S2Online website to help S-2s, Security Managers and Intell Professionals

Copyright © 2007 Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc.    

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  Quick Links  

Links for S-2s, Security Managers  & Intell Professionals

Interactive Alert  Maps*
Military Links

S2 Links
Force Protection
Information Warfare
Military Graphics

Army CP-35 Intell & Security Page

Intel Links - Donated

ID Theft Info

Id Theft Prevention
Lock Page

Travel Security

Foreign Wife Info 

Current Events
Country Studies

Export Control at Universities

Cyber Reference

Career Home
Civil Service
Intelligence Jobs
Retirement - Civ Service

Retirement - Military

Mil RET Phone #

Research Links

Physical Sec Donated Link


Back to Main/Home Page

Department of Homeland Security Threat Advisory System
DHS Threat & Protection Advisory Level - Yellow: Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks

MI Corps Asso Mentor Page.



How to get Published

OPSEC Professionals Society
FCIC logoFederal Citizen Information Center, Pueblo, CO


American Legion, China Post #1,  Expat Post-Great for those frequent overseas travelers.


Retired Activities Office, Korea (Excellent widow info)

PDFNew Scholarship for Rick Eaton's Memory

Additional info page

on Rick Eaton, RIP

12 Aug 03 in IZ.

See jobs info site


The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo

Welcome to Washington District of Columbia



Webmaster is Sr.Vice Cmdr of this Am Legion Post


The Seoul Computer Club

US Military Retirees
Association Korea

US Military Retirees Association Korea

AKO Sign In www.us.army.mil 


Great Crisis Map

HSPD-12 site for GSA and the Managed Service Office

   Supported by:     Lint Center
for National Security Studies, Inc

Scholarships listed at Lint Center for National Security Studies



About  SecurityMgr.Info & S2Online

     The mission of this site is to share SOPs and questions, especially for the non-Security Manager or Intelligence personnel who get thrown into an S2 (Military Security Manager) slot with no training.  This will give you a system to ask questions, with out appearing the fool in front of your commander. We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.   Information may be found at: this LINK 

I have retired from the military and a tour as civil service with the military, then looked at Homeland Security support from the intelligence community. And currently embarking on a tour with another Department. Any links or assistance you can provide would be appreciated, and may appear in the links at the bottom of this page.

All FREE Made Out of Individual's
Dedication and Off Duty Time


NEW FEATURES AT SecurityMgr.Info & S2ONLINE websites

Also, see Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc website, for scholarship awarding.

                                CP 35 ACTEDS Plan - Intelligence Career Program

NEW Army CP-35 Intell & Security Page

Army CI Discussion Group

Email list server Info

CP 35  - Intelligence Career Program

Army Civilian Career Intern Program Page

Career & Job Info Index

GS Civil Service Job Info

Intelligence Jobs

Retirement Info

-----OPM Status---

OPM Retirement Info

DoD Implementation of the Joint Intelligence Community Duty Assignment (JDA) Program  PDF

DoDI 1400.36, 2Jun 2008

6.6.3. Appropriate JDA Program certification shall be considered a quality ranking factor in the merit promotion process and accorded additional weight in the consideration of candidates for promotion to a rank or a position of

GG-14 or above (or equivalent).

USAJOBS Working for America


 DSS new book on "How To Receive And Maintain Your Security Clearance.pdf"

Frequently Used Links

Time and Date.com  


Small Arms Storage Racks

State Dept Travel Advisories

Current Travel Warnings
This State Dept link is great for all offices that have to prepare travel briefing


MI Corps Asso Mentor Page.


Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group Info Page


DSS new book on "How To Receive And Maintain Your Security Clearance.pdf"

Table of Contents

Export Control at Universities Dec 2006

Intell Links    Security Links2

Great Crisis Map

Costa Rica Trip Report

Fort Story R&R Center called  Cape Henry Inn and Beach Club Trip Report


 APG Website


***Call 1-888-772-3266 (888-77CECOM) for information on Ft.Monmouth Operating Status during inclement weather.***

 CECOM Website



Tales of life between two cultures.



All links tested and working on 04 Apr 2010 in Washington DC. Please report bad links found on these pages.
If you have comments, improvements, or additional links to add, please email me! I look forward to hearing from you! Many new links are constantly added from readers sending them to me! We want this site as interactive and user-friendly as possible.

To navigate this site use the drop-down menu at top. Also look for sub sections listed on the left.



We have  a new feature on Webmaster or Mrs. Webmaster's various sites, a search engine for SecurityMgr.Info, S2online.org (Military Security Managers), Storybasket Asian Cross Culture, and American Legion CP1 .



