The ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association
Mr Yu, Wha Sun, President

Mr. Kang, Kyung Seo, Director 

#337-10 Hankangro-2GA, Yongsan-Ku, Seoul, Korea

Phone: (02) 749-0928, FAX (02) 749-0415, Cell 017-337-0928

James R. Lint, US Director

(Click over any image for full-size photo and description)

News From 2001 Events! (Fresh and under  construction!)

Below is final report of:

ROKMC CMC Change of Command Ceromony 11 Oct 01

15 Mar 01 visit to ROKMC HQ with Lions Club.

The Rough Draft photos of ROKMC 52d Birthday at ROKMC HQ (16 Apr 01)


DRAFT Webpage of 12/12/01 Event

Annual Event to Honor The Top 100 Proud Former Marines Assisting ROK Marines


Rough Translation of Event Title

(Click over any image for full-size photo and description)

On 19 January 2001 ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association had a gala event to Honor the Top 100 Former Marines assisting ROK Marines."  Jim Lint, a civilian currently working in Korea is a US Director of the  ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association. Jim was happy to be included in this event that show cases the top 100 people who helped the welfare of Marines in Korea.

Jim Lint was one of the presenters at the event. He enjoyed the fine hospitality of the Korea Marines with various famous Marines who had made it big in the civilian world.   Jim, a former Marine and member of the MCCIA, Am Legion China Post #1 and 2d Mar Div Asso, also presented a plaque to both Mr. Kang, K. S. and the senior ROK Marine officer, General Yi, Haw Chul attending the event, as is Korean custom.

A surprise in the evening was that  Miss Han, presented a plaque for Jim's service to the organization. Miss Han, is a reporter for the National Rescue Association in Korea. This Rescue Asso is also supported by former Marines on a volunteer basis. 

Many senior ROK Marine officers and civilian celebrities attended this special event.  Retired Maj Gen Pak, Hwan In, former Commander of the ROK 1st Marine Division, he is presently also a vice president in the ROK Marine Veteran Asso.  Also in attendance was BGen Yi Haw Chul, who commanded the 6th Marine Brigade during Korean War and the Blue Dragon Brigade in Vietnam.  Noted civilians included TV talent, Mr. Rim Chae Moo and Comedian, MC and President of ROK Scuba Association, Mr. Chong Dong Nam.  The Commandant of the ROK Marine Corps sent a special message to the Annual Event.  The Political Opposition Yi, Hae Chang sent a 8 foot flower decoration. What a charming lady. Mr. Kang Kyung Seo, Director ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association was Master of Ceremony for this event.


Also in attendance Celebration, was the famous entertainer Mr. Kim, Hung Kuk. Jim Lint presented him an award for service to Marines everywhere.  He is also the Chairman of the Korean National Sponsorship  for World Cup 2002. (Rough Translation!)  This former ROKMC member is very well known and a hard charger.  He is also the dream model of every Marine... Mr. Kim Hung Kuk married the former  Miss Korea, and I got to meet her too at a previous World Cup 2002 Dinner! What a charming lady.


Others special guest were:   

TV talent Ms. Kim, Uih Dong, grand daughter of a Gen Uil, Chwa Jil, "Packdoo Mountain Tiger," who was the first commander of Independence Freedom Fighters against the Japanese colonialist from 1930-45 working from the Exile Government in China.  Ms. Kim has kept the family tradition of assisting Marines!

Retired COLs: Kang, Pok Gu; Chon, Say Kwon; Chong, Chae Ho; Yi, Son Ho; 

Original Marines (Circa 1949):

COL Retired Yi, Kyong Suk, former Director of ROK Marine Boot Camp.

SGT MAJs: Woo, Tae Young; Park, Son Jae

Year Group and Class Leaders (Original Marines): Chae, Oak Jin; Kim, Pok Man; 


President of the Korea Social Welfare Development Society Lee, Tae Woo

Chairman of the Jong Ro Area Committee, Freedom Democracy Union, Kim, Kyong Hwan



An interesting drink was had by all. Soju in bamboo stalks.  It was very tasty, unique and interesting.


Mr. Kang Kyung Seo, Director ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association was Master of Ceremony for this event.  This same ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association visited the USA during July 2000, to include visits at HQMC and Camp Lejeune, NC.

With out a doubt, this was a very interesting event!


ROK Marine Corps Store has NEW Items!!



 For release to 2d Marine Div Asso Magazine, American Legion China Post #1 and MCCIA.

Jim Presenting Award

Older News from activities in 2000


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