Security Manager discussion group

 S2_Online is an email list server for qualified security managers to help other new security managers. This is shared brain power where we can ask for assistance and leverage the the combined experience of experienced Security Managers - Click here for the S2_Online Email List Server (Formerly Security Managers Info List Server)


S2's are the Intelligence and Security Officer for Military Units. This is often a thankless job, where they receive little training.

New DOD Defending America Webpage

Marine Page!! (NEW)

Due to the military drawdown we have a job hunting service link!

Dummies Manual for Tactical MI Geeks

HQDA G2 info page!!

Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group

Army Knowledge Online AKO Required for every soldier.

DSS new book on "How To Receive And Maintain Your Security Clearance.pdf"

Military RETIREE Phone #s Great list!!

Army Forms Location

Army Promotion Study Guide. This is index page

***NEW!!*** Security Managers of the Military

American Legion National HQ homepage

VFW Post in Korea, best web link on Veteran and Military Links!!

ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Asso, in Seoul Korea

Defense Link; DOD sponsored Info about US Military

United States Marine Corps

  Marine Corps Counterintelligence Asso WebPage



United States Army

PERSCOM, Army personnel issues/info - Thanks Raymond

Army War College, Stratigic Studies Institute

List of Army BBSs

Tecnet1 JCS Test and Eval. (Best email service) Also has lots of DOD news.

TELNET to your TECNET account! Direct.

TECNET LOG IN for use of those with password.

Army Times Newspaper

US Marine Corps Times

Military City Online from the Times Co.

Federal Times, in honor of OSD civilians, (MR K, and gang)

The Interrogations Booth, the Unofficial Homepage of US Army Interrogators. Great place to connect with other 97E!

Non-Commissioned Officer Asso

Baudo Vet Link

Military Brats Register with area to contact old friends.

Pentagon Federal Credit Union
This is an excellent page for active duty military personnel.  This is not ONLY for banking.  There are great links for service news and a fun area for kids.  This page has something for everyone!

Southconn.Com good service w/ Fort Gordon Info

Fort Gordon ACS Link, this is the way to use the web!

Desert Storm Debriefing Book, (513th mentioned)

US Air Force Link. This is for MML. (Where is their Web page?!)

Jacks Place Great location of military links!  He is now in Korea.

NEW OSAN Korea Retiree info