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Thursday October 03, 2002
Technology | Light holds key to uncrackable codes   8:00PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... an important step towards a global communications system that is completely secure. Pulses of light Satellites are increasingly relied upon for military and intelligence use. But there is a danger that encrypted messages could be intercepted and decoded. At the moment, highly secure ...  
Middle East | Iraq 'may hand weapons to terrorists'   7:52PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... By Nick Childs BBC Pentagon correspondent US intelligence says it is concerned the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, could give chemical or biological weapons to a terrorist group as a way of pre-empting an American attack on Iraq. Washington is also making a concerted effort to promote ...  
Sunday September 29, 2002
Asia-Pacific | Ex-spies held after S Korea protest   12:50PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... 500 former spies took part. Spies became less important from the 1970s as the South Koreans and the Americans began to use more sophisticated satellite intelligence systems. ...  
Asia-Pacific | Ex-spies held after S Korea protest   12:50PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... 500 former spies took part. Spies became less important from the 1970s as the South Koreans and the Americans began to use more sophisticated satellite intelligence systems. ...  
Saturday September 28, 2002
South Asia | Blast near US embassy in Kabul   5:07PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... kilometre from the US embassy. It came ahead of a visit by US Defence Undersecretary Douglas Feith. "I think the aim was the American embassy or the military intelligence directorate," said Kabul security commander Basir Salangi. The city was rocked by a huge car bomb on 5 September ...  
Thursday September 26, 2002
Asia-Pacific | Taiwanese charged as Chinese spies   7:08AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... wife, and their son, who are accused of spying for China. Prosecutors in the southern city of Kaoshiung allege that Captain Liu Chen-kuo collected intelligence on Taiwan's military for China after he retired in the late 1980s. Taiwan and China are continually at loggerheads They say ...  
Wednesday September 25, 2002
Middle East | Palestinians 'will not surrender' to Israel   4:05PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... it as a new settlement of 14 houses that will be home to 24 families. The Israeli defence ministry, which is responsible for settlement activity in the occupied territories, said it was unaware of the establishment of a new settlement. Compound destroyed Mr Tirawi, Mr Arafat and more ...  
Middle East | World's press reacts to UK dossier   3:58PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... a potential war against a target chosen by the Bush administration, with the purpose of convincing those sceptical of findings attributed to American intelligence sources." But the Times also notes that the high-profile parliament session that was forced on Mr Blair has given "his ...  
UK | Politics | UK ministers 'share war anxieties'   6:49AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... if that becomes that option of last resort". Dossier debate Talks at the UN continue a day after the government published its long-awaited 50-page intelligence dossier accusing Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein of continuing to develop weapons of mass destruction.   : Dossier at-a-glance ...  
UK | Iraqi diplomat rejects dossier   1:30AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... Tony Blair has war in mind and he is finding excuses to justify it," he told BBC News Online. But the prime minister said the 50-page report, based on intelligence and UN inspectors' reports, showed Iraq's weapons programme was "active, detailed and growing", and he warned of the need ...  
Tuesday September 24, 2002
Europe | US moves to bolster Nato role   8:42PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... Biles, who is with the ministers in the Polish capital Warsaw, says the proposal is still in its early stages. John McLaughlin, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, briefed the ministers on Iraq and its connection to terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. The briefing ...  
Americas | Reclaiming Colombia from the rebels   8:22PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... that his tough measures in Colombia will find echo with Mr Bush's tough rhetoric in Washington and that the US will provide more training, hardware, intelligence and money Military official Three of the Colombia's provinces have been selected as the start point for the state's reconquest ...  
Talking Point | Forum | Dossier against Iraq: Is the evidence convincing?   9:29AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... indeed has already done so, to hide these weapons and to avoid giving them up." In the dossier, the Prime Minister says that although gathering intelligence inside Iraq is not easy he and other ministers are satisfied with the authority of the information. Blair averted a Cabinet revolt ...  
