Who We Are
In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 298 (NSDD 298). This directive established the National Operations Security Program as a means to identify, control, and protect unclassified information and evidence associated with U.S. national security programs and activities. Adversaries or competitors working against the interests of the United States can exploit this information if it is not properly protected.
The NSDD 298 named the Director, National Security Agency, as the Executive Agent for interagency OPSEC training and included in his responsibilites the estabishment and maintenance of the Interagency OPSEC Support Staff. By mandate, this organization shall include representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Engery, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense, including the National Security Agency. Other government agencies are encouraged to provide personnel to this staff and participate in interagency OPSEC forums.
The primary responsibility of the Interagency OPSEC Support Staff (IOSS) is to act as a consultant to other U.S government departments or agencies by providing technical guidance and assistance that will result in self-sufficient OPSEC programs for the protection of the U.S. operations. Members of the IOSS staff assess OPSEC programs, assist in OPSEC program development, conduct surveys, and provide training.
The IOSS further supports the National OPSEC Program by providing multimedia products and presenting events that attract attendees from the security, intelligence, research and development, acquisition, and law enforcement communities. These events include the National OPSEC Conference and Exhibition, the National Threat Symposium, and regional training symposia.
National OPSEC Program Members & Partners
National OPSEC Members
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Department of Defense
- Department of Energy
- Department of Homeland Security | General Services Administration
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- National Security Agency
IOSS Partners
- National Classification Management Society
- National Counterintelligence Executive
- National Nuclear Security Administration, Nevada Site Operations
- OPSEC Professionals Society
- Operations Security Professional's Association
Additionally, they have some great products which is why many visit their website. A sample is below:
Awareness Products
The IOSS produces a variety of products to augment your OPSEC program. All products are free of charge to members of the U.S. national security community (government agencies and their supporting contractors).
We would appreciate your feedback.
The IOSS strives to create products that are helpful OPSEC training and awareness tools for you. We are open to new ideas, suggestions and your comments. Please send your feedback to ioss@radium.ncsc.mil so that we can continue to produce quality products that benefit you.
Thank you,
Interagency OPSEC Support Staff