International Terrorism 
Open Database Project 

 S M. I


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The International Terrorism Open Database Project

A publicly created database of past terrorist activity for public use.

Contribute to the database:
  We are looking for knowledgable people in the security field to contribute reviews of specific events that qualify as significant terrorist activity. We need the exact date, a brief review of the event, and at least two links to other sites with reliable information on the incident.

Go to the webform to submit an incident

About the project:
  Recent events have cast terrorism and security into the public eye. There are many who would like to say what should be done in the future but many often forget the past in doing so. Security professionals, military and civilian, especially rely on lessons learned. It is for this purpose that is starting a database of past incidents of terrorist activity. This will be in the form of "This Day in History" on our site. It will be available for use publicly and the code will be available for other web developers. We hope to make this index searchable, but before we can do any of this we need information for the database.
  This entire project is being undertaken solely by the two webmasters of S2Online. We are busy people, as we assume most of you are, and for this reason we ask you to help us in our research so that yours may be easier in the future.

See it as it develops - coming soon!!


MI Corps Asso Mentor Page



Best way to use, is go to your Control F key...FIND the date you are looking for.

·          05/20/1989
China (People's Republic of)
Martial Law in Beijing
The death of Hu Yao Bang on April 15 set off protests, hunger strikes, and the occupation of Tienanmen Square by pro-democracy student radicals, which led to the imposition of martial law in Beijing.

·          05/20/1990
Gunman Kills Eight Arabs
A lone Israeli gunman killed eight Arab laborers in Rishon Le Ziyyon, south of Tel Aviv. Nine workers were injured. The gunman was identified as a discharged Israeli soldier.

·          05/20/1973
Polisario Starts Armed Strife
Polisario guerrillas begin their armed struggle against Morocco in the western Sahara.

·          05/20/1927
Saudi Arabia
Independence Day

·          05/21
Battle of Iquique

·          05/21/1991
Rajiv Gandi Assassinated
Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during a campaign rally in Tamil Nadu State.

·          05/22/1972
Sri Lanka
Republic Day
Also known as National Heroes' Day.

·          05/22/1990
North and South Yemen Reunited
North and South Yemen signed an agreement reuniting the country. Declared as "Yemeni National Day."

·          05/23/1951
China (People's Republic of)
Tibet Under Chinese Rule
Tibet was "peacefully liberated" when representatives of the Dalai Lama signed an agreement with the Beijing government accepting Chinese rule in return for a promise of greater autonomy.

·          05/23/1949
Germany, Federal Republic of
Federal Republic Proclaimed

·          05/24/1990
Day of the Slavonic Enlighterners Cyril and Methodius, of Bulgarian education and culture.

·          05/24/1822
Independence Day

·          05/24/1993
Independence Day
The country of Eritrea formally declared independence today after 30 years of war and two years of stabilization before separating from Ethiopia.

·          05/24/1984
Urban Terrorism Begins
Philippine constabulary chief Tomas Karingal was shot by five gunmen who subsequently fled, covering their escape with smoke grenades. This attack is generally considered the inauguration of the era of urban terrorism in Manila, and coincides with the formation of the Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB), the urban terrorist or "sparrow" unit of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

·          05/25/1963
OAU - Africa Freedom Day
The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was founded on May 25, 1963. The day is celebrated as Africa Freedom Day. The OAU is organized to promote unity and cooperation among African states.

·          05/25/1967
Self-Government Achieved

  • 05/25/1946

  • Jordan
    Independence Day

    Following the end of the British mandate over Transjordan (May 22), Jordan became the independent Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.


    ·          05/20/1989
    China (People's Republic of)
    Martial Law in Beijing
    The death of Hu Yao Bang on April 15 set off protests, hunger strikes, and the occupation of Tienanmen Square by pro-democracy student radicals, which led to the imposition of martial law in Beijing.

