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     The mission of this site is to share SOPs and questions, especially for the non-MI who get thrown into an S2 slot with no training.  This will give you a system to ask questions, with out appearing the fool in front of your commander. We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart!  This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.   Information may be found at: http://www.egroups.com/group/Security_Manager_Info

All FREE Made Out of Individual's
Dedication and Off Duty Time

  Army CI Discussion Group

The Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group (ACIDG) mailing list is open to all active, reserve, former, and retired Army Counterintelligence Special Agents who held the MOS 97B, 351B, 35E, 36A or GS-0132 civilians who are graduates of the US Army CI Special Agent Course.
This is a private moderated list. Membership requests will be approved by the Listowner after verification of a subscribers CI status. The primary purpose of the list is to discuss CI trends, news, current events, and history and serve as a general professional forum for current, former, and retired Army CI Special Agents to hold virtual discussions in a professional forum.
ACIDG was founded 2 years before Security_Manager_Info list server/discussion group.  The USMC CI Asso list was apx 3 years before ACIDG.  Both of these list success was what spawned Security_Manager_Info list server.

Subscribing is easy, if you qualify, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We have begun requiring new members to fill out a web form at http://www.armyci.org/.

If any list members would like to act as a POC and sponsor for Agents assigned to their active/Reserve Component unit, please contact us off list at the below address:    


WEBPAGE  Of info on Joining ACIDG

Webpage of ArmyCI.org 

If you do not fall into the ACIDG field of membership but desire to learn about CI, sign up at this web site 

  Site News

13 December 2001 - See photos from this year's ROK/US Marine Friendship gala honoring the 'Top 100 Proud Former Marines Assisting ROK Marines.' Also on this page is a copy of the short speech & toast I gave at the event.



All links tested and working on 1 Oct 2001 in USFK/ Korea. Please report bad links found on these pages.
If you have comments, improvements, or additional links to add, please email me! I look forward to hearing from you! Many new links recently added from readers sending them to me! We want this site as interactive and user-friendly as possible.


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       ©2001 securitymanagerinfo.org ::: webmaster