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The Pre-War Fight!

Some DOD websites have been taken off the web and may be dead links here.

TRADOC Reg 525-13, Force Protection Program (FPP)

Force protection team to assess Army's vulnerability to threats

ALNAVRESFOR 08/97, Navy FP Program

DOD REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ON KHOBAR TOWERS BOMBING Terrorism provoking changes in force protection measures

Security Matters from EUCOM Special Asst for Security Matters

Migration Defense Intelligence Threat Data System ACTD (MDITDS)

GAO - Combating Terrorism: Threat and Risk Assessments Can Help Prioritize and Target


Coast Guard AT/FP Messages

Brig Gen James Conway, US Joint Staff deputy director for combating terrorism interview on FP

USAREUR Regulation 190-13 (Part 3 of 11)

OUT CONUS - All Areas - Navy FP Briefing

Terrorism Research Center

National Security Intelligence Directives

MilNet. Great info on Terrorism, Conflicts, Intell Agencies Military

OPSEC Professionals Society

Counterintelligence News and Developments

Anthrax Vaccine Called Effective Force Protection

National Military Intelligence Assn

American Society for Industrial Security
ASIS provides information for security managers.

Dept of Energy - OPSEC page

Kim-Spy. Excellent page for Korea.

524th Military Intelligence Battalion Home Page

State Dept Travel Advisories

This State Dept link is great for all offices that have to prepare travel briefings.

CIA Home page.

Defense Intelligence Agency

Intelligence Newsletter

Federation of American Scientist, Project on Intelligence Reform. (NOT Conservative!)
This is an index of their publications.

FBI Home Page

TSCM.COM Counterintelligence Home Page

CIA Publications Index

Intel Links Page from a Competitive Intelligence Civilian Corp

US Code - Law lookup

A Multi Topic Intel Page, Very good links!

TheFBI's Awareness of National Security Issues and Response (ANSIR) Program

Fed World. The US Federal Government

*NEW* Internet Public Library

JRL Investigative Research Info Page

Great Collection of Intell Links


Transcript: DOD Briefing July 31 On Khobar Towers Bombing

Welcome to Gary Tate's Force Protection Reference Page

Force Protection References

Information Paper - DoD Biological Warfare Force Protection

Force Health Protection

DefenseLINK News- Medical Force Protection Briefing

Anthrax Vaccine Called Effective Force Protection

DefenseLINK - Force Protection - Anthrax Vaccination Program, Terrorism

Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Information Warfare - Defense (IW-D)

Osan Korea's Force Protection & Antiterrorism

OSD Force Health Protection Project Main Page

Combating Terrorism- Status of DOD Efforts to Protect Its Force Overseas

Force Protection Equipment Demonstration II

Force Protection Booklet

Antiterrorism and Force Protection Equipment Demonstration July 98

FORSCOM FP Opns Order (Basic)

DUSD(ES) Force Protection Home Page

AFCERT - Regulations and Standards

Warren Olson's Info Warfare Dissertation Page

Security, Antiterrorism, and Force Protection Information (EUCOM)

FBI National Infrastructure Protection Center

FM 19-30 Force Protection

Click on picture for info on:



Force Protection Training Resources

Lesson 24 Advance Sheet Combating Terrorism and Force Protection CGSC DJMO

The Air Force Force Protection Program- An HTML-Based Tutorial

JRL Home Page of Resources (Now called

The CRS report, which is based on open sources, is entitled "Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2001." It was authored by CRS analyst Kenneth Katzman and is dated September 10. A copy is available here:

 Other CRS reports on related topics include "Terrorism and the Military's

Role in Domestic Crisis Management," dated April 19, 2001:

and "Terrorism: Automated Lookout Systems and Border Security Options and

Issues," dated June 18, 2001: 

In 1999, President Clinton found that by harboring Usama bin Laden, the

Taliban of Afghanistan constituted an unusual and extraordinary threat to

the United States. He declared a national emergency in response. See

Executive Order 13129: 

The resulting sanctions against Afghanistan and the Taliban that are now in

place are described by the U.S. Department of the Treasury here: 

A summary of existing terrorism sanctions generally is provided here:

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Below is USMC CI Asso link

Marine Corps Counterintelligence Association

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