S2 Benefits
Current Events
How to Publish
GS Info
Investigative Research Info
Job Hunting

Jobs for Intel Personnel

Computer Info
ID Theft Help
Investment Info
Research Tools
Military Links
Military Info
Force Protection
Information Warfare
Military Retiree & Veteran Info
Security Classes
Country Studies
Country Studies Gen
Middle East
ACIDG Army Counterintell
MCCIA USMC Counterintell
ROK/US Marine Friendship 

S2 Online   (s2online) Principle Homepage for the busy S2 

We must share to get to mission accomplishment!


Freedom Isn't Free

Combined Brain Power is better than working alone.  

The mission of this site is to share SOPs and questions, especially for the non-MI who get thrown into a S2 slot with no training.  This will give you a system to ask questions, with out appearing the fool in front of your commander. We all have knowledge on a part of this business. If we share, we all look smart!  This is done in conjunction with our list server Security_Manager_Info. Membership is open to all .mil and .gov addresses.   Information may be found at:

© 1993-2002 Omni Sys. Enterprises, Inc.

All FREE Made Out of Individual's Dedication and Off Duty Time

Sign Up with the web form at

All FREE Made Out of Individual's Dedication and Off Duty Time

Jump to sections of this page by clicking on the links below. Many NEW links for 2002!
Current Events
Military info Intelligence Bosnia Military Retiree and Vet Info


Country Studies Middle East Korea ROK/US Marine Corps Friendship Asso Marine Corps Counterintelligence Association


GS Info Page Investigative Research Page


Search Engines Computer Information Investment Information
Force Protection Job Hunting Info! S2 Benefits Information Warfare Great Research Tool

All links tested and working on 5 Jan 02 in USFK/ Korea. Please report bad links found on these pages. © 1993-2002 Omni Sys. Enterprises, Inc.

If you have comments, improvements, or additional links to add, please email me! I look forward to hearing from you! Many new links recently added from readers sending them to me!

S2 Links  

DSS EPSQ Info For Clearances and Defense Security Service

  State Dept Travel Advisories

This State Dept link is great for all offices that have to prepare travel briefings.

All FREE Made Out of Individual's Dedication and Off Duty Time

Links For the S2, especially in Korea!

607th Weather Squadron


Army Central Personnel Security Clearance Facility

Army Signal Command

U.S. Army Central Personnel Security Clearance Facility (CCF)

Chosun Ilbo English Edition

CIAC Internet Hoaxes

Eighth United States Army Intranet Start Page

EPSQ Receipts System

ESP Extranet For Sec Prof - Official website for searching the U.S. Government

Korea Times

National Counterintelligence Center - Publications

Regional Computer Emergency Response Team - Korea

S2 ONLINE WebMail Log-In best

Selective Service -- Verification

The S2 Company

TSACS -- Home Page 

U.S. Army Central Personnel Security Clearance Facility

US Army Signal Command

US State Department - Services - Travel Warnings & Consular Information Sheets

World Wide Locator Req page

Zip Code Lookup and Address Information

Yonhap News Korea

Korea Infogate NEW!

AFN Korea

1Signal Bde-intranet

CNN FN Currency Converter

SEE The Stars and Stripes Newspaper Ad about OB Stadium and American Legion Post!

Links For the S2, everywhere!

  Internet Roadmap to Antiterrorism Sites

Dummies'  Manual for Tactical MI Geeks  NEW

Force Protection References

U.S. Army ODISC4 has computer-based training (CBT)

CIA World Factbook 

ISSO Certification Course

ISSO Course Recommended Websites, (Best list!)

Army Website Policy 30 Nov 98

DoD Web Policy

Protection of Transmitted Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Information

Information Management - Personal Computer Guidance

Federal Information Processing Standards Publications FIPSPUB 140-1 and applies to SBU

Rainbow Publications at the National Computer Security Center 

DoD Computer Network Defense

GSA Office of Information Technology Virtual IT Library

Joint Information Operations Center


Marine Corps CIO

Use of Anti-Viral (AV) Software in Army Automated Information Systems (AIS)

Computer Software Piracy Message DTG 141315Z Dec 98

US Army Publishing Agency Bookshelves

Fleet Internet Security Handbook


Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team

Army SSN Lookup ( Must be from a .mil computer)

Library of Congress Country Studies

The DA Dissemination Program Manager (DADPM) has put their open source country link pages (currently over 83 countries) on the Army Online Portal at'll have to log on using an Army Online userid/password. If you are not registered for the Army Online Portal, I suggest doing so. It's a great resource. You can register at  Any Active, reserve component, or retired soldier can register.

The Full Book: Security Clearances and the Protection of National Security Information: Law and Procedures.

ID Theft Help

NEW: Counterintelligence History Photo Page

Dummies'  Manual for Tactical MI Geeks  NEW

*New DOD Defending America Webpage

Click on picture for JRL info on:

Jobs for Intelligence Personnel  NEW!


All FREE Made Out of Individual's Dedication and Off Duty Time

The Army Counterintelligence Discussion Group (ACIDG) mailing list is open to all active, reserve, former, and retired Army Counterintelligence Special Agents who held the MOS 97B, 351B, 35E, 36A or GS-0132 civilians who are graduates of the US Army CI Special Agent Course. This is a private moderated list. Membership requests will be approved by the Listowner after verification of a subscribers CI status. The primary purpose of the list is to discuss CI trends, news, current events, and history and serve as a general professional forum for current, former, and retired Army CI Special Agents to hold virtual discussions in a professional forum. ACIDG was founded 2 years before Security_Manager_Info list server/discussion group.  The USMC CI Asso list was apx 3 years before ACIDG.  Both of these list success was what spawned Security_Manager_Info list server.

Subscribing is easy, if you qualify, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

We have begin requiring new members to fill out a web form at

If any list members would like to act as a POC and sponsor for Agents assigned to their active/Reserve Component unit, please contact us off list at the below address:

WEBPAGE  Of info on Joining ACIDG

Webpage of 

If you do not fall into the ACIDG field of membership but desire to learn about CI, sign up at this web site 

This is an adaptation of an old webpage of mine that was for CI.  It will soon get more S2 oriented information. Your sending in links will greatly help!!  

JRL Investigative Research Info Page

This is for all those people who get the hoaxes.  Great links to check hoax virus and good deals.


Graphic. The Acronym Finder is ©1988-98, Mountain Data Systems, All Rights Reserved.

Acronym to find (example = CIA):
[Implied wildcard at the end of the acronym]
Reverse Lookup | Help



All-In-One Seach Page, with even dictionary.

THANKS Nick for the submission!

Want to know the history of the word Counterintelligence? Click here!

All FREE Made Out of Individual's Dedication and Off Duty Time


Military Retiree Info

VA Page. Outstanding info to include Newest Vet Benefits Handbook

DOD Finance and Accounting Office (DFAS)

U.S. Army Online - U.S. Department of Defense Alumni Search Form

Department of Veteran Affairs.

National Personnel Records Center

INet® Page on Veteran's Affairs

U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs

American Veterans - a page of links

SEE The Stars and Stripes Newspaper Ad about OB Stadium and American Legion Post!
DORS DOD Jobs Placement Assistance

Join Marine Corps Counterintelligence Assoc, (MCCIA)


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Some may have been in 513th and remember this!

Email me if you remember:

Other important sites


Want to join the Military Control Center Web Ring

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Search Engines for the items you can't find. 

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Especially Linkstar. Click on the Icon. Great Service! They support this page! 
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Infoseek Guide

The best way to find what you want on the Net. Type in words and phrases to find information about:

in World Wide Web Infoseek Select Sites Categories of Sites Usenet newsgroups Web FAQs (Search tips)

WebCrawler Seach Engine

Lycos Search

Excite Search List

AAA World Announce Archive. They have a good search engine, more international!

Email me if you have other good links for this page!

License Plate Look Up, World Wide and Diplomatic Plates 

607th Weather Sqdn Yongsan

TDY/TAD Per Diem Rate Information

DOD Travel Regs web mail access link    (Email me if you desire an email account.)  

© 1993-2002 Omni Sys. Enterprises, Inc.

To Subscribe to Security_Manager_Info:

Email your comments and fixes to

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