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The International Terrorism Open Database Project

A publicly created database of past terrorist activity for public use.

New International Terrorism Open Database Project. Something to help Analysts in S2 Offices and Security Managers everywhere!

Contribute to the database:
  We are looking for knowledgeable people in the security field to contribute reviews of specific events that qualify as significant terrorist activity. We need the exact date, a brief review of the event, and at least two links to other sites with reliable information on the incident.

Go to the webform to submit an incident

About the project:
  Recent events have cast terrorism and security into the public eye. There are many who would like to say what should be done in the future but many often forget the past in doing so. Security professionals, military and civilian, especially rely on lessons learned. It is for this purpose that S2Online.org is starting a database of past incidents of terrorist activity. This will be in the form of "This Day in History" on our site. It will be available for use publicly and the code will be available for other web developers. We hope to make this index searchable, but before we can do any of this we need information for the database.
  This entire project is being undertaken solely by the two webmasters of S2Online. We are busy people, as we assume most of you are, and for this reason we ask you to help us in our research so that yours may be easier in the future.

See it as it develops - coming soon!!

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Upcoming Terrorism Events Calendar

New International Terrorism Open Database Project. Something to help Analysts in S2 Offices and Security Managers everywhere!

·          05/20/1989
China (People's Republic of)
Martial Law in Beijing
The death of Hu Yao Bang on April 15 set off protests, hunger strikes, and the occupation of Tienanmen Square by pro-democracy student radicals, which led to the imposition of martial law in Beijing.

·          05/20/1990
Gunman Kills Eight Arabs
A lone Israeli gunman killed eight Arab laborers in Rishon Le Ziyyon, south of Tel Aviv. Nine workers were injured. The gunman was identified as a discharged Israeli soldier.

·          05/20/1973
Polisario Starts Armed Strife
Polisario guerrillas begin their armed struggle against Morocco in the western Sahara.

·          05/20/1927
Saudi Arabia
Independence Day

·          05/21
Battle of Iquique

·          05/21/1991
Rajiv Gandi Assassinated
Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during a campaign rally in Tamil Nadu State.

·          05/22/1972
Sri Lanka
Republic Day
Also known as National Heroes' Day.

·          05/22/1990
North and South Yemen Reunited
North and South Yemen signed an agreement reuniting the country. Declared as "Yemeni National Day."

·          05/23/1951
China (People's Republic of)
Tibet Under Chinese Rule
Tibet was "peacefully liberated" when representatives of the Dalai Lama signed an agreement with the Beijing government accepting Chinese rule in return for a promise of greater autonomy.

·          05/23/1949
Germany, Federal Republic of
Federal Republic Proclaimed

·          05/24/1990
Day of the Slavonic Enlighterners Cyril and Methodius, of Bulgarian education and culture.

·          05/24/1822
Independence Day

·          05/24/1993
Independence Day
The country of Eritrea formally declared independence today after 30 years of war and two years of stabilization before separating from Ethiopia.

·          05/24/1984
Urban Terrorism Begins
Philippine constabulary chief Tomas Karingal was shot by five gunmen who subsequently fled, covering their escape with smoke grenades. This attack is generally considered the inauguration of the era of urban terrorism in Manila, and coincides with the formation of the Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB), the urban terrorist or "sparrow" unit of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

·          05/25/1963
OAU - Africa Freedom Day
The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was founded on May 25, 1963. The day is celebrated as Africa Freedom Day. The OAU is organized to promote unity and cooperation among African states.

·          05/25/1967
Self-Government Achieved

  • 05/25/1946

  • Jordan
    Independence Day

    Following the end of the British mandate over Transjordan (May 22), Jordan became the independent Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.

  • ·          05/27/1964
    Assault on Peasant "Republic"
    On this date, government troops attacked the "independent republic" that Communist peasant groups had set up at Marquetalia, Caldas Department.

    ·          05/29
    Internal Security Forces Day

    ·          05/30/1961
    Dominican Republic
    Assassination of Trujillo
    Rafael L. Trujillo's assassination ended a thirty-year personal dictatorship.

    ·          05/30/1972
    JRA Massacre at Lod Airport
    Members of the Japanese Red Army (JRA) killed twenty-six people in a massacre at Lod Airport.

    ·          05/31/1993
    The Hajj Begins
    The annual pilgrimage in Mecca begins.

    ·          05/31/1967
    East Jerusalem Captured by Israel
    Israeli troops captured East Jerusalem in the Six-Day War.

    ·          05/31/1162
    Birth of Ghengis Khan
    The birth of Ghengis Khan, founder of the United Mongol State, is celebrated with a festival.

    ·          06/01/1993
    Europe (Region-Wide)

    ·          06/01/1973
    Proclamation of the Republic

    The royal family was sent into exile following a military coup.

    ·          06/01/1976
    Syria Enters Lebanon Civil War

    During this month, Syria entered the civil war in Lebanon on the side of the Christian Phalange and against the Palestinians and their Moslem allies. In response, Abu Nidal renamed his terrorist group, then based in Iraq, the Black June Organization and began attacking Syrian targets.

    ·          06/01/1987
    Prime Minister Karami Assassinated

    ·          06/01/1993
    Middle East

    ·          06/01/1976
    Syria Enters Lebanon Civil War

    During this month, Syria entered the civil war in Lebanon on the side of the Christian Phalange and against the Palestinians and their Moslem allies. In response, Abu Nidal renamed his terrorist group, then based in Iraq, the Black June Organization and began attacking Syrian targets.

    ·          06/01/1955
    Victory Day (National Holiday)

    ·          06/01
    Western Samoa
    National Holiday

    ·          06/02/1972
    United Republic Proclaimed

    ·          06/02/1946
    Establishment of the Republic

    ·          06/02/1976
    Air Force Day

    ·          06/10/1926
    Korea (Republic of)
    Anti-Japanese Demonstrations

    Commemorates anti-Japanese demonstrations during the colonial period, as well as the beginning of student demonstrations in 1987.

    ·          06/10/1926
    North Korea
    Anti-Japanese Demonstrations

    Commemorates anti-Japanese demonstrations during the colonial period.

    ·          06/11/1970
    U.S. Bases Turned Over

    U.S. bases were turned over to Libya. Also known as Evacuation Day.

    ·          06/12/1898
    Independence Day

    The Philippines became independent on July 4, 1946, but changed the official Independence Day to June 12 in 1962 to commemorate the Philippines' declaration of independence from Spain by General Emilio Aguinaldo in 1898. This day is now celebrated as Philippine-American Friendship Day. Also referred to as the Proclamation of the Malolos Republic.

    ·          06/12/1986
    South Africa
    Second State of Emergency

    President P.W. Botha declared a nationwide state of emergency, giving authorities broad powers to crack down on opposition groups. More than one thousand activists were detained in predawn raids, and more than three thousand people, mostly blacks, subsequently were held for varying lengths of time during the emergency.

    ·          06/13/1982
    Saudi Arabia
    King Fahd Came To Power

    King Fahd came to power following the death by a heart attack of King Khalid.

    ·          06/13/1990
    Sri Lanka
    LTTE Offensive Launched

    The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) launched a renewed offensive against Sri Lankan government forces by storming at least 24 police stations in northern and eastern Sri Lanka. Several hundred police officers were taken as hostages and a number of these were later killed.

    ·          06/13/1974
    Al-Hamidi Took Power In A Coup

    ·          06/14/1975
    El Salvador
    FARN Founded

    The Armed Forces of National Resistance (FARN), a leftist guerrilla group.

    ·          06/14/1985
    Greece, Lebanon, United States
    TWA Flight Hijacked To Lebanon

    TWA Flight 847 was hijacked from Athens to Lebanon. The hijackers shot and killed U.S. Navy diver Robert Stetham in Beirut on June 16 and dispersed the remaining passengers throughout the city. Thirty-nine American citizens were released on June 30 in Damascus, Syria.

    ·          06/15/1982
    Argentina, United Kingdom
    Falklands War Ends

    Argentina surrendered to the United Kingdom, ending the Falklands War.

    ·          06/15/1960
    U.S.-Japan Security Treaty

    The U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty was signed.

    ·          06/16/1976
    Americans Kidnapped In Beirut

    Gunmen in Beirut kidnapped and killed U.S. Ambassador Maloy, Economic Officer Waring, and their driver.

    ·          06/16/1976
    South Africa
    Soweto Riots

    Thousands of black students demonstrated in Soweto Township, outside of Johannesburg, in protest of a requirement that they be taught in Afrikaans. Police fatally shot several students, touching off nationwide riots and boycotts that lasted more than a year and claimed the lives of at least 575 blacks.

    ·          06/16
    Founding of 16 June Group

    June 16 is the founding anniversary of the Turkish leftist terrorist Group 16 June. Until 1987, the group acted under the name "Partisan Yolu." Since 1987, the group has claimed responsibility for numerous acts of terrorism, including the December 1989 firebombing in Istanbul of the "Hiawatha," a U.S. Government-owned yacht.

    ·          06/18/1953
    Evacuation Day

    The monarchy was abolished and Egypt was declared a republic following the coup led by Gamel Abd El Nasser.

    ·          06/18/1986
    Canto Grande Prison Massacre

    Security forces killed more than two hundred jailed members of the Sendero Luminoso (SL) guerrilla organization during a riot at Lima's Canto Grande prison. The event is marked by the guerrillas as "Heroes Day."

    ·          06/19/1965
    President Overthrown by Coup

    President Ahmed Ben Bella was overthrown by a military coup.

    ·          06/19/1951
    Army-People Solidarity Day

    Celebrates the founding of the Cambodian People's Armed Forces.

    ·          06/19/1961
    Independence Day

    ·          06/20/1960
    Independence Granted

    ·          06/22/1941
    Germany, Russia
    German Invasion of USSR Begins

    German troops invaded the USSR.

     ·          06/22/1969
    Qahtan Al-Shaabi Overthrown

    President Qahtan Al-Shaabi was overthrown by the National Liberation Front. The name of the country subsequently was changed to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen.

    ·          06/23/1985
    Canada, India, Japan
    Bombing of Air India Flight

    A bomb exploded on an Air India flight over the North Atlantic following its departure from Canada, killing all three hundred twenty-nine passengers on board. A second bomb exploded at Narita Airport in Japan, killing two people. Sikh extremists claimed responsibility for both bombings.

    ·          06/23/1989
    Okinawa Memorial Day

    ·          06/23/1993
    Middle East
    Ashura (10th of Muharam)

    Marks the martyrdom of Ali Hussein, the tenth Imam of Islam. Significant to Shi'a Moslems. Marked by emotional processions (involving self-flagellation) in Shi'a areas.

    ·          06/24
    Manila Day

    ·          07/22/1968
    El Al Flight Hijacked By PFLP

    Members of the Popular Front for the Liberation Palestine (PFLP) hijacked an El Al flight en route to Tel Aviv and forced it to land in Algiers. The attack marked the first aircraft hijacking by a Palestinian group. The hijackers were said to have believed Israeli General Ariel Sharon was on the flight. The passengers and crew were detained by Algeria for six weeks.

    ·          07/22/1968
    Israel, Italy
    El Al Flight Hijacked By PFLP

    Members of the Popular Front for the Liberation Palestine (PFLP) hijacked an El Al flight en route to Tel Aviv and forced it to land in Algiers. The attack marked the first aircraft hijacking by a Palestinian group. The hijackers were said to have believed Israeli General Ariel Sharon was on the flight. The passengers and were crew detained by Algeria for six weeks.

    ·          07/22/1944
    Liberation Day

    The Soviet Union installed a Communist-controlled "Polish Committee of National Liberation" in Lublin. The following January the Soviet Union recognized this committee as the Polish government.

    ·          07/22/1971
    Communists Overthrown In Coup

    Anti-Communist military elements loyal to Gaafar Nimeiri led a successful counter-coup and brought him to power several days after a coup by the Sudan Communist Party.

    ·          07/23/1988
    Resignation of Ne Win

    Ne Win resigned as head of the Burma Socialist Program Party (BSPP).

    ·          07/23/1985
    Bombing of Airline Office

    A bomb at a Northwest Orient ticket office injured twenty-seven people.

    ·          07/23/1952
    Egyptian Revolution Celebrated

    ·          07/23/1974
    Power Turned Over To Civilians

    ·          07/23/1970
    Coup Changes Government

    Sultan Qabus Bin Said overthrew his father and took power.

    ·          07/23/1983
    Sri Lanka
    Widespread Violence Begins

    The killing of thirteen Sri Lankan soldiers in an ambush by Tamil militants touched off widespread anti-Tamil violence that left four hundred Tamils dead and 100,000 homeless.

    ·          07/24/1987
    Air France Hijacking In Geneva

    A Lebanese terrorist was overpowered by the flight crew during an Air France hijacking after the murder of a Frenchman and an assault on a stewardess.

    ·          07/25/1943
    Mussolini Deposed

    ·          07/25/1957
    Proclamation of the Republic

    ·          07/26/1952
    Death of Eva Peron

    ·          07/26/1953
    Attack On Moncada Barracks

    Fidel Castro led a group of revolutionaries in an attack on the Moncada army barracks in Santiago de Cuba. The attack failed and Castro was imprisoned for two years before being allowed to go into exile in Mexico. Castro slipped back into Cuba in 1956 to begin his final drive for power.

    ·          07/26/0000
    Day of Solidarity With Cuba

    Pro-Cuban front groups in the hemisphere celebrate this date as a continental day of solidarity with Cuba and observe it with declarations, ceremonies, and marches protesting U.S. policies toward Cuba. (The date is also celebrated in Cuba as the anniversary of Castro's failed attack on the Moncada barracks.)

    ·          07/26/1956
    Nationalization of Suez Canal

    ·          07/27/1955
    Restoration of Sovereignty

    The Austrian State Treaty came into effect, restoring all Soviet-occupied territory and making Austria a free and independent state.

    ·          07/27/1980
    Death of the Shah of Iran

    ·          07/27/1953
    Korea (Republic of)
    Korean War Armistice Signed

    ·          07/27/1953
    North Korea
    Korean War Armistice Signed

    Also known as Korean Victory Day.

    ·          07/27/1990
    Trinidad and Tobago
    Black Muslim Rebellion Begins

    A black Muslim sect, the Jamaat Al-Muslimeen, captured the prime minister and other officials in an attempt to overthrow the government. Before the coup attempt ended on August 1 with the surrender of the rebels, the capital, Port of Spain, was heavily damaged by rioting and looting.

    ·          07/28/1989
    Israel, Lebanon, Middle East
    Shaykh Obeid Seized By Israel

    Israeli commandos seized Shaykh Obeid from a village in southern Lebanon and detained him in Israel on allegations of involvement in terrorist activity on behalf of Hizballah.

    ·          07/28/1821
    Independence Day

    ·          07/28/1985
    Democratic Transfer of Power

    President Alan Garcia Perez succeeded Fernando Belaunde Terry as president, the first transfer of power from one democratically elected Peruvian president to another in forty years.


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  • ·          07/31/1978
    France, Iraq
    Terrorist Seizes Iraqi Embassy

    An Al-Fatah terrorist seized the Iraqi embassy in Paris. As the man surrendered to police, Iraqi security guards opened fire, killing a French policeman and wounding the terrorist. French police returned the fire, killing one Iraqi.

    ·          07/31/1556
    St. Ignatius Day

    St. Ignatius is the patron saint of the Basques.

    ·          07/31/1969
    ETA Terrorist Group Founded

    The terrorist group Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA) was founded.

    ·          08/01/0000
    Armed Forces Day

    ·          08/01/1993
    Asia and Pacific
    Ashura (10th of Muharam)
    Marks the martydom of Ali Hussein, the tenth Imam of Islam. Significant to Shi'a Moslems. Marked by emotional processions (involving self-flagellation) in Shi'a areas.

    ·          08/01/1960
    Independence Day

    ·          08/01/1927
    China (People's Republic of)
    Army Day
    Celebrates the first uprising by the Chinese Communist Party in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, against the nationalist government of Chiang Kai Shek.

    ·          08/01/1993
    Europe (Region-Wide)
    Ashura (10th of Muharam)
    Marks the martydom of Ali Hussein, the tenth Imam of Islam. Significant to Shi'a Moslems. Marked by emotional processions (involving self-flagellation) in Shi'a areas.

    ·          08/01/1987
    Saudi Arabia
    Iranians Riot In Mecca
    Iranian pilgrims rioted in Mecca, resulting in more than four hundred deaths.


    ·          08/01/1993
    Sub-Saharan Africa
    Ashura (10th of Muharam)
    Marks the martydom of Ali Hussein, the tenth Imam of Islam. Significant to Shi'a Moslems. Marked by emotional processions (involving self-flagellation) in Shi'a areas.

    ·          08/02/1990
    Iraq, Kuwait
    Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait
    Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait and seized control of the country.

    ·          08/02/1980
    Bologna Train Station Bombing
    Neo-Fascists bombed a train station in Bologna.

    ·          08/02/1964
    Tonkin Gulf Incident

    ·          08/03/1978
    Equatorial Guinea
    Military Junta Takes Power

    ·          08/04/1983
    Burkina Faso
    Coup Overthrows the Government
    Coup led by Thomas Sankara overthrew the government.

    ·          08/04/1975
    JRA Members Seize Embassies
    Members of the Japanese Red Army (JRA) seized the consular sections of the American and Swedish embassies, taking fifty-two hostages. The hostages subsequently were released after five JRA members were set free in Japan.

    ·          08/05/1988
    Shiite Leader Assassinated
    Arif Hussain Al-Hussaini, a leading Shiite religious and political leader in Pakistan, was shot to death in Peshawar.

    ·          08/05/1962
    South Africa
    Arrest of Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was arrested and subsequently sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and plotting to overthrow the government.  

    ·          08/12/1978
    China (People's Republic of)
    Friendship Treaty With Japan

    ·          08/12/1983
    AVC Guerrilla Group Formed
    The leftist terrorist group, Alfaro Vive, Carajo! (AVC) or Alfaro Lives, Damn It!, ended its armed struggle in 1991 and became a legitimate political party.

    ·          08/12/1689
    United Kingdom
    Apprentice Boy's March
    Protestant commemorative marches mark the day that apprentice boys locked the gates of Derry against the forces of James II.

    ·          08/13/1960
    Central African Republic
    Independence Day

    ·          08/13/1987
    Chad Routs Libyan Forces

    ·          08/13/1927
    Cuba, Chile
    Fidel Castro's Birthday

    ·          08/13/1898
    U.S. Forces Capture Manila
    U.S. forces captured Manila from the Spanish with the aid of Philippine insurgents led by General Emilio Aguinaldo.

    ·          08/14/1947
    Independence Day
    Pakistan became a self-governing dominion within the British Commonwealth.

    ·          08/14/1969
    United Kingdom
    British Troops To Northern Ireland
    In response to communal rioting between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, British troops were sent to the province on August 14, 1969. Initally welcomed by Catholics, the British troops eventually became a target of Catholic terrorist groups, mainly the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA).

    ·          08/15/1971
    Independence Day

    ·          08/15/1975
    Mujibur Rahman Assassinated

    ·          08/15/1964
    ELN Begins Armed Struggle
    The National Liberation Army (ELN) begins its armed struggle.

    ·          08/15/1960
    Independence Day
    Celebrates the overthrow of the Youlou regime.

    ·          08/15/1945
    Agreement On Irian Jaya
    The Netherlands agreed to transfer administration of Irian Jaya to Indonesia.

    ·          08/15/1975
    FRETILIN Begins Insurgency
    The Revolutionary Front for East Timor Independence (FRETILIN) began its insurgency aimed at gaining independence for the Portuguese territory.

     ·          08/15/1986
    Turkish Troops Raid Camps
    Turkish troops raided Kurdish rebel camps in Iraq.

    ·          08/15/1945
    Korea (Republic of)
    Independence Day
    Also known as Liberation Day or Kwang Bok Jul.

    ·          08/15/1945
    Agreement On Irian Jaya
    The Netherlands agreed to transfer administration of Irian Jaya to Indonesia.

    ·          08/15/1945
    North Korea
    Liberation Day
    Also known as Independence Day or Kwang Bok Jul.

    ·          08/15/1984
    First PKK Attack On Government
    August 15, 1984 is considered to be the first time that Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) elements launched an attack against Turkish government installations.

    ·          08/15/1986
    Turkish Troops Raid Kurd Camps
    Turkish troops raided Kurdish rebel camps in Iraq.

    ·          08/17/1945
    Independence Day
    Indonesian leaders Soekarno and Mohammed Hatta, with the acquiescence of Japanese occupation officials, proclaim the independence of Indonesia as World War II ends in the Pacific.

    ·          08/18/1987
    Sri Lanka
    Grenade Attack On Parliament
    One legislator was killed in a grenade attack on the Sri Lankan parliament.

    ·          08/18/1991
    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    Attempted Coup
    Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, who was vacationing in the Crimea, was held incommunicado while senior Soviet officials attempted to stage a coup.

    ·          08/19/1919
    Independence Day
    Commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Rawalpindi on August 8, 1919 in which Britain gave up control of Afhanistan's foreign policy. Celebrated by Afghans as Independence Day.

    ·          08/19/1986
    Army Day

    ·          08/19/1974
    U.S. Ambassador Murdered
    U.S. Ambassador Roger Davies was killed by a sniper in Nicosia.

    ·          08/19/1981
    U.S. Shoots Down Libyan Jets
    U.S. aircraft shot down two Libyan fighters over the Gulf of Sidra.

    ·          08/19/1991
    August 1991 Coup Suppression
    The failed coup attempt which symbolizes the end of Communism in Russia and the breakup of the Soviet Union. Huge demonstrations have occurred in Moscow to commemorate this event. Both pro- and anti-government rallies are held.

    ·          08/19/1945
    August Revolution

    ·          08/20/1955
    First Offensive Against French
    Algerian independence fighters launched their first armed offensive against French forces in eastern Algeria. 

    ·          08/20/1947
    North Korea
    Air Force Day
    Commemorates the organization of the DPRK Air Force in 1947.

    ·          08/20/1983
    South Africa
    Creation of the UDF
    The United Democratic Front (UDF) was launched to organize opposition to a planned three-house parliament that excluded blacks. The organization subsequently became the largest legal anti-apartheid group.

    ·          08/21/1968
    Invasion By Warsaw Pact Forces

    ·          08/21/1983
    Benigno Aquino Assassinated

    ·          08/21/1991
    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    Coup Collapses
    The coup carried out against Soviet President Gorbachev on August 18, 1991 collapsed on August 21 and the coup leaders tried to flee.

    ·          08/22/1991
    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    Gorbachev Reinstated
    Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev was reinstated as president and he returned to Moscow on August 22, 1991 following the collapse of a coup against him. One of the coup leaders commited suicide and the others were arrested.

    ·          08/24/1991
    Ukraine Declares Independence
    Ukraine declared its independence from the Soviet Union on August 24, 1991 in the aftermath of the collapse on August 21, 1991 of the coup against Soviet President Gorbachev.

    ·          08/25/1991
    Byelarus Declares Independence
    Byelarus declared its independence from the Soviet Union on August 25, 1991 in the aftermath of the collapse on August 21, 1991 of the coup against Soviet President Gorbachev.

    ·          08/25/1825
    Independence Day

    ·          08/25/1991
    Uzbekistan Seeks Independence
    Uzbekistan declared on August 25, 1991 that it planned to seek independence from the Soviet Union. This move was taken in the aftermath of the collapse on August 21 of the coup against Soviet President Gorbachev.

    ·          08/26/1945
    American Occupation Begins
    The six-year American occupation of Japan began with the landing of U.S. military forces in Japan.

    Hong Kong
    Liberation Day

    ·          08/26/1945
    American Occupation Begins
    The six-year American occupation of Japan began with the landing of U.S. military forces in Japan.

    ·          08/26/1847
    National Heroes' Day
    Commemorates the revolt against the Spanish.



    ·          08/26/1930
    Founding of the PKP
    The Partido Kommunista Ng Pilipinas (PKP) was founded by Evangelista Cristo in Manila.

    ·          08/27/1979
    Earl Mountbatten Assassinated
    Earl Mountbatten was killed off the coast of Ireland by an Irish Republican Army (IRA) bomb planted on his boat.

    ·          08/27/1980
    U.S. Ambassador Attacked

    ·          08/27/1991
    Moldova Declares Independence
    Moldova declared its independence from the Soviet Union on August 27, 1991 in the aftermath of the collapse on August 21, 1991 of the coup against Soviet President Gorbachev.

    ·          08/27/1966
    Placed Under U.N. Control
    The United Nations canceled the previous League of Nations mandate, which gave South Africa administrative control of Namibia in 1920. South Africa rejected the U.N. resolution, and the South-West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) began its guerrilla war against South African rule.

    ·          08/27/1987
    Failed Coup Attempt
    Mutinous soldiers began attacks on the presidential palace in an unsuccessful bid to overthrow the Aquino government. On August 28, rebel military units led by Lieutenant Colonel Gregorio "Gringo" Honasan attacked Camp Aguinaldo and television stations in the metro Manila area.

    ·          08/28/1985
    Death of M-19 Leader
    April 19 Movement (M-19) leader Ivan Marino Ospina was killed in a clash with government troops.

    ·          08/29/1937
    China (People's Republic of)
    Non-Aggression Pact With USSR

    ·          08/29/1896
    War Declared Against Spanish
    Nationalist leader Andres Bonifacio declared war against the Spanish colonial regime in the Philippines.

    ·          08/29/1991
    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
    Communist Party Banned
    The Soviet legislature, the Supreme Soviet, voted on August 29, 1991 to ban the Communist Party throughout the Soviet Union and freeze its assets. This move came in the aftermath of the coup against Soviet President Gorbachev, which collapsed on August 21. Senior Communist Party officials were implicated in that coup.

    ·          09/01/1980
    Hussein Supports Iraq In War
    King Hussein declared Jordanian support for Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War.

    ·          09/01/1980
    Black September Begins
    Jordanian troops drove Palestinian guerrillas out of Jordan. The Black September terrorist group took its name from this policy.

    ·          09/01/1983
    Korea (Republic of)
    KAL Flight 007 Shot Down
    Korean Air Lines Flight 007, on a flight from New York to Seoul, was shot down by Soviet fighters after straying into Soviet airspace. All 269 persons aboard were killed.

    ·          09/01/1969
    Qadhafi Seizes Power In A Coup

    ·          09/01/1939
    Beginning of World War II
    The German attack on Poland on September 1, 1939 marked the beginning of World War II.  

    ·          09/09/1993
    PLO-Israeli Mutual Recognition
    The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel signed a mutual recognition agreement.

    ·          09/10/1943
    German Troops Seize Rome

    ·          09/10/1992
    Declaration of Independence
    President Rakhmon Nabiyev resigned on September 7, 1992 after Islamic rebels forcefully took control of government. The Islamic Party was overturned in a bloody coup in late October 1992. September 10 is recognized as the date of Tajikistan's declaration of independence. Islamic rebels have continued fighting since early September 1992.

    ·          09/11/1973
    Allende Government Overthrown

    A military coup, led by General Augusto Pinochet, overthrew President Salvador Allende and established a government by junta. Allende was killed in the coup.

    ·          09/11/2001
    Terrorist Attacks in New York, Washington, DC and Shanksville, PA

    ·          09/12/1980
    Nine Manila Buildings Bombed
    The April Six Movement bombed nine buildings in the metro Manila area.

    ·          09/13/1993
    Israeli-PLO Peace Pact

    Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed a peace agreement in Washington, D.C. outlining a plan for Palestinian self-rule in the Israeli-occupied territories.

    ·          09/13/1992
    Guzman Captured

    Abimael Guzman, the leader of Sendero Luminoso, was captured by anti-terrorist police.




    ·          09/14/1986
    Korea (Republic of)
    Bombing At Kimpo Airport

    A bombing at Kimpo Airport in Seoul killed five people and injured twenty-nine others. North Korea has been blamed for the bombing.

    ·          09/14/1982
    President-Elect Assassinated

    President-elect Bashir Gemayel was assassinated.

    ·          09/15/1982
    Seizure of Embassy In Madrid
    Black September terrorists seized the Egyptian embassy in Madrid, demanding that Egypt renounce the Sinai Agreement with Israel. The ambassador signed a renunciation, which was later dismissed.

    ·          09/15/1986
    Bombing of Police Headquarters

    A bomb exploded inside the main police headquarters in Paris, killing one person and wounding fifty-one others.

    ·          09/15/1982
    Refugee Camp Massacre

    Lebanese Christian Phalangists killed hundreds of Palestinian refugees in a camp near Beirut.

    ·          09/15/1982
    Israel Invades West Beirut

    ·          09/15/1821
    Independence Day

    Nicaragua declared its independence from Spain as part of a Central American federation. Nicaragua became independent in its own right in 1838.

    Egyptian Embassy Seized

    Black September terrorists seized the Egyptian embassy in Madrid, demanding that Egypt renounce the Sinai Agreement with Israel. The ambassador signed a renunciation, which was later dismissed.

    ·          09/16/1963
    Formation of Malaysia
    Malaysia, comprising Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah (North Borneo) was formally established.

    ·          09/16/1810
    Independence Day
    Independence from Spain was declared by Father Miguel Hidalgo. The War for Independence continued until 1822, when the Mexican Republic was established. 

    ·          09/23/1907
    New Zealand
    Dominion Day

    ·          09/23/1932
    Saudi Arabia
    National Holiday
    The kingdoms of Nejd and Hejaz were consolidated into a single kingdom under King Abu Al-Aziz Saud.

    ·          09/23/1983
    United Arab Emirates
    Bombing of Omani Aircraft
    An Omani Gulf aircraft en route from Karachi to Abu Dhabi was destroyed by a bomb, killing one hundred and eleven people, including one American.

    ·          09/24/1981
    Storming of Turkish Consulate
    Armenian terrorists stormed the Turkish consulate, killing one guard, wounding the Vice Consul, and taking several hostages. The hostages were released later and the Armenians surrendered.

    ·          09/25/1964
    Armed Forces Day
    Celebrates the formation of the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) by anti-Portuguese groups who then began their armed campaign against colonial rule. Also known as Revolution Day.

    ·          09/26/1976
    Hostages Taken In Damascus
    Abu Nidal terrorists seized the Semiramis Hotel in Damascus, taking ninety hostages. Four hostages and all of the terrorists were killed in a subsequent gunfight, and thirty-four hostages were injured.

    ·          09/26/1962
    Establishment of the Republic
    National holiday celebrates the fledgling Yemeni army's destruction of the palace of Imam Badr and the subsequent establishment of the Yemen Arab Republic.

    ·          09/27/1958
    Army Takes Power
    The Burmese army took power, with General Ne Win agreeing to head the new government.

    ·          09/27/1987
    Bombing of U.S. Commissary

    ·          09/28/1945
    Birthday of JRA Leader
    Birthday of Japanese Red Army (JRA) leader Fusako Shigenobu.

    ·          09/28/1989
    Death of Ferdinand Marcos
    Ferdinand Marcos died in Honolulu, Hawaii, following a long illness.

    ·          09/28/1961
    Syrian Arab Republic Declared
    The Syrian Arab Republic was declared following a coup d'etat by military officers.


    ·          09/30/1991
    Overthrow of Aristide
    President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown by the military and replaced by a military-backed government that the Organization of American States (OAS) declared illegitimate.

    ·          09/30/1992
    Handing Over of Subic Bay Base
    The Subic Bay naval base was returned to the custody of the Philippine government on September 30, 1992 with a flag lowering and raising ceremony.


    Upcoming World Events of Interest


    ·          SEPTEMBER 24, 2002. INDIA. Phase two of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.


    ·          SEPTEMBER 27, 2002. MOROCCO. Local and parliamentary elections


    ·          SEPTEMBER 28, 2002. SOUTH KOREA. Asian Games open in Pusan. The event will last until Oct 14.


    ·          SEPTEMBER 28, 2002. UNITED STATES. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will hold their Annual Meetings in Washington DC. Anti-globalization protests are expected.


    ·          SEPTEMBER 28, 2002. ZIMBABWE. Local elections. According to at least one press report, violence and intimidation directed toward MDC supporters and candidates has been high in the lead-up to elections, and could get worse. SOURCE: London Times


    ·          SEPTEMBER 29, 2002. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA. Serbian Presidential Elections.



Upcoming World Events of Interest

   ·          JUNE 20, 2002. SPAIN. The European Union Summit opens in Sevilla. The event will last three days.

·          JUNE 23, 2002. CAMEROON. Municipal and legislative elections.

·          JUNE 24, 2002. NORWAY. The World Bank sponsored ABCDE conference will be held in Oslo. Anti-globalization demonstrations can be expected. The conference ends on June 26.

·          JUNE 26, 2002. CANADA. G8 Summit to be held, Jun 26-28, in Kamanaskis, a small town west of Calgary, Alberta.

·          JUNE 30, 2002. BOLIVIA. General Elections to elect new president, vice president and federal legislators. Large-scale demonstrations expected.

·          JUNE 30, 2002. GUINEA. Legislative elections to be held.


·          JUNE 30, 2002. JAPAN. Soccer World Cup finals held in Yokohama. Games conclude.

·          JULY 01, 2002. JORDAN. Parliamentary elections take place this month. The exact date will be announced later.

·          JULY 07, 2002. COTE D'IVOIRE. Country's first-ever departmental (province-level) elections

  • ·          JULY 08, 2002. FIJI. The Fijian government hosts a meeting of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) leaders in Suva. The event will last until July 12.

    ·          JULY 21, 2002. MICRONESIA (FED. STATES). Fifth Micronesian games open in Kolonia, Pohnpei.

    ·          JULY 27, 2002. NEW ZEALAND. Parliamentary elections. The incumbent, center-left Labor Party of PM Helen Clark is favored to win.  

    ·          AUGUST 03, 2002. BOLIVIA. Presidential Runoff in which the Bolivian Congress to Select Between Evo Morales and Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada

    ·          AUGUST 07, 2002. COLOMBIA. Pres. Alvaro Uribe inaugurated, replacing outgoing chief executive Andres Pastrana.

    ·          AUGUST 10, 2002. NIGERIA. Municipal elections - seen as a key test for democracy in country with a history of military rule.

    ·          AUGUST 14, 2002. MALAYSIA. The Asian Football Confederation meets in Kuala Lumpur.

    ·          AUGUST 26, 2002. SOUTH AFRICA. World Summit on Sustainable Development - being held in Johannesburg through September 4, 2002. Preparatory meetings being held around the world indicate that over 60,000 NGO's will attend.

    ·          SEPTEMBER 01, 2002. MOROCCO. Local and parliamentary elections take place this month. The exact date will be announced later.  

SEPTEMBER 06, 2002. ISRAEL. Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown. Continues to Sunday, September 8. Shops and offices are to remain closed until Monday morning. Public transportation will stop until Sunday night.

·          SEPTEMBER 12, 2002. SRI LANKA. Talks open in Thailand between representatives of the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers insurgent/terrorist group.

 ·          SEPTEMBER 15, 2002. ISRAEL. Yom Kippur begins at sundown. Continues to Monday, September 16.

·          SEPTEMBER 15, 2002. MACEDONIA. Parliamentary elections.

·          SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. INDIA. The first of four rounds of voting begins in the troubled Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. Thus far, Kashmiri separatist have refused to participate, and polls in previous years have been marked by violence and poor voter turnout.

·          SEPTEMBER 24, 2002. INDIA. Phase two of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.

·          SEPTEMBER 28, 2002. SOUTH KOREA. Asian Games open in Pusan. The event will last until Oct 14.

·          SEPTEMBER 29, 2002. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA. Serbian Presidential Elections.

·          OCTOBER 01, 2002. INDIA. Phase three of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.

·          OCTOBER 01, 2002. SOUTH AFRICA. Two-day general strike begins. The strike is being organized by COSATU as a kickoff to its revived anti-privatization campaign. A program of more comprehensive protests will follow the strike.

·          OCTOBER 01, 2002. UNITED STATES. Annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Summit in Washington, DC. The meetings will last two days. Leftist groups plan major demonstrations and disruptions.  

·          SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. AUSTRIA. World Economic Forum - European Economic Summit 2002 meeting opens in Salzburg. The event will last two days.


·          SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. INDIA. The first of four rounds of voting begins in the troubled Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. Thus far, Kashmiri separatists have refused to participate, and polls in previous years have been marked by violence and poor voter turnout.


·          SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. NEPAL. Maoist insurgents call for a countrywide general strike.


·          SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. THAILAND AND SRI LANKA. The Sri Lanka government and the Tamil Tigers begin talks in Thailand. The Sri Lanka government recently lifted a ban on the Tigers.


·          SEPTEMBER 18, 2002. NORTH KOREA AND SOUTH KOREA. Date agreed upon by Pyongsang and Seoul to begin work simultaneously to re-link the railroad line joining North and South Korea.


·          SEPTEMBER 24, 2002. INDIA. Phase two of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.


·          SEPTEMBER 27, 2002. MOROCCO. Local and parliamentary elections

·          10/07/1985
Egypt, Italy
Hijacking of the Achille Lauro
Four Palestinian gunmen hijacked the Italian cruise ship "Achille Lauro" off Alexandria, Egypt. While off the Syrian port of Tartus, the terrorists killed a wheelchair-bound American. Egypt and Italy negotiated the return of the ship and the remaining passengers. U.S. fighters intercepted an Egyptian jet carrying the hijackers and forced it down at a NATO base in Italy.

·          10/07/1970
Fascist Evacuation Day
Celebrates the departure of the last Italian settlers from Libya. Also called "Revenge Day."

·          10/07/1958
Mirza Came To Power In A Coup
President Iskander Mirza, supported by senior military officers, seized power and imposed martial law.

·          10/07
Communist Party Founded

·          10/07/1992
Guzman Sentenced To Life
On October 7, 1992, Abimael Guzman, the founder and leader of Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path), was sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court.

·          10/08/1895
Juan Peron's Birthday

·          10/08/1967
Bolivia, Chile, Cuba
Che Guevara's Death
Che Guevara was killed by security forces in eastern Bolivia while trying, unsuccessfully, to spark a Cuban-style uprising.

·          10/08/1987
Rebel Umbrella Group Founded
The Simon Bolivar Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CNG) is an umbrella organization under which the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the National Liberation Army (ELN), and a dissident faction of the Popular Liberation Army (EPL) coordinate political positions and organize joint terrorist operations.

·          10/08/1990
18 Arabs Die At Temple Mount
Eighteen Arabs died during clashes with police at the Temple Mount religious site. The Arabs reported feared Jewish extremists from the Temple Mount faithful were planning to attack the Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock mosque complexes, Islam's third holiest site.

·          10/08/1982
Solidarity Union Outlawed

·          10/09/1983
Rangoon Bombing by North Korea
North Korean commandos detonated a bomb in Rangoon during a state visit by Republic of Korea officials. Twenty-one Burmese and Korean officials were killed.

·          10/09/1970
Cambodian Monarchy Abolished
The country subsequently was named The Khmer Republic.

·          10/09/1983
Korea (Republic of)
Officials Killed In Rangoon
North Korean commandos detonated a bomb in Rangoon during a visit by Republic of Korea government ministers, killing twenty-one Burmese and Korean officials.

·          10/10/1980
El Salvador
FMLN Founded
The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), umbrella organization of the five main leftist guerrilla groups in El Salvador.

·          10/10
Double Ten National Day
Anniversary of the revolution leading to the founding of the Chinese Republic by Sun Yat Sen.

·          10/11/1993
Israel, Middle East
PLO Approves Peace Accord
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council approved chairman Yasser Arafat's peace deal with Israel by a vote of 63 to 8, with 11 members abstaining or absent.


·          10/12/2000 - Yemen
Attack on the U.S.S. Cole killing 17 and injuring 37 of our young Men and Women in uniform.

·          10/12/1965
MIR Terrorist Group Founded
The Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR) was one of the most active leftist terrorist groups during the presidency of Salvador Allende and was suppressed during the military regime that followed. It survives as a political organization.

·          10/12/1957
Treaty of Mutual Defense
The Treaty of Mutual Defense and Mutual Assistance was signed with the United Kingdom.

·          10/12/1984
United Kingdom
Attempt To Kill Prime Minister
The Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) bombed the Grand Hotel in Brighton during a Conservative Party conference. The goal of the attack was to kill Prime Minister Thatcher. She escaped unharmed, but four others died in the attack.

·          10/14/1973
Overthrow of the Military
The military dictatorship was overthrown and there was a return to civilian rule.  


Revolution Day

Commemorates the revolt by indigenous Algerians in an attempt to gain rights denied to them under French colonial rule.

Antigua and Barbuda
Independence Day

Veterans Day

All Saints Day

All Saints Day

Guadeloupe (French Antilles)
All Saints Day

Armed Forces Day

All Saints Day

Schools, stores, and businesses are closed.

Martinique (French Antilles)
All Saints Day

All Souls Day

Schools, stores, and businesses are closed.

Israel, Occupied Territories
Balfour Declaration

Anniversary of the declaration which promised a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Demonstrations in the occupied territories and the Gaza area have occurred on this date.

Invasion by Soviet Forces

Soviet armed forces invaded Hungary following Hungarian premier Imre Nagy's proclamation of Hungarian neutrality.

National Unity Day

Korea (Republic of)
Students' Day

Commemorates beginning of student protests against Japanese rule in Kwangju.

Independence From Colombia

Ayatollah Khomeini Exiled

The Ayatollah Khomeini was exiled to Turkey.

Student Uprising Against Shah

Seizure of American Embassy

The American embassy was seized and sixty-three people were taken hostage.

MRTA Founded

The Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) is a Cuban-inspired Marxist guerrilla organization.

Imelda Marcos Returns

Imelda Marcos returned on this date from six years in exile. She was promptly arrested and charged with multiple fraud and tax evasion charges and released on bail.

Peaceful Power Transition

President Kaunda conceded defeat in the first free elections in years and transferred power to his successor. This is a watershed occurrence in turbulent Africa as democracy movements attempt to displace regimes of another stripe.

Green March Day

Moroccan citizens marched into the Spanish western Sahara claiming areas vacated by Mauritania, which signed a peace treaty with the Polisario movement renouncing all claims on the territory.

Burkina Faso
Coup Overthrows the Government

October Revolution Day

Celebrates the Bolshevik Revolution in the Soviet Union.

Revolution Day

Great October Socialist Revolution 7-8 November 1917. Considered by communists as their most sacred day.

United Kingdom
13 Die In PIRA Bombing

Thirteen people were killed in the Northern Ireland town of Enniskillen when the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) detonated a bomb during the town's observance of Remembrance Day.

Independence Day

France acknowledges the independence of Cambodia without reservations, after years of persistent lobbying (and public posturing) by Prince Norodom Sihanouk.

RAF Terrorist Dies In Prison

Red Army Faction (RAF) terrorist Holger Meins died in prison during a hunger strike.

Capture of Jose Maria Sison

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) leader Jose Maria Sison was captured.

Death of Kemal Ataturk

Independence Day

EPL Declares War On Government

The Popular Liberation Army (EPL), a leftist terrorist organization, has since made peace with the government and become a legitimate political party. However, a dissident faction continues the armed struggle against the government.

Korea (Republic of)
Death of Labor Martyr

Chon Tae Il, a textile company laborer, burnt himself to death in protest against the government crackdown on the free labor union movement.

Sultanate Abolished

The sultanate was abolished and the republic was declared.

Coup Brings Taya To Power

Declaration of Independence

Prime minister Ian Smith issued a unilateral declaration of independence from the United Kingdom in an attempt to continue minority rule by white Rhodesians.

Republic Day

First PKI Rebellion Erupts

The first Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) rebellion erupted in West Java.

Over 100 Killed In Dili

In an apparently unprovoked attack Indonesian troops killed over 100 East Timorese and at least one New Zealander in a deadly hail of automatic weapons fire aimed at a funeral procession. Reports and video tape indicated no visible provocation. Two American print reporters were severely beaten in the incident. World condemnation followed the attack in Dili East Timor.

Crowning of Emperor Akihito

The coronation of the emperor occurred on 12 November amid threats from youth groups against the imperial succession.

Birthday of Sun Yat Sen

Rolando Alalia Assassinated

Leftist labor leader Rolando Alalia was assassinated in Manila.

Assad Assumes Power

Minister of defense Hafiz Al-Assad seized power in a bloodless coup following the defeat of Syrian forces during the "Black September" hostilities with Jordan.

Birthday of King Hussein

Pan Am 103 Indictments Issued

The United Kingdom issued indictments against two Libyans for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in December 1989.

United Kingdom
Pan Am 103 Indictments Issued

The United Kingdom issued indictments against two Libyans for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in December 1989.

Proclamation of the Republic

Turkish Cypriot Independence

Turkish Cypriots occupying the northern third of the island declared themselves the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" (TRNC).

U.S. Navy Captain Assassinated

U.S. Navy captain George Tsantes was shot and killed while on his way to work in Athens. His chauffeur also died in the attack. The Greek terrorist organization "November 17" subsequently took credit for the killings.

Occupied Territories
Palestinian State Declared

The Palestine National Congress meeting in Algiers declared a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

President of Renault Murdered

Members of the Action Directe (AD) terrorist group murdered George Besse, president of Renault.

Student Uprising In Athens

An uprising of students at the Athens Polytechnic University against the rule of a military junta in Greece took place on this date. The Greek terrorist organization "November 17" took its name from this event.

Independence Day

National Holiday

Sultan Mohammed V was allowed to return to Morocco and negotiations with the French for independence began.

National Holiday

Sultan Bin-Said's birthday.

Death of Wolfe Tone

Wolfe Tone was the first Irish revolutionary.

Liberation Day

A group of officers led by Moussa Traore staged a bloodless coup and set up the Military Committee for National Liberation (CMLN).

National Holiday

Plebiscite On Muslim Autonomy

The plebiscite on Muslim autonomy in Mindinao resulted in only four provinces voting to join the Muslim autonomous region.

Legalization of The M-19

The April 19 Movement (M-19), a leftist terrorist organization, was legalized by an amnesty law after the group had made peace with the government. The M-19 is now a legitimate political party.

Saudi Arabia
Occupation of the Grand Mosque

Approximately five hundred Islamic fundamentalists occupied the Grand Mosque.

Death of Francisco Franco

King Juan Carlos assumed power following the death of Franco.

Armed Forces Day

Proclamation Day

Commemorates the United Nations resolution on Libyan independence.

Independence Day

Occupied Territories, Israel
UN Resolution 242 Adopted

UN Security Council Resolution 242 adopted calling for a separate Palestinian state.

U.S. Embassy Attacked

The U.S. embassy in Islamabad was attacked and burned by Islamic militants following rumors that the U.S. was involved in the violent takeover of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Juan Carlos Proclaimed King

Tutsi Rebels Attack Capital

Tutsi rebels based in Rwanda attacked the capital of Bujumbura in an attempt to unseat the government. Hundreds were killed and indiscriminate killings were alleged.

Hijacking of Egyptian Jet

An Egyptian jet was hijacked to Malta. Fifty-nine passengers, including one American, were killed when Egyptian troops stormed the plane in Malta on November 24.

Hijacking of Egyptian Jet

An Egyptian jet was hijacked to Malta. Fifty-nine passengers, including one American, were killed when Egyptian troops stormed the plane in Malta on November 24.

Ramos Blocks Coup Attempt

Chief of Staff Fidel Ramos blocked a coup attempt by dissatisfied military officers.

Sri Lanka
LTTE Founder's Birthday

The founder and leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was born. His birthday is marked by the LTTE as "Heroes Week," which also commemorates LTTE members who have died in battle.

Revolution Day

Commemorates the establishment of the Second Congolese Republic by General Joseph Mobutu (now Mobutu Sese Seko) following his seizure of control of the government on this date.

Birthday of Augusto Pinochet

Czech Republic
Dissolution of Czechoslovakia

The parliament of Czechoslovakia voted to end the seventy-four-year-old federation of the Czech and Slovak states.

Military Coup In Athens

Colonel Papadoupolos and his military junta, which had controlled Greece since April 1967, were themselves overthrown by a military coup on November 25, 1973.

Failed Leftist Coup Attempt

Mortar Attack On U.S. Embassy

The U.S. embassy was hit by four 60 mm mortar rounds fired by the popular forces of 25 April terrorist group.

Slovak Republic
Dissolution of Czechoslovakia

The parliament of Czechoslovakia voted to dissolve the seventy-four-year-old federation of the Czech and Slovak republics.

Independence Day

Relations With U.S. Restored

Republic Day

Commemorates the founding of the Mongolian People's Republic.

Attempted Coup by Juan Enrile

Political and military elements loyal to president Aquino blocked a coup attempt by Juan Ponce Enrile.

Handing Over of Clark Air Base

The U.S. government handed over control of Clark Air Force Base to the government of the Philippines on 26 November 1991. The base was severely damaged by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Within a month the base had been stripped of all useable material by looters and guards.

Attempted Coup

Soldiers out of control started a coup that was designed to remove interim prime minister Koffigoh and insure the continued power of president Eyadema and his northern dominated military.

Kurdish Workers Party Founding

November 27, 1978 is considered to be the date on which the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) was founded. PKK guerrillas may engage in terrorist attacks in connection with this date.

Independence Day

Albania declared its independence from Turkey at the height of the first Balkan War.

Liberation Day

The communist-led National Liberation Front (NLF) eliminated other smaller, non-communist resistance groups and gained control of the country.

Proclamation of the Republic

Proclamation of the Republic

East Timor Independence

The Fretilin movement in East Timor declared itself independent from Indonesia. Indonesian forces invaded the following week, defeating Fretilin forces and declaring East Timor to be Indonesia's twenty-seventh province.

Independence Day

Independence From Spain

After independence from Spain, Panama was part of the Republic of Greater Colombia until 1903.

Korea (Republic of)
Bombing of KAL Flight 858

Korean Air Lines Flight 858 was blown up over the Andaman Sea near Burma by two North Korean agents, killing all 115 persons aboard.

Republic Day

Independence Day

Germany, Federal Republic of
Assassination of Herrhausen

Alfred Herrhausen, the head of Deutche Bank AG and the most influential businessman in Germany, was assassinated by terrorists of the Red Army Faction (RAF) on November 30, 1989 in a Frankfurt suburb as Herrhausen was being driven to work. A very sophisticated light-activated bomb was detonated as Herrhausen's car drove by. The killing shook Germany.

Independence Day

South Arabia, including Aden, was declared independent by the National Liberation Front (NLF) and was renamed the People's Republic of South Yemen.

(Source: Terrorism Research Center)


Upcoming World Events of Interest


·          OCTOBER 07, 2002. INDONESIA. Metro Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso to be sworn in for a second term. Demonstrations at the inaugural site, Metro Jaya governor's office [near US Embassy] or parliamentary complex are possible.

 ·          OCTOBER 07, 2002. PAKISTAN. National and provincial elections scheduled. The polls will run until Oct 11. 

·          OCTOBER 07, 2002. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Parliamentary elections.


·          OCTOBER 08, 2002. INDIA. Final stage of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir. A result is expected October 12th.


·          OCTOBER 12, 2002. UKRAINE. Nationwide protests dubbed "Rise Up, Ukraine!" against President Kuchma, calling for his resignation.


·          OCTOBER 14, 2002. THAILAND. The ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] trade fair opens in Bangkok. 

·          OCTOBER 16, 2002. JAMAICA. General Elections  Jamaican voters will choose representatives to fill 60 seats in Parliament. Violence has occurred in past general elections. 

(Source: Overseas Security Advisory Council)


 For Questions or Comments regarding this report, contact Anthony M. Davis at: Email: adavis1@leo.gov


MI Corps Asso Mentor Page



November 2002

1 Fri | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | W32/PetLil@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | W97M/Shore.p | W97M/Bablas.aj | VBS/Count | W97M/Tarap | VBS/Bhong | VBS/LoveLetter.bi | W97M/Jany.a | W97M/Change.A | X97M/Hopper.r
2 Sat | Flip | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | W97M/Jany.a
3 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Mon | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
5 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | W32/Supova.d.worm | W32/Urick@MM | W32/Supova.e.worm | W32/Supova.f.worm | JS/Gigger.a@MM | VBS/Count | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hopper.r
6 Wed | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
7 Thu | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W32/Supova.d.worm | W32/Supova.e.worm | W32/Supova.f.worm
8 Fri | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | VBS/Valentin@MM | VBS/San@M
9 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | TRASHER.D | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
10 Sun | WM/Helper.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A | W32/Urick@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | VBS/Count | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | VBS/Loveletter.ar | W97M/Alina.a@mm | W97M/Melissa.ao@mm | W97M/Hope.p | X97M/Anis | WM/Helper.B | X97M/Hopper.r | VBS/Godzilla@M
11 Mon | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/CVCK1.A | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/AntiSocial.e | W97M/Bablas.aj
12 Tue | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | W97M/Yous
13 Wed | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/FRIDAY.D | Twno.A | W97M/Rapmak.a | W97M/Yous | W97M/Digma | WM/SHOWOFF.G | W97M/BackHand.A | W97M/Idea.A
14 Thu | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | W97M/Class.Q | VBS/Valentin@MM | W97M/Yous | VBS/San@M | W97M/Este | W32/SoftSix.worm
15 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Habir.A | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | W32/Urick@MM | W32/PetLil@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | W97M/Fifteen.a | W97M/Courage.a | W97M/Yous | VBS/Count | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hopper.r | W97M/Class.ed
16 Sat | WM/Concept.F;G;J | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Yous | XM/Laroux.IC
17 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Serpent | VBS/Mantie.ow | W97M/Yous | W32/Mypics.worm.25600
18 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | VBS/SWVK.ow.gen | W97M/Yous | W97M/Chameleon.a
19 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B | W95/Firkin.worm | W97M/Assilem.H | W97M/Yous
20 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Gurre.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM | VBS/Gaggle@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | W97M/Bablas.aj | W97M/Erab | W97M/Yous | VBS/Count | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | VBS/Loveletter.ar | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hopper.r | W97M/Mck.e
21 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Yous
22 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Yous
23 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/ANGUS.A | WM/ANGUS.A | TRASHER.D | WM/Niknat.A | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | W97M/Bablas.aj | VBS/Valentin@MM | VBS/San@M | WM/NOMVIR.A;B
24 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/CONCEPT.L;M | WM/ANGUS.A | W97M/Bablas.aj
25 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended) | W32/Urick@MM | W97M/Multi.a | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hongo.c
26 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/TAMAGO.A | VBS/Gaggle@MM | X97M/Reten.d | W95/CIH.1003
27 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | VBS/Gaggle@MM
28 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/Clave.a | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | W97M/Este
29 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/Bablas.aj | VBS/Valentin@MM | VBS/San@M
30 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Jackal.A | W32/Urick@MM | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/Fifteen.a | VBS/Loveletter.ar | X97M/Anis | XM/Laroux.IC




October 2002
1 Tue | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | W32/PetLil@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | W97M/Shore.p | W97M/Bablas.aj | VBS/Count | W97M/Tarap | VBS/Bhong | VBS/LoveLetter.bi | W97M/Jany.a | W97M/Change.A | X97M/Hopper.r
2 Wed | Flip | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | W97M/Jany.a
3 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Fri | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
5 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | W32/Supova.d.worm | W32/Urick@MM | W32/Supova.e.worm | W32/Supova.f.worm | JS/Gigger.a@MM | VBS/Count | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hopper.r
6 Sun | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
7 Mon | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W32/Supova.d.worm | W32/Supova.e.worm | W32/Supova.f.worm
8 Tue | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | VBS/Valentin@MM | VBS/San@M
9 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | TRASHER.D | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
10 Thu | WM/Helper.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A | W32/Urick@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | VBS/Count | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | VBS/Loveletter.ar | W97M/Alina.a@mm | W97M/Melissa.ao@mm | W97M/Hope.p | X97M/Anis | WM/Helper.B | X97M/Hopper.r | VBS/Godzilla@M
11 Fri | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/CVCK1.A | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/AntiSocial.e | W97M/Bablas.aj
12 Sat | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | W97M/Yous
13 Sun | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/FRIDAY.D | Twno.A | W97M/Rapmak.a | W97M/Yous | W97M/Digma | WM/SHOWOFF.G | W97M/BackHand.A | W97M/Idea.A
14 Mon | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | W97M/Class.Q | VBS/Valentin@MM | W97M/Yous | VBS/San@M | W97M/Este | W32/SoftSix.worm
15 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Habir.A | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | W32/Urick@MM | W32/PetLil@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | W97M/Fifteen.a | W97M/Courage.a | W97M/Yous | VBS/Count | X97M/Anis | W97M/MacoBle | X97M/Hopper.r | W97M/Class.ed
16 Wed | WM/Concept.F;G;J | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Yous | XM/Laroux.IC
17 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Serpent | VBS/Mantie.ow | W97M/Yous | W32/Mypics.worm.25600
18 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | VBS/SWVK.ow.gen | W97M/Yous | W97M/Chameleon.a
19 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B | W95/Firkin.worm | W97M/Assilem.H | W97M/Yous
20 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Gurre.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM | VBS/Gaggle@MM | JS/Gigger.a@MM | W97M/Bablas.aj | W97M/Erab | W97M/Yous | VBS/Count | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | VBS/Loveletter.ar | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hopper.r | W97M/Mck.e
21 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Yous
22 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Yous
23 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/ANGUS.A | WM/ANGUS.A | TRASHER.D | WM/Niknat.A | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | W97M/Bablas.aj | VBS/Valentin@MM | VBS/San@M | WM/NOMVIR.A;B
24 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/CONCEPT.L;M | WM/ANGUS.A | W97M/Bablas.aj
25 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended) | W32/Urick@MM | W97M/Multi.a | X97M/Anis | X97M/Hongo.c
26 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/TAMAGO.A | VBS/Gaggle@MM | X97M/Reten.d | W95/CIH.1003
27 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | VBS/Gaggle@MM
28 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/Clave.a | VBS/Baracu.A@mm | W97M/Este
29 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/Bablas.aj | VBS/Valentin@MM | VBS/San@M
30 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Jackal.A | W32/Urick@MM | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/Fifteen.a | VBS/Loveletter.ar | X97M/Anis | XM/Laroux.IC
31 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/CVCK1.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Caligula.a | VBS/Gaggle@MM | W97M/WMVG.c | W32/PetLil@MM | W97M/Concon | W97M/Jany.a


September 2002


1 Sun | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E
2 Mon | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Alliance.A | Flip
3 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E
5 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | W32/Supova.d.worm | W32/Urick@MM
6 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/KOMPU.A | W32/Klez.e@MM
7 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | W32/Supova.d.worm
8 Sun | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | TRASHER.D
10 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.A;B | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A | W32/Urick@MM
11 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/CVCK1.A
12 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | Twno.A | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/FRIDAY.D | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int
14 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | W97M/Class.Q
15 Sun | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM
16 Mon | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Concept.F;G;J
17 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A
18 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Thu | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Gurre.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM
21 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | TRASHER.D
25 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM
26 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/TAMAGO.A | W95/CIH.1003
27 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
28 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Mon | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | FHD.A | W32/Urick@MM
August 2002
1 Thu | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E
2 Fri | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Alliance.A | Flip
3 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E
5 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | W32/Supova.d.worm | W32/Urick@MM
6 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/KOMPU.A
7 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | W32/Supova.d.worm
8 Thu | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | TRASHER.D
10 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.A;B | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A | W32/Urick@MM
11 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/CVCK1.A
12 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | Twno.A | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/FRIDAY.D | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int
14 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | W97M/Class.Q | W97M/Piece@mm
15 Thu | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM
16 Fri | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Concept.F;G;J
17 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A
18 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Mon | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Gurre.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM
21 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | TRASHER.D
25 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | W32/Urick@MM
26 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/TAMAGO.A | W95/CIH.1003
27 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
28 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Fri | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | FHD.A | VBS/Tam@M | W32/Urick@MM
31 Sat | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Caligula.a | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/CVCK1.A | FHD.A | W97M/Bleck

July 2002
1 Mon | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/BALROG.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E
2 Tue | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Alliance.A | Flip
3 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E
5 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A
6 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/KOMPU.A
7 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H
8 Mon | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | TRASHER.D | WM/ANGEL.A
10 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.A;B | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A
11 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/CVCK1.A
12 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | Twno.A | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/FRIDAY.D | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int
14 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | W97M/Class.Q
15 Mon | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | AOS.A
16 Tue | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Concept.F;G;J
17 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A
18 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Fri | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Stun.a
23 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | TRASHER.D
25 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A
27 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
28 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Tue | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | FHD.A
31 Wed | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Caligula.a | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/CVCK1.A | FHD.A

June 2002
1 Sat | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/HARK.A | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A
2 Sun | Flip | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E
3 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Tue | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
5 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A
6 Thu | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
7 Fri | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
8 Sat | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | TRASHER.D | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
10 Mon | WM/Helper.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A
11 Tue | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/CVCK1.A | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
12 Wed | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Thu | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/FRIDAY.D | Twno.A
14 Fri | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | W97M/Class.Q
15 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A
16 Sun | WM/Concept.F;G;J | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B
17 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
18 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Ciudad.590 | Tribute.A;B | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Fri | Werewolf.1168 | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | TRASHER.D | W97M/Melissa.o@mm
25 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
27 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A
28 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Jackal.A

MAY 02 Virus Dates

Mcafee produces GOOD info in a usable format.

Virus Calendar from http://www.mcafee.com/anti-virus/calendar/default.asp?
The viruses shown below can infect a system 365 days a year. But on the payload dates designated on this calendar, the viruses may do more than just infect you. While these payloads may just be a nuisance, some may severely damage your system.
1 Wed | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A
2 Thu | Flip | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E
3 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Sat | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
5 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A
6 Mon | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
7 Tue | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
8 Wed | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | TRASHER.D | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
10 Fri | WM/Helper.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | Grass.A:De | W97M/Nono.A
11 Sat | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/CVCK1.A | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
12 Sun | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Mon | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/FRIDAY.D | Twno.A
14 Tue | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D
15 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A
16 Thu | WM/Concept.F;G;J | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B
17 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
18 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | TRASHER.D | W97M/Melissa.o@mm
25 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
27 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A
28 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Jackal.A
31 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/CVCK1.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Caligula.a

·          04/01/1915
April is designated a "Month of Remembrance" to commemorate the anniversary of the claim that the government of Turkey massacred Armenians in 1915.

·          04/01/1970
El Salvador
FPL Founded
The Popular Liberation Forces (FPL), a leftist guerrilla organization.

·          04/01/1915
Europe (Region-Wide)
April is designated a "Month of Remembrance" to commemorate the anniversary of the claim that the government of Turkey massacred Armenians in 1915.

·          04/01/1993
Top JKLF Leader Assassinated
Unidentified assailants kidnapped and killed one of India's top heart surgeons who was subsequently revealed to be a leading member of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).

·          04/01/1979
Islamic Republic Day
Commemorates riots by Islamic fundamentalists in Isfahan.

·          04/01/1941
Ukraine, Moldova, And Romania
Fintina Alba Massacre
Thousands of people in northern Bukovina were heading towards the Romanian frontier. They were fired on not far from Fintina Alba village. Hundreds of people--especially women, children, and old people--were killed.

·          04/01/1973
Founding of the NDF
The National Democratic Front (NDF) was founded, an illegal underground organization that supports the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA).

·          04/01/1915
April is designated a "Month of Remembrance" to commemorate the anniversary of the claim that the government of Turkey massacred Armenians in 1915.

·          04/02/1986
Bombing Aboard TWA Flight
Four Americans were killed and nine people, including five Americans, were injured when a bomb exploded aboard TWA flight 840 as it traveled from Rome to Athens. The aircraft was able to land safely at Athens airport.

·          04/03/1984
Second Republic Declared
A military government took power one week after the sudden death of president Ahmed Sekou Toure.

·          04/03/1976
PULO Begins Armed Struggle
The Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO) initiated its armed struggle against the royal Thai government with a series of attacks in the southern provinces of Thailand.

·          04/04/1945
Liberation Day
Celebrates the liberation of Hungary from Nazi control by Soviet troops.

·          04/04/1979
Ex-President Bhutto Executed
Former president of Pakistan Zulfikar 'ali Bhutto was executed by the Pakistani government under President Zia. The terrorist group Al-Zulfikar, founded by his two sons, is named after him.

·          04/04/1960
Independence Day

·          04/04/1947
Syrian Ba'ath Party Founded

·          04/05/1976
China (People's Republic of)
Tienanmen Square Incident
A militia force working with police beat to death dozens of demonstrators who had gathered in Beijings's Tienanmen Square to lay wreaths in memory of the late premier Chou En Lai. The incident occurred during the celebration of "Clear Bright" (Qing Ming), an annual Chinese festival to honor the dead.

·          04/05/1986
Germany, Federal Republic of
Bombing of Le Belle Disco
Le Belle Disco, a nightclub in West Berlin frequented by U.S. servicemen, was bombed, killing two American soldiers and one Turkish woman. Two hundred others were wounded in the bombing. Libya was implicated in the bombing.

·          04/05/0000
Korea (Republic of)
Arbor Day

·          04/05/1992
Fujimori Seizes Extra Powers
On this date, president Alberto Fujimori, with military cooperation, closed the congress and courts and set aside portions of the constitution in an action that concentrated extraordinary powers in his hands. The Organization of American States (OAS) has demanded that Fujimori restore the constitution. Opposition parties and leftist insurgents oppose Fujimori's takeover.

·          04/05/1975
Death of Chiang Kai Shek

·          04/06/1990
Pro-Democracy Demonstrations
Clashes between police and pro-democracy demonstrators left 19 people dead.

·          04/06/1782
Thai Royal Dynasty Founded
Celebrated as Chakri Day, marking the founding of the ruling Thai royal dynasty by Rama I.

·          04/07/1991
Death of Hazrat Ali Marked
Shia Moslems mark the death of Hazrat Ali, fourth Caliph of Islam.

·          04/08/1947
Iraqi Ba'ath Party Founded
The Iraqi Ba'ath Party was founded in 1947.


·          04/23/1993
Sri Lanka
Lalith Athulathmudai Killed
Opposition politician Lalith Athulathmudai was assassintated during an election rally near Colombo.

·          04/24/1915
Armenia, Turkey
Armenian "Genocide" Marked
Armenians observe this date as the anniversary of the 1915 Turkish "genocide" against Armenians.

·          04/24/1970
Republic Day

·          04/24/1973
Founding of the NDF
The National Democratic Front (NDF), a coalition of fourteen leftist groups supporting the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People's Army (NPA), was founded in Manila.

·          04/25/1992
Rebels Take Kabul
After almost fourteen years of Communist rule, Soviet occupation, and civil war, victorious Mujahedden forces regained control of Kabul. Fighting between a hold-out faction, Hezb-I-Islami, and a coalition of Mujahedeen forces broke out almost immediately.

·          04/25/1988
Armenia, Greece, Turkey
ASALA Leader Killed In Athens
Hagop Hagopian, leader of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), also known as the Orly Group, 3rd October Organization, was shot dead in his home in Athens by two gunmen. No group claimed responsibility for his murder.

·          04/25/0000
Sinai Liberation Day

·          04/28/1937
Saddam Hussein's Birthday

·        04/28/1945
Mussolini Killed At Lake Como

·          04/29/1986
Militants Seize Golden Temple
Sikh militants seized the Golden Temple of Amritsar in Punjab and declared the independent state of Khalistan. Expelled by government of India forces the next day.

·          04/29/1916
Ireland, United Kingdom
Easter Rebellion Dublin
Irish nationalists unsuccessfully attempted to throw off British rule. Guerrilla warfare followed proclamation of a republic by the rebels in 1919.

·          04/29/1901
Arbor Day
Also known as Green Day, it is celebrated on the birthday of deceased emperor Hirohito.

·          04/29/1992
Sierra Leone
Overthrow of President Momoh
On April 29, 1992 Captain Valentine Strasser overthrew president Joseph Momoh in a military coup that drove Momoh into exile. The proximate cause of the coup was the poor treatment of the military involved in a difficult battle against the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in the eastern part of the country that was two years old at the time of the coup.

·          04/30/1980
United Kingdom
Seizure of Iranian Embassy
Iranian Arabs seized the Iranian embassy in London, taking twenty-six people hostage. Two hostages were killed on May 5. Special forces stormed the embassy, rescuing the remaining hostages and killing five of the six terrorists. Much of the embassy was destroyed by fire.

·          04/30/1975
Fall of Saigon
The government of South Vietnam collapsed as the invading North Vietnamese Army captured Saigon.

Virus Calendar from http://www.mcafee.com/anti-virus/calendar/default.asp?
The viruses shown below can infect a system 365 days a year. But on the payload dates designated on this calendar, the viruses may do more than just infect you. While these payloads may just be a nuisance, some may severely damage your system.

April 2002
1 Mon | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CEEFOUR.A | WM/CEEFOUR.B | WM/CVCK1.B;E
2 Tue | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Alliance.A | Flip
3 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/TWOLINES.A;A1
5 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | WM/NUCLEAR.A;B
6 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/KOMPU.A
7 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H
8 Mon | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | TRASHER.D
10 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.A;B | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A
11 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/CVCK1.A
12 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | Twno.A | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/FRIDAY.D | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/MAGNUM.A
14 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED)
15 Mon | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | AOS.A
16 Tue | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Concept.F;G;J
17 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A
18 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Fri | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | TRASHER.D
25 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A
26 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/TAMAGO.A | W95/CIH.1003
27 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
28 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Tue | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | FHD.A



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These date come from the hard work of Coast Guardsman CWO Anthony M. Davis 

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