    ·          05/20/1990
    Gunman Kills Eight Arabs
    A lone Israeli gunman killed eight Arab laborers in Rishon Le Ziyyon, south of Tel Aviv. Nine workers were injured. The gunman was identified as a discharged Israeli soldier.

    ·          05/20/1973
    Polisario Starts Armed Strife
    Polisario guerrillas begin their armed struggle against Morocco in the western Sahara.

    ·          05/20/1927
    Saudi Arabia
    Independence Day

    ·          05/21
    Battle of Iquique

    ·          05/21/1991
    Rajiv Gandi Assassinated
    Former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during a campaign rally in Tamil Nadu State.

    ·          05/22/1972
    Sri Lanka
    Republic Day
    Also known as National Heroes' Day.

    ·          05/22/1990
    North and South Yemen Reunited
    North and South Yemen signed an agreement reuniting the country. Declared as "Yemeni National Day."

    ·          05/23/1951
    China (People's Republic of)
    Tibet Under Chinese Rule
    Tibet was "peacefully liberated" when representatives of the Dalai Lama signed an agreement with the Beijing government accepting Chinese rule in return for a promise of greater autonomy.

    ·          05/23/1949
    Germany, Federal Republic of
    Federal Republic Proclaimed

    ·          05/24/1990
    Day of the Slavonic Enlighterners Cyril and Methodius, of Bulgarian education and culture.

    ·          05/24/1822
    Independence Day

    ·          05/24/1993
    Independence Day
    The country of Eritrea formally declared independence today after 30 years of war and two years of stabilization before separating from Ethiopia.

    ·          05/24/1984
    Urban Terrorism Begins
    Philippine constabulary chief Tomas Karingal was shot by five gunmen who subsequently fled, covering their escape with smoke grenades. This attack is generally considered the inauguration of the era of urban terrorism in Manila, and coincides with the formation of the Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB), the urban terrorist or "sparrow" unit of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

    ·          05/25/1963
    OAU - Africa Freedom Day
    The Organization of African Unity (OAU) was founded on May 25, 1963. The day is celebrated as Africa Freedom Day. The OAU is organized to promote unity and cooperation among African states.

    ·          05/25/1967
    Self-Government Achieved

    • 05/25/1946

    • Jordan
      Independence Day

      Following the end of the British mandate over Transjordan (May 22), Jordan became the independent Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.

·          05/27/1964
Assault on Peasant "Republic"
On this date, government troops attacked the "independent republic" that Communist peasant groups had set up at Marquetalia, Caldas Department.

·          05/29
Internal Security Forces Day

News Feed Temporarily Unavailable

·          05/30/1961
Dominican Republic
Assassination of Trujillo
Rafael L. Trujillo's assassination ended a thirty-year personal dictatorship.

·          05/30/1972
JRA Massacre at Lod Airport
Members of the Japanese Red Army (JRA) killed twenty-six people in a massacre at Lod Airport.

·          05/31/1993
The Hajj Begins
The annual pilgrimage in Mecca begins.

·          05/31/1967
East Jerusalem Captured by Israel
Israeli troops captured East Jerusalem in the Six-Day War.

·          05/31/1162
Birth of Ghengis Khan
The birth of Ghengis Khan, founder of the United Mongol State, is celebrated with a festival.

·          06/01/1993
Europe (Region-Wide)

·          06/01/1973
Proclamation of the Republic

The royal family was sent into exile following a military coup.


·          06/01/1976
Syria Enters Lebanon Civil War

During this month, Syria entered the civil war in Lebanon on the side of the Christian Phalange and against the Palestinians and their Moslem allies. In response, Abu Nidal renamed his terrorist group, then based in Iraq, the Black June Organization and began attacking Syrian targets.

·          06/01/1987
Prime Minister Karami Assassinated

·          06/01/1993
Middle East

·          06/01/1976
Syria Enters Lebanon Civil War

During this month, Syria entered the civil war in Lebanon on the side of the Christian Phalange and against the Palestinians and their Moslem allies. In response, Abu Nidal renamed his terrorist group, then based in Iraq, the Black June Organization and began attacking Syrian targets.

·          06/01/1955
Victory Day (National Holiday)

·          06/01
Western Samoa
National Holiday

·          06/02/1972
United Republic Proclaimed

·          06/02/1946
Establishment of the Republic

·          06/02/1976
Air Force Day


·          08/12/1978
China (People's Republic of)
Friendship Treaty With Japan

·          08/12/1983
AVC Guerrilla Group Formed
The leftist terrorist group, Alfaro Vive, Carajo! (AVC) or Alfaro Lives, Damn It!, ended its armed struggle in 1991 and became a legitimate political party.

·          08/12/1689
United Kingdom
Apprentice Boy's March
Protestant commemorative marches mark the day that apprentice boys locked the gates of Derry against the forces of James II.

·          08/13/1960
Central African Republic
Independence Day

·          08/13/1987
Chad Routs Libyan Forces

·          08/13/1927
Cuba, Chile
Fidel Castro's Birthday

·          08/13/1898
U.S. Forces Capture Manila
U.S. forces captured Manila from the Spanish with the aid of Philippine insurgents led by General Emilio Aguinaldo.

·          08/14/1947
Independence Day
Pakistan became a self-governing dominion within the British Commonwealth.

·          08/14/1969
United Kingdom
British Troops To Northern Ireland
In response to communal rioting between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, British troops were sent to the province on August 14, 1969. Initally welcomed by Catholics, the British troops eventually became a target of Catholic terrorist groups, mainly the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA).

·          08/15/1971
Independence Day

·          08/15/1975
Mujibur Rahman Assassinated

·          08/15/1964
ELN Begins Armed Struggle
The National Liberation Army (ELN) begins its armed struggle.

·          08/15/1960
Independence Day
Celebrates the overthrow of the Youlou regime.

·          08/15/1945
Agreement On Irian Jaya
The Netherlands agreed to transfer administration of Irian Jaya to Indonesia.

·          08/15/1975
FRETILIN Begins Insurgency
The Revolutionary Front for East Timor Independence (FRETILIN) began its insurgency aimed at gaining independence for the Portuguese territory.


·          08/15/1986
Turkish Troops Raid Camps
Turkish troops raided Kurdish rebel camps in Iraq.

·          08/15/1945
Korea (Republic of)
Independence Day
Also known as Liberation Day or Kwang Bok Jul.

·          08/15/1945
Agreement On Irian Jaya
The Netherlands agreed to transfer administration of Irian Jaya to Indonesia.

·          08/15/1945
North Korea
Liberation Day
Also known as Independence Day or Kwang Bok Jul.

·          08/15/1984
First PKK Attack On Government
August 15, 1984 is considered to be the first time that Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) elements launched an attack against Turkish government installations.

·          08/15/1986
Turkish Troops Raid Kurd Camps
Turkish troops raided Kurdish rebel camps in Iraq.

·          08/17/1945
Independence Day
Indonesian leaders Soekarno and Mohammed Hatta, with the acquiescence of Japanese occupation officials, proclaim the independence of Indonesia as World War II ends in the Pacific.

·          08/18/1987
Sri Lanka
Grenade Attack On Parliament
One legislator was killed in a grenade attack on the Sri Lankan parliament.

·          08/18/1991
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Attempted Coup
Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, who was vacationing in the Crimea, was held incommunicado while senior Soviet officials attempted to stage a coup.


Upcoming World Events of Interest


·          AUGUST 14, 2002. MALAYSIA. The Asian Football Confederation meets in Kuala Lumpur.


·          AUGUST 26, 2002. SOUTH AFRICA. World Summit on Sustainable Development - being held in Johannesburg through September 4, 2002. Preparatory meetings being held around the world indicate that over 60,000 NGO's will attend.


·          SEPTEMBER 01, 2002. MOROCCO. Local and parliamentary elections take place this month. The exact date will be announced later.


·          SEPTEMBER 15, 2002. MACEDONIA. Parliamentary elections.


·          SEPTEMBER 16, 2002. INDIA. The first of four rounds of voting begins in the troubled Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. Thus far, Kashmiri separatist have refused to participate, and polls in previous years have been marked by violence and poor voter turnout.


·          SEPTEMBER 24, 2002. INDIA. Phase two of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.


·          SEPTEMBER 28, 2002. SOUTH KOREA. Asian Games open in Pusan. The event will last until Oct 14.


·          SEPTEMBER 29, 2002. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA. Serbian Presidential Elections.


·          OCTOBER 01, 2002. INDIA. Phase three of the state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir.


·          OCTOBER 01, 2002. SOUTH AFRICA. Two-day general strike begins. The strike is being organized by COSATU as a kickoff to its revived anti-privatization campaign. A program of more comprehensive protests will follow the strike.


·          OCTOBER 01, 2002. UNITED STATES. Annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Summit in Washington, DC. The meetings will last two days. Leftist groups plan major demonstrations and disruptions.


·          OCTOBER 05, 2002. BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. Parliamentary elections.


·          OCTOBER 06, 2002. BRAZIL. Elections to choose a successor to Pres. Fernando H. Cardoso, who ends his second 4-yr term. Main parties contending are leftist Workers Party (PT) and conservative Liberal Front Party (PFL).


·          OCTOBER 07, 2002. PAKISTAN. National and provincial elections scheduled. The polls will run until Oct 11.

  · December 9, 1961. TANZANIA.
Independence Of Tanganyika

Beginning Of The Intifada
Date used to mark the beginning of the "intifada" or uprising on the West Bank and the Gaza strip.

· December 10, 1959. NAMIBIA.
Old Location Day
Commemorates the killing of twelve Namibians by South African colonial authorities during a protest against their forced removal from the old location to Katutura. Shortly after the incident, Sam Nujoma and other SWAPO leaders went into exile.

· December 10, 1991. BURMA.
Democracy Demo Closes Schools
Students demonstrated against the authoritarian government who sent troops to close the universities and guard the home of the Nobel Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi.

· December 10, 1997. WORLDWIDE.
Mir Aimal Kansi Convicted
In Fairfax County, VA, Islamic terrorist Mir Aimal Kansi, a native of Baluchistan Province, Pakistan, was convicted of killing three CIA employess, at the turnoff to CIA headquarters in Langeley, VA, in January 1993.

· December 11, 1929. China (People's Republic)
Baise and Longzhou Uprisings

· December 11, 1964. KENYA.
Republic Day
Celebrates Kenya's joining the British Commonwealth one year after its independence.

· December 11, 1990. BANGLADESH.
President Ershad Ousted
President Ershad was forced to resign after massive protests against his government.

· December 12, 1963. KENYA.
Independence Day
Kenya achieved independence from Britain and joined the commonwealth one year later.

· December 12, 1981. GAMBIA
Confederation With Senegal

· December 12, 1983. KUWAIT.
Bombing Of Embassies
Al-Dawa party members bombed the U.S. and French embassies. Similar attacks occurred at a U.S. housing compound, a Kuwaiti oil facility, an airline terminal, and a Kuwaiti government office. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the bombings.

· December 12, 1984. MAURITANIA.
Military Coup In Nouakchott
Chief of Staff Maayouia Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya led a bloodless coup that ousted Mohamed Khouna Ould Haidalla, leader of the Military Committee for National Salvation (CMSN). This is also known as the CMSN Restructuring Anniversary.

· December 12, 1991. NIGERIA
Federal Capital Moved to Abuja
On 12 December 1991 President Babangida officially opened the new capital town of Abuja in central Nigeria. Abuja will serve, as a centralized federal capital hoping to draw all embassies there while Lagos remains the economic capital. Abuja is 500 miles northeast of Lagos.

· December 13, 1974. MALTA
Republic Day

· December 14, 1983. CHILE.
FPMR Terrorist Group Founded
The Manuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), a leftist terrorist group that announced its abandonment of armed struggle in 1991.

For Questions or Comments regarding this report, contact Anthony M. Davis at:




The Homeland Security Report is privately published to provide Officer Safety and homeland security information. All articles published in this report are extracted from open-source reports and source information is noted when available. The editor assumes no responsibility for misleading or incorrect information. This report is in response to the Presidents’ call for all Americans to participate and be vigilant in the war against terror. No monetary remuneration is obtained for the distribution of this report.


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June 2002
1 Sat | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/HARK.A | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A
2 Sun | Flip | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E
3 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Tue | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
5 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A
6 Thu | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
7 Fri | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
8 Sat | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | TRASHER.D | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
10 Mon | WM/Helper.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A
11 Tue | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/CVCK1.A | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
12 Wed | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Thu | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/FRIDAY.D | Twno.A
14 Fri | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | W97M/Class.Q
15 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A
16 Sun | WM/Concept.F;G;J | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B
17 Mon | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
18 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Ciudad.590 | Tribute.A;B | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Fri | Werewolf.1168 | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | TRASHER.D | W97M/Melissa.o@mm
25 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
27 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A
28 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Jackal.A


MAY 02 Virus Dates

Mcafee produces GOOD info in a usable format.

Virus Calendar from
The viruses shown below can infect a system 365 days a year. But on the payload dates designated on this calendar, the viruses may do more than just infect you. While these payloads may just be a nuisance, some may severely damage your system.
1 Wed | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A
2 Thu | Flip | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E
3 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Sat | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
5 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A
6 Mon | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
7 Tue | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
8 Wed | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | TRASHER.D | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
10 Fri | WM/Helper.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | Grass.A:De | W97M/Nono.A
11 Sat | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/CVCK1.A | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
12 Sun | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Mon | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/FRIDAY.D | Twno.A
14 Tue | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D
15 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A
16 Thu | WM/Concept.F;G;J | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B
17 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
18 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Tribute.A;B | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | TRASHER.D | W97M/Melissa.o@mm
25 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | W97M/Jackal.A | Acid.A (intended)
27 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A
28 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Wed | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | AOS.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Jackal.A
31 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED) | WM/CVCK1.A | Tribute.A;B | FHD.A | W97M/Caligula.a

·          04/01/1915
April is designated a "Month of Remembrance" to commemorate the anniversary of the claim that the government of Turkey massacred Armenians in 1915.

·          04/01/1970
El Salvador
FPL Founded
The Popular Liberation Forces (FPL), a leftist guerrilla organization.

·          04/01/1915
Europe (Region-Wide)
April is designated a "Month of Remembrance" to commemorate the anniversary of the claim that the government of Turkey massacred Armenians in 1915.

·          04/01/1993
Top JKLF Leader Assassinated
Unidentified assailants kidnapped and killed one of India's top heart surgeons who was subsequently revealed to be a leading member of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).

·          04/01/1979
Islamic Republic Day
Commemorates riots by Islamic fundamentalists in Isfahan.

·          04/01/1941
Ukraine, Moldova, And Romania
Fintina Alba Massacre
Thousands of people in northern Bukovina were heading towards the Romanian frontier. They were fired on not far from Fintina Alba village. Hundreds of people--especially women, children, and old people--were killed.

·          04/01/1973
Founding of the NDF
The National Democratic Front (NDF) was founded, an illegal underground organization that supports the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA).

·          04/01/1915
April is designated a "Month of Remembrance" to commemorate the anniversary of the claim that the government of Turkey massacred Armenians in 1915.

·          04/02/1986
Bombing Aboard TWA Flight
Four Americans were killed and nine people, including five Americans, were injured when a bomb exploded aboard TWA flight 840 as it traveled from Rome to Athens. The aircraft was able to land safely at Athens airport.

·          04/03/1984
Second Republic Declared
A military government took power one week after the sudden death of president Ahmed Sekou Toure.

·          04/03/1976
PULO Begins Armed Struggle
The Pattani United Liberation Organization (PULO) initiated its armed struggle against the royal Thai government with a series of attacks in the southern provinces of Thailand.

·          04/04/1945
Liberation Day
Celebrates the liberation of Hungary from Nazi control by Soviet troops.

·          04/04/1979
Ex-President Bhutto Executed
Former president of Pakistan Zulfikar 'ali Bhutto was executed by the Pakistani government under President Zia. The terrorist group Al-Zulfikar, founded by his two sons, is named after him.

·          04/04/1960
Independence Day

·          04/04/1947
Syrian Ba'ath Party Founded

·          04/05/1976
China (People's Republic of)
Tienanmen Square Incident
A militia force working with police beat to death dozens of demonstrators who had gathered in Beijings's Tienanmen Square to lay wreaths in memory of the late premier Chou En Lai. The incident occurred during the celebration of "Clear Bright" (Qing Ming), an annual Chinese festival to honor the dead.

·          04/05/1986
Germany, Federal Republic of
Bombing of Le Belle Disco
Le Belle Disco, a nightclub in West Berlin frequented by U.S. servicemen, was bombed, killing two American soldiers and one Turkish woman. Two hundred others were wounded in the bombing. Libya was implicated in the bombing.

·          04/05/0000
Korea (Republic of)
Arbor Day

·          04/05/1992
Fujimori Seizes Extra Powers
On this date, president Alberto Fujimori, with military cooperation, closed the congress and courts and set aside portions of the constitution in an action that concentrated extraordinary powers in his hands. The Organization of American States (OAS) has demanded that Fujimori restore the constitution. Opposition parties and leftist insurgents oppose Fujimori's takeover.

·          04/05/1975
Death of Chiang Kai Shek

·          04/06/1990
Pro-Democracy Demonstrations
Clashes between police and pro-democracy demonstrators left 19 people dead.

·          04/06/1782
Thai Royal Dynasty Founded
Celebrated as Chakri Day, marking the founding of the ruling Thai royal dynasty by Rama I.

·          04/07/1991
Death of Hazrat Ali Marked
Shia Moslems mark the death of Hazrat Ali, fourth Caliph of Islam.

·          04/08/1947
Iraqi Ba'ath Party Founded
The Iraqi Ba'ath Party was founded in 1947.


We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.  

·          04/23/1993
Sri Lanka
Lalith Athulathmudai Killed
Opposition politician Lalith Athulathmudai was assassintated during an election rally near Colombo.

·          04/24/1915
Armenia, Turkey
Armenian "Genocide" Marked
Armenians observe this date as the anniversary of the 1915 Turkish "genocide" against Armenians.

·          04/24/1970
Republic Day

·          04/24/1973
Founding of the NDF
The National Democratic Front (NDF), a coalition of fourteen leftist groups supporting the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People's Army (NPA), was founded in Manila.

·          04/25/1992
Rebels Take Kabul
After almost fourteen years of Communist rule, Soviet occupation, and civil war, victorious Mujahedden forces regained control of Kabul. Fighting between a hold-out faction, Hezb-I-Islami, and a coalition of Mujahedeen forces broke out almost immediately.

·          04/25/1988
Armenia, Greece, Turkey
ASALA Leader Killed In Athens
Hagop Hagopian, leader of the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), also known as the Orly Group, 3rd October Organization, was shot dead in his home in Athens by two gunmen. No group claimed responsibility for his murder.

·          04/25/0000
Sinai Liberation Day

·          04/28/1937
Saddam Hussein's Birthday

·        04/28/1945
Mussolini Killed At Lake Como

·          04/29/1986
Militants Seize Golden Temple
Sikh militants seized the Golden Temple of Amritsar in Punjab and declared the independent state of Khalistan. Expelled by government of India forces the next day.

·          04/29/1916
Ireland, United Kingdom
Easter Rebellion Dublin
Irish nationalists unsuccessfully attempted to throw off British rule. Guerrilla warfare followed proclamation of a republic by the rebels in 1919.

·          04/29/1901
Arbor Day
Also known as Green Day, it is celebrated on the birthday of deceased emperor Hirohito.

·          04/29/1992
Sierra Leone
Overthrow of President Momoh
On April 29, 1992 Captain Valentine Strasser overthrew president Joseph Momoh in a military coup that drove Momoh into exile. The proximate cause of the coup was the poor treatment of the military involved in a difficult battle against the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in the eastern part of the country that was two years old at the time of the coup.

·          04/30/1980
United Kingdom
Seizure of Iranian Embassy
Iranian Arabs seized the Iranian embassy in London, taking twenty-six people hostage. Two hostages were killed on May 5. Special forces stormed the embassy, rescuing the remaining hostages and killing five of the six terrorists. Much of the embassy was destroyed by fire.

·          04/30/1975
Fall of Saigon
The government of South Vietnam collapsed as the invading North Vietnamese Army captured Saigon.

Virus Calendar from
The viruses shown below can infect a system 365 days a year. But on the payload dates designated on this calendar, the viruses may do more than just infect you. While these payloads may just be a nuisance, some may severely damage your system.

April 2002
1 Mon | Tribute.A;B | Acid.A (intended) | WM/Theatre.A | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CEEFOUR.A | WM/CEEFOUR.B | WM/CVCK1.B;E
2 Tue | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/Alliance.A | Flip
3 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
4 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/TWOLINES.A;A1
5 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/HELPER.F;G;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | WM/NUCLEAR.A;B
6 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.C;D;E | WM/KOMPU.A
7 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/ERASER.H
8 Mon | WM/KOMPU.A | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
9 Tue | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | TRASHER.D
10 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Helper.A;B | AOS.A | W97M/Nono.A
11 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/MERCY.B | WM/JUNKFACE.A;B | WM/CVCK1.A
12 Fri | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Alliance.A | WM/Envader.A (Intended)
13 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/Envader.A (Intended) | Twno.A | WM/BOOM.A;B | WM/BADBOY.A;B;C | WM/CVCK1.B;E | WM/FRIDAY.D | WM/FRIDAY.A | WM/Goldsecret.B:Int | WM/MAGNUM.A
14 Sun | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Class.B | W97M/Class.D | WM/PHARDERA.C ;D (INTENDED)
15 Mon | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/Theatre.A | AOS.A
16 Tue | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/ERASER.H | WM/Concept.F;G;J
17 Wed | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A
18 Thu | WM/Eraser.A:Tw
19 Fri | Tribute.A;B | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | W95/Firkin.worm
20 Sat | WM/Eraser.A:Tw | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Gurre.A | AOS.A
21 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
22 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
23 Tue | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Melissa.o@mm | TRASHER.D
25 Thu | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | Acid.A (intended) | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A
26 Fri | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/TAMAGO.A | W95/CIH.1003
27 Sat | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | WM/HELPER.F;G;H
28 Sun | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | WM/Eraser.B;C:Tw
29 Mon | WM/MDMA.C;D;H
30 Tue | Tribute.A;B | WM/MDMA.C;D;H | W97M/Jackal.A | AOS.A | FHD.A



New International Terrorism Open Database Project. Something to help Analysts in S2 Offices and Security Managers everywhere!

These date come from the hard work of Coast Guardsman CWO Anthony M. Davis 

We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.  

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