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Get an eMail account with! Impress your co-workers with a professional looking domain. All accounts are accessible through the web or POP3 and best of all its free.



For web access to your account goto  You must enter the full email address in the USERID field (ex-, and of course the password. Once you have successfully logged in you can change your password, apply mail filters, etc.


For POP3 access from your mail viewer:
     POP3 =
     SMTP =


Any questions/complaints about the service may be directed to



Terms of Use

Our email service is free to all who qualify. Apllications may be rejected for any reason, without notice. Any misuse or suspicion of misuse of this email service is grounds for the administrator to immediately cease all user priviledges and terminate the user's account without notice or reason. User's actions are in no way known or supported by All suspected instances of misuse of a email account should be reported to

How to Apply

To apply for a free account send an email with "Free Email Account" as the subject to . Message must be sent from a .mil or .gov account (contact me about exceptions). You must include your FULL NAME, UNIT, and LOCATION. Retired personnel and GS civilians are also eligible. Include your desired username and password, it can be changed later. These are all hand processed so please have patience.

Current members of S2Online DG, ACIDG-L/Lite, MCCIA, ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Asso, and American Legion China Post 1 are all automatically eligible.




       ©2001 ::: webmaster