Middle East | Blair's dossier assessed   9:26AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... some (including the aluminium tubes, which have been mentioned before) could be used for other purposes, as the dossier itself accepts. Nor is the raw intelligence, on which the claims are made, revealed. The accumulation of this kind of detail will convince some; others will say that ...  
UK | Politics | Blair unveils Iraq dossier   3:28AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... briefed on the dossier There is believed to have been heated debate within government about the extent of what should be revealed, in an effort to protect intelligence sources. Downing Street says the document "nails the lie" that Iraq does not possess weapons of mass destruction. ...  
Monday September 23, 2002
Asia-Pacific | Asean makes anti-terror pact with US   3:56AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... might be viewed as a green light for greater US military involvement in the region. Instead there were pledges to improve co-ordination between the intelligence, financial and immigration authorities of member governments. Dangerous intervention? James Putzel from the London School ...  
Sunday September 22, 2002
Middle East | US criticises Arafat siege   3:38PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... and said no-one would be handed over to Israel. Israel initially said there were 19 wanted men in the compound, including members of the intelligence service and Mr Arafat's personal bodyguard, but a senior army officer said the figure increased because the army had not had a complete ...  
Middle East | Protests grow over Arafat siege   10:32AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... honour of martyrdom" and no one would be handed over to Israel. Israel initially said there were 19 wanted men in the compound, including members of the intelligence service and Mr Arafat's personal bodyguard, but a senior army officer said the figure increased because the army had ...  
Saturday September 21, 2002
Americas | Colombia creates security zones   11:52PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... Mr Bush to include his country in the crusade on terrorism. Mr Uribe wants more military help in the form of training, hardware and intelligence. Our correspondent says that Colombia is moving onto a war footing, and with increasingly tough talk coming from Washington, it seems certain ...  
Friday September 20, 2002
Americas | Colombia says raids kill 200 rebels   8:41PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... and targeted two camps of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels. "We know we have hit them very hard, they have a high number of deaths. Intelligence reports indicate there were 200 killed," he said. There have been no independent confirmation of the army claims. ...  
South Asia | US says Musharraf survived attack   10:03AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... ammunition and explosives. Weapons found Mr Armitage told the Congressional committee on intelligence: "President Musharraf's intelligence service thwarted a bombing attempt on him yesterday." Sharib Ahmad: Bomb "mastermind" Several men, including a paramilitary officer detained weeks ...  
Middle East | Explosions rock Arafat HQ   7:59AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... compound and surrendered to the Israelis. However, the army is demanding the surrender of other key figures - including the head of West Bank intelligence - they believe to be inside. Israeli sources are talking about an unlimited stay for the military. They have tightened the curfew ...  
Middle East | Israeli troops besiege Arafat HQ   12:08AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... this battle with firmness and it will triumph," it added. The 20 suspects are accused of mounting attacks on Israelis. Among them are the head of West Bank intelligence, Tawfiq Tirawi, accused by Israel of involvement in terrorist activities, and Mahmud Damra, the leader of Mr Arafat's ...  
Tuesday September 17, 2002
UK | Politics | Number 10 sceptical on Iraq offer   4:01AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... recall of Parliament, the prime minister briefed Bruce George, chairman of the Commons defence select committee. Ann Taylor, who chairs Parliament's intelligence and security committee, is also being briefed by Mr Blair in Downing Street. The diplomatic drive came amid claims from ...  
Monday September 16, 2002
Americas | Sixth man detained over al-Qaeda cell   7:00AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... he may have received training in how to resist interrogation. He is also suspected of helping to plot the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen two years ago. Intelligence tip off US authorities in New York state said on Sunday that they had begun an investigation into the men several weeks ...  
Sunday September 15, 2002
UK | Politics | Straw: Time running out for Iraq   12:38AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... to acquire nuclear weapons, Mr Straw said. It would include information published last week by the International Institute for Strategic Studies and as much intelligence information as possible, he added. "It will contain new facts," Mr Straw said. "There is no need to look in the ...  
UK | Politics | Straw: Time running out for Iraq   12:38AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... to acquire nuclear weapons, Mr Straw said. It would include information published last week by the International Institute for Strategic Studies and as much intelligence information as possible, he added. "It will contain new facts," Mr Straw said. "There is no need to look in the ...  
Thursday September 12, 2002
Monitoring | Media reports | Press ups stakes on Pankisi gorge   4:04PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... the paper adds. The headline in Alia is similar: "Putin has declared war on Georgia". The paper quotes the head of Georgian intelligence, Avtandil Ioseliani, as saying that "nothing unexpected" had happened. "Russian political circles have been considering this issue for a long time ...  
Europe | The problem with the Pankisi   10:09AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... the US in its fight against international terrorism; and why it now wants an operation to clear the gorge. Before the Chechen conflict began, the Pankisi Gorge was home to the Kists - a Muslim people related to the Chechens - and Orthodox Christian Georgians. But an influx of refugees ...  
Wednesday September 11, 2002
UK | Politics | MPs recalled for Iraq debate   7:02PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... some MPs wanted an earlier debate. But there had to be a "rigorous process" so the document was as detailed as possible without compromising intelligence sources. The recall decision came as America announced that 600 troops from its central command are moving to the Gulf state of ...  
Europe | Putin warns of 'self-defence' strikes   2:55PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... staff to provide proposals on whether it is possible and expedient to launch strikes on bases of terrorists reliably identified in intelligence operations," Mr Putin said, speaking in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. "If the Georgian leadership cannot set up a security zone along the ...  
Tuesday September 10, 2002
In Depth | September 11 one year on | The investigations   12:31AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... networks responsible for the attacks, how much do the intelligence services know? How effective are the anti-terrorism measures being adopted in the United States and throughout the west? Put your questions to our guests, who will include ABC News military and security analyst John ...  
Monday September 09, 2002
Europe | Mass grave found on Chechen border   8:14PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... the group said. An estimated 20,000 Chechen militants have been killed in the conflict The news of the discovery comes two weeks after Russian intelligence released a video of a mass grave found in Chechnya that contained the remains of about 100 Russian soldiers and civilians - all ...  
In Depth | dot life | Computer games start thinking   10:48AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... to play. Fighting talk The makers of Medieval: Total War have drawn on the writings of ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu to inform the artificial intelligence (AI) controlling the games computer players. Medieval spans the period from 1066 to 1483 and lets players take on the role ...  
Sunday September 08, 2002
UK | Politics | Blair returns with hardened resolve   7:29AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... the summit and any possible future action. TUC address In the coming days he will be meeting senior MPs in the Commons to brief them on the current state of intelligence about Saddam's weapons potential and the possible options for action. The long-promised dossier of evidence against ...  
Saturday September 07, 2002
Middle East | Powell admits US rift on Iraq   11:04PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... its finger in eye of the international community, to stick it finger in the eye of the civilized world". US security blunders Mr Powell said vague intelligence meant the US had been unable to prevent the 11 September attacks, even though the authorities feared a terrorist atrocity ...  
South Asia | Taleban 'warned US of huge attack'   6:20AM EST   (BBC News)
  ... 19 members of al-Qaeda were already in place in America, waiting to launch their deadly attacks. It is already known that American domestic intelligence failed to heed information, but this is the only known alert that came from inside the Taleban movement. The former foreign minister ...  
Friday September 06, 2002
Americas | How dangerous is al-Qaeda?   4:44PM EST   (BBC News)
  ... from al-Qaeda is still real. The organisation is down but not out. The trouble with the threat from al-Qaeda is that it's unseen and undefined. Western intelligence believes that it could come from any one of several directions: Weapons of mass destruction: it could be used in a nuclear, ... Terms and Conditions | Texis & Texis Webscript Copyright © 2000 Thunderstone

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