I want to make a webpage listing of the many different security manager classes.  We all need to give classes, and make "new" classes. Lets quit reinventing the wheel. Lets quit parking the classes where they get dusty and help all in the security business.
IF everyone can send info to me at: JRL

Send the title, the area of concern, number of Power Point Slides, or Word pages,  #MSWORD  or #PPT, then a good descriptive paragraph.  Also the date or apx date of last update and a name and email address for the POC who can send the briefing. Phone numbers are optional. Cut & paste what is below into your email and fill in the proper info.

DocumentTitle - Date

Subject/Area of Concern

# of slides/pages & format, *.ppt/*.doc/other - (size in KB or MB)

   Paragraph description

POC name & email address (& phone #)

**IF everyone uses this is the same format...then this could be easy for me... otherwise I will ask for a raise from G2online.....double nothing...still have nothing. So, lets try to make this simple and easy. --- Do not send any briefings covering AR 380-5 unless it was after the SEP 2000 release of the new Reg.
This should be a help to all of us. 


Some samples below on what others have out there, but DSS Academy has some great material.


SPED will be the future for this profession.


What is SPēD?

SPēD is an acronym for the Security Professional Education Development Program. The SPēD Certification Program is part of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) initiative to professionalize the security workforce. This initiative is intended to ensure that there is a common set of competencies among security practitioners that promotes interoperability, facilitates professional development and training, and develops a workforce of certified security professionals.

Information from the CIA Kent School:

CIA Home > Library > Kent Center Occasional Papers

Kent Center Occasional Papers


The Kent Center, a component of the employee-only Sherman Kent School for Intelligence Analysis at CIA University, strives to promote the theory, doctrine, and practice of intelligence analysis.

One of the Center's primary goals is to build and share a comprehensive body of professional knowledge.

The Kent Center Occasional Papers listed below contribute to the ongoing development of that body of knowledge, offering an opportunity for intelligence professionals and interested colleagues-in an unofficial and unfettered vehicle-to debate and advance the theory and practice of intelligence analysis.

Statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in Occasional Papers are those of the authors. See the disclaimer below for complete caveats regarding the content of the papers.



The Sherman Kent Center for Intelligence Analysis Occasional Papers

Volume 1:

No. 1: Improving CIA Analytic Performance: Strategic Warning [PDF Print Version 31KB*]

No. 2: Improving CIA Analytic Performance: Analysts and the Policymaking Process [PDF Print Version 30KB*]

No. 3: Improving CIA Analytic Performance: DI Analytic Priorities [PDF Print Version 29KB*]

No. 4: When everything is intelligence - nothing is intelligence [PDF Print Version 24KB*]

No. 5: Sherman Kent and the Profession of Intelligence Analysis [PDF Print Version 51KB*]


Volume 2:

No. 1: Strategic Warning: If Surprise is Inevitable, What Role for Analysis? [PDF Print Version 50KB*]

No. 2: Tensions in Analyst-Policymaker Relations: Opinions, Facts, and Evidence [PDF Print Version 48KB*]

No. 3: Sherman Kent's Final Thoughts on Analyst-Policymaker Relations [PDF Print Version 110KB*]


Volume 3:

No. 1: Making Sense of Transnational Threats [PDF Print Version 154KB*]

No. 2: Rethinking “Alternative Analysis” to Address Transnational Threats [PDF Print Version 82KB*]

In addition to the Kent Center Occasional Papers, the Kent School, the Center for the Study of Intelligence, and others have sought to make available electronically almost all Studies in Intelligence articles, including those formerly classified. Toward that end, we have created for use by scholars, students and other interested users an archive of and indexes for Studies in Intelligence articles related to intelligence analysis and operations. These articles are representative of the accumulated wisdom on intelligence spanning the almost 50-year existence of Studies in Intelligence. The Kent Center hopes these articles will stimulate fresh and creative outside discussion and writing on the practice and teaching of intelligence that will help CIA officers and the CIA University advance their professional understanding.



All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in Occasional Papers are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect official positions or views of the Kent School, the Central Intelligence Agency, or any other US Government entity, past or present.

Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying US Government endorsement of an article's factual statements and interpretations.

These papers have been prepared with the support of Central Intelligence Agency funds and are published with the consent of the authors.




More coming IF and when YOU contribute!!!!!!!!!



Security Education and Training Awareness

Welcome to the DSS Academy



DSS Academy courses are intended for use by Department of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel and contractors within the National Industrial Security Program.

DoD Personnel Security Adjudicator Certification Program (ACP)

The Professional Certification Program for Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel Security Adjudicators will certify that an adjudicator is qualified to perform all essential adjudicative tasks related to determining the eligibility of a government employee, military service member, or Defense contractor employee for access to classified information or for a position of trust. A candidate for the DoD Personnel Security Adjudicator Certification must be a DoD Personnel Security Adjudicator at an approved DoD CAF. The candidate also must meet the training, experience, and testing requirements for certification. Click here to learn more about the DoD ACP.

Security Professional Education Development (SPēD) Program

The Defense Security Service (DSS) and the DoD Security Training Council (DSTC) are implementing a professionalization strategy for Security Professionals program called SPēD. When fully deployed, SPēD will provide a clear path to success for security professionals; outline training options, job aids, tools, certifications, and certificates based on the career decisions of the security workforce. Beta Test Phase for SPeD's Tier 1, Security Fundamentals, Professional Certification will begin Sept. 1, 2010, and run through Dec. 1, 2010. Click here to learn more about SPēD and get started.

New Subscriber Email Service

SETA is proud to announce the establishment of a new subscriber email service. Subscribers to the service will receive periodic emails regarding current or upcoming SETA events, products, services, processes, and projects. This will allow the subscribers a "peek behind the curtain" to see the things that we are working on as well as items of interest for our students.


The DSS Academy provides security education and training to DoD and other U.S. Government personnel, DoD contractors, and sponsored representatives of foreign governments. Its professional staff of instructors, technology professionals, and education support personnel combine expertise to create, collaborate and facilitate delivery of quality education and training across the security disciplines.


The DSS Academy is located in Anne Arundel County, MD, just a few miles from the Baltimore Washington International (BWI) Thurgood Marshall Airport at:
938 Elkridge Landing Road
Linthicum, MD 21090

See Student Information for directions.