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2007 Reno CP 1 Convention

 China Post 1 members and leadership were in attendance. 

We had LOTS of discussions on Commo procedures and how we can save cost. Below is the brief webmaster used, and  Info Cards given to all.

Commo Brief CP1Info Cards


Many of these are the photos from Webmaster. I am WAITING for photos to get sent Webmaster (You can guess the address at this site.)  Ron Burkett, Director of the CP1 Am Legion Riders sent some great pictures!  As mentioned in the meeting, we/CP1 get targeted for a lot of spam...probably because of the China name.)  More info is below the photos.

Webmaster at the airport

Webmaster at the airport

Mrs. Webmaster found many interesting location inside the hotel complex. (It was really 3 hotels connected.)

CP1 2007 General Meeting

CP1 2007 General Meeting with Post Commander Fred Platt speaking

CP1 2007 General Meeting

CP1 2007 General Meeting

CP1 2007 General Meeting

Webmaster at CP1 2007 General Meeting

A possible new product, Lost-bag tags with email address to Fred and Webmaster

Members in the General Meeting.

H and Marlys

Mrs. Webmaster at Hotel

Mrs. Webmaster at Hotel

Mrs. Webmaster likes this car

Marlys at the great CP1 Convention Hotel, Silver Legacy

Glad to see Mrs. Webmaster was not the only one who liked this chair, Marlys had a better photographer.

Mrs. Webmaster (Anna) at Hotel

Dick S on Parade Duty for National Am Legion

Parade day

Fred and Marlys for Monday Nat Legion Parade

Nola and Marlys for Nat Legion Parade

Tim and Marlys for MON Nat Legion Parade

I am looking for more photo submissions by members!

Fred mentioned we spend almost $12,000 in postage a year.  (Webmaster gets the Newsletters a week before the printer has it reading for mailing. ) So, get on the mailing list and you can save post postage and receive info quicker.   YOU must send your membership number so that Fred can vet you for inclusion on the email list. Please also put minor data like your name in this request to join the ListServer. (Make it easy to vet you!)  Remember, you MUST follow the instructions sent to you to activate your invitation after vetting is completed. The computer system will reject your email address if you do not follow the instructions.  (They are easy)

Additionally, Fred is looking for someone to step up and take over the Auxiliary, since Jenny has handled it for some many years, it is time for her to get a break.  Much more will come out in newsletter and I hope others will send some notes from the meetings.


Info on where we were:

This is our 2007 Convention Hotel Starting 23 Aug 07 & Info

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Reunion Registration Form!!

Jun07 Poop Sheet with Reunion Info



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