Copyright © 2009 Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc.    


Google Custom Search

  S2_Online is an email list server for qualified security managers to help other new security managers. This is shared brain power where we can ask for assistance and leverage the the combined experience of experienced Security Mgr · Click here for S2_Online Email List Server  (Formerly Security Managers Info List Server) 

The Director National Intelligence (DNI) has an excellent electronic reading room which I have linked at the bottom of this page.
Many Security Managers do not keep informed about DNI changes.

S2's are the Intelligence and Security Officer for Military Units. This is often a thankless job, where they receive little training.

Top stories

Looking to start new pages on new countries. Send me links, stories, & pictures to use, I do credit donors!

MexicoPhilippines,  Thailand , Iran, Iraq, Korea

This site's Linguist and Language Page.


New OIF or IZ or Iraq webpage started to enable TARGET SMART deployers!

((Also new IRAN Study Word Doc)

We have a couple of tidbits from the Iraq page:

English <-> Arabic basic phrases for social, courtesy and cooperation situations

Examples (with translations) of typical Arabic-language public signage & warning notices.

Ready.gov Square Button

Upcoming Dates

Terrorism Events Calendar

Computer Security - Virus Calendar (Scroll down!!)

National CounterTerrrorism Center (NCTC)

NCTC Calendar

Worldwide Incidents Tracking System

  U.S. Department of Homeland Security


click to enlarge

CIA's World Fact Book


CIA Maps & Publications

xe.com Universal Currency Converter™

Convert this amount  ...

...of this currency...

...into this type of currency.

Universal Currency Converter service and trade mark under license from xe.com. Terms of Use

Storybasket.com A Korean & English site full of stories about cross culture success and funny events 

I am looking for links for S-2s and Security Managers!

Send to webmaster JRL at this domain.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Electronic Reading Room



Home Page Header

This is one of the best tools, government paid for and operated. What Is the ADR?

The Adjudicative Desk Reference (ADR) provides convenient access to the following information:

  • Adjudicative Guidelines: This is the official U.S. Government policy that guides decisions on an individual’s eligibility for access to classified information, that is, eligibility for a security clearance.
  • Supplemental Information to the Adjudicative Guidelines: This is a large compendium of background information and reference materials on the diverse human behaviors covered by the 13 issue areas of adjudicative concern. As noted below, Supplemental Information is not U.S. Government policy. It is a job aid to assist security personnel in making informed judgments to implement policy.
  • Policy Documents: Executive Orders 12968 and 10450 and Director of Central Intelligence Directive 1/14 are the principal national-level policy documents that guide the U.S. Government personnel security program.

    The Personnel Security Committee of the U.S. Government Security Policy Board considers this program ARD a valuable tool and encourages its use by all U.S. Government agencies that make personnel security decisions. The program was developed by the Security Research Center of the Defense Security Service. It has been reviewed by DoD Public Affairs and approved for public release. This is version 99.1-html dated January 1999.

Adjudicative Guidelines
Approved by the President March 24, 1997

Security Clearance Manual (http://lastpostpublishing.com/securityclearancemanual.aspx) and many articles regarding federal security clearance processing and suitability issue mitigation. 

Some of these articles are posted at http://lastpostpublishing.com/SC_Articles.aspx and others including my most recent article on the “New Federal Investigative Standards” are at posted at http://www.clearancejobs.com/index.php?action=candidates.  There is also a very active security clearance blog (actually a forum) at http://www.clearancejobsblog.com/ where a few other security clearance investigators and I answer questions about security clearance processing.

DSS new book on "How To Receive And Maintain Your Security Clearance.pdf"


The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo

This is for all those people who get the hoaxes.  Great links to check hoax virus and good deals.

http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/hoax.html http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/ http://kumite.com/myths

http://www.us-cert.gov/   For proper reporting.

http://www.cert.org/   CERT 
Coordination Center      

Some good portals.IFyou are authorized.
  https://us-cert.esportals.net/ https://cybercop.esportals.com

DHS Threat Advisories, Bulletins, Memoranda (cleared for public release)

April 19, 2005 – DHS Information Bulletin – Unauthorized Peer to Peer (P2P) Programs on Government Computers (PDF, 4 pages - 50 KB) ..



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Bomb Threat Stand-Off Distances Chart from NCTC

US-CERT.gov  Link
search us-cert
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To Subscribe to S-2 & Security_Manager_Info:


This website was started in 1991 to assisting security managers and making soldiers target smart on foreign countries.


Copyright © 2007 Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc.           

©1993-2009 Omni Sys Enterprises, Inc ::: webmaster -- Date of last edit: 04 April 2010 20:11 time is Washington DC. 

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