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We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.  

MI Corps Asso Mentor Page



The Seoul Computer Club

US Military Retirees
Association Korea
US Military Retirees Association Korea

Retired Activities Office, Korea (Excellent widow info)


HappyHousing Real Estate - Good Country Info

The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) ic3 logo

Supported by:     Lint Center
for National Security Studies, Inc

© 1993-2007 Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc


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Cheong Wa Dae, Korean Blue House, Presidents Area

http://www.bluehouse.go.kr (in Korean)

Korean Overseas Information Service, like US Info Agency.

Korean National Intelligence Service

ROK National Intelligence Service (NIS) - english

Korean National Police Agency

Government Computer Center (in Korean)
This site is run by the Korean government. Provides an overview, and a search engine among other items. Slow, but informative.

Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense
Hosts homepages of the various Korean Services and Agencies.

The Korea Institute at Harvard University

KRNIC - Korea Network Information Center

Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry

ROK Permanent Mission to the UN

Nat Statistical Office

Korea National Tourism Organization

Min of Def: http://www.mnd.go.kr/

The following link will take you to a list of the available handbooks.  http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/#toc.  The next link will take you directly to the North Korean handbook.  http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/kptoc.html.


Storybasket.com A Korean & English site full of stories about cross culture success and funny stories. 





ROK/US Marine Friendship Assn

See life in ROK Marine Barracks.


The Seoul Computer Club

US Military Retirees
Association Korea
US Military Retirees Association Korea

US Forces Korea Logo

Official organization
for policy matters

US Military Retirees Association Korea Logo

Private organization for
information and assistance


  Korean War  

Korean War Project



NK Crisis Reference

US-DOE Background on North Korea
CIA - World Factbook 2002 - Korea, North
North Korea Country Study(LOC)
North Korean Handbook.
North Korea Advisory Group - Final Report
FAS: North Korea Special Weapons
North Korea- The Foundations for Military Strength
North Korea- The Foundations
for Military Strength Update 1995




We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart! This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.  

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Supported by:     Lint Center
for National Security Studies, Inc

© 1993-2007 Lint Center for National Security Studies, Inc