An online resource for Security Managers and Intell Professionals.

Washington, DC












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Military Graphics


Intel Links (donated)

Marines page


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Intel Jobs

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Retirement (mil)


SecurityMgr listserv


China Post 1


Marine Corps Counterintelligence Assoc. (MCCIA)

Military Intelligence Corps Assoc. (MICA)

MICA Mentor page (webmaster JRL is a mentor)


Foreign wife info

Current Events

Country Studies

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SSG Rick Eaton Jr, RIP
12 AUG 2003, Iraq

Click for more info on Rick.

   The mission of this site is to share SOPs and questions, especially for the non-Security Manager or Intelligence personnel who get thrown into an S2 (Military Security Manager) slot with no training. This will give you a system to ask questions, with out appearing the fool in front of your commander. We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.

   I have retired from the military and a tour as civil service with the military, then looked at Homeland Security support from the intelligence community. And currently embarking on a tour with another Department. Any links or assistance you can provide would be appreciated, and may appear in the links at the bottom of this page.

All FREE Made Out of Individual's
Dedication and Off Duty Time

All links tested and working on 01 Feb 2007 in Washington DC. Please report bad links found on these pages.

If you have comments, improvements, or additional links to add, please email me! I look forward to hearing from you! Many new links are constantly added from readers sending them to me! We want this site to be as interactive and user-friendly as possible.



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Webmaster is Sr.Vice Cmdr of this Am Legion Post



Security Manager Info Listserv

   Try to make this side roughly equal in length to ACIDG's

Army CI Discussion Group

   The Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group (ACIDG) mailing list is open to all active, reserve, former, and retired Army Counterintelligence Special Agents who held the MOS 97B, 351B, 35E, 36A or GS-0132 civilians who are graduates of the US Army CI Special Agent Course.

   ACIDG was founded in 1998 before S2_Online list server/discussion group. The USMC CI Asso list was apx 3 years before ACIDG. Both of these list success was what spawned S2_Online list server.

   Subscribing is easy, if you qualify, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

   We have begun requiring new members to fill out a web form at

   If any list members would like to act as a POC and sponsor for Agents assigned to their active/Reserve Component unit, please contact us off list at

   If you do not fall into the ACIDG field of membership but desire to learn about CI, sign up at this web site. IF you desire to join but not use a dot mil or .gov address, then sign up with your military account and goto the options page and switch to civ address. This ensures that all have some need to know. PRESENTLY, WE DO NOT ACCEPT REQUEST FROM WEB EMAIL ADDRESSES...IE, HOTMAIL.COM, YAHOO.COM, ETC. ((US.ARMY.MIL is still good because they have a real verification system!))



American Legion, China Post 1



Nuclear-disarmament talks with N. Korea snagged
Philadelphia Inquirer 11 Feb 2007 09:29:00

Iran vows to continue with nuclear programme
ITN 11 Feb 2007 09:38:00

Iran insists on nuclear programme
BBC 11 Feb 2007 09:37:00

Gates calls for stronger NATO commitments; rebukes Putin
USA Today 11 Feb 2007 09:31:00

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