstrate by presenting the lesson in a classroom environment IAW the Lesson Plan and Instructor evaluation.  

  • Terrorist Operations, PPT, 108 slides, 52.1 MB
  • Terrorist Operations lesson plan, MS Word, 29 pages, 113 KB


Unaided, explain the characteristics of terrorist operations, describe the phases of a terrorist incident, discuss the most common terrorist acts, explain the types of weapons used by terrorists, and list the countries that supply the major portion of terrorist weaponry IAW JP 3-07.2, TC 19-16, and the Force Protection Unit Advisors Instructor Guide.


Given the USAMPS, FPUAC slide presentation, a lesson plan, classroom, and students


The student must demonstrate by presenting the lesson in a classroom environment IAW  the Lesson Plan and Instructor evaluation


ABOVE was contributed by CT74@msn.com


S2 updates. apx 60-75 Power Point Slides, This is used for a BDE S2 to update non-MI S2s at BN level on current changes and general security practices...everything from proper mailing of classified to reporting of derog info to CCF. (Last updated AUG 01)  POC jrl@SecurityMgr.info



More coming IF and when YOU contribute!!!!!!!!!


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Past Calendars are located at below link.

Upcoming Terrorism Events Calendar in the past, go to www.SecurityMgr.info/history.htm   

New International Terrorism Open Database Project. Something to help Analysts in S2 Offices and Security Managers everywhere!



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