Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group (ACIDG)
mailing list is open to all active, reserve,
former, and retired Army Counterintelligence
Special Agents who held the MOS 97B, 351B,
35E, 36A or GS-0132 civilians who are
graduates of the US Army CI Special Agent
This is a private
moderated list. Membership requests will be
approved by the Listowner after verification
of a subscribers CI status. The primary
purpose of the list is to discuss CI trends,
news, current events, and history and serve as
a general professional forum for current,
former, and retired Army CI Special Agents to
hold virtual discussions in a professional
ACIDG was founded 2
years before Security_Manager_Info list server/discussion
group. The USMC CI Asso list was apx 3
years before ACIDG. Both of these list
success was what spawned Security_Manager_Info
list server.
Subscribing is easy, if you qualify, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
We have begun requiring new members to fill out a web form at
If any list members would like to act as a POC and sponsor for Agents assigned to their active/Reserve Component unit, please contact us off list at the below address: