G2Online website to help G2s, S2s, Security Managers and Intell Professionals

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How to get Published

OPSEC Professionals Society


Retired Activities Office, Korea (Excellent widow info)

Additional info page

on Rick Eaton, RIP

12 Aug 03 in IZ.

See jobs info site


The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo



AKO Sign In www.us.army.mil 



HSPD-12 site for GSA and the Managed Service Office



LOCK  Links

S&G Locks

Kaba-Mas are the current locks, some may say Mas-Hamilton! See below.

DoD Lock Program is the best location for Gov lock info. These are HTTPS secure links for the lock program. (This is a recent change.)

 Department of Defense Lock Program Logo


X-09 Combination Lock -
Used for the Protection of Classified Information

   X-09 Operating Instructions

More info below from the Executive Agent for the DOD lock program.

National Security Information (NSI)
Storage Media Routine Destruction Methods

The NSI Destruction Guidance Manual is now out-dated. For the latest guidance on how to routinely destroy classified information stored on electronic media visit the National Security Agency's website at: NSA Media Destruction Guidance. National Security Information Destruction

Information Bulletins

See the Latest Information and Updates to Physical Security Equipment and Procedures

Click the Camera Icon to View a Picture within this Website

Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center Logo

Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC)

Security Engineering Division
DoD Lock Program
1100 23rd Avenue
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370




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Send to webmaster JRL at this domain.



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Bomb Threat Stand-Off Distances Chart from NCTC

US-CERT.gov  Link
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This website was started in 1991 to assisting security managers and making soldiers target smart on foreign countries.


::: webmaster -- Date of last edit: 24 October 2010 20:05 time is Washington DC. 

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