Shin's Visit to Seoul hosted by

ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Association


I should make this into a better page, but this is just a information distribution.... I have been so busy lately. I still have photos from ROKMC B-day visit that I have not cut or sized well or finalized the webpage for... You can see that visit at this link.

Today we picked up Shin and gang in a ROKMC 9 passanger van with lights. She road the bus into town and had a direct ride they said. (SAT TRAFFIC is so bad because Koreans get off work at apx 1400 hrs and the roads are clogged.  The busses have priority lanes. I thought she was going to do a train, but bus was direct for them.)

We took her to the ROKMC museum. We presented her a plaque from both US and ROK Directors of the ROK/US Marine Friendship Asso. We did that in the CMC Seoul Office. Then took her to a fish restaurant. She did not seem to want to eat the live moving octopus. (See photo at restaurant.) I think she went away full. We took her back to Mr. Kang's Office. She received some presents from ROKMC and something for you. Her friend with a USMC son, also received a gift. Then she hopped bus back to her area. Good time was had by all.

I think she enjoyed it.


Below is at the ROKMC Musuem, Shin, Young Mi, Young Mi's sister, Col Choi, Mr. Kang and JRL.   Mr. Kang has 35 mm photos also of this.

Front Entrance with scroll for KIA in Inchon (Incheon) Landing


Shin receiving plaque in the Commandant's Seoul Office.

I want a desk like this!  Check out that Eagle, Star and Anchor on front of desk.


We treated Shin right... by Korean standards, we even got her live cut octopus...still wiggling. Plus she got the Gold drink